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Last active April 5, 2023 14:36
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Javascript :: Objects II: Examples #js
// takes in and adds arrays or amounts and activities
function lastFridayNight(transactions) {
let mySum = 0;
for (let i=0; i < transactions.length; i++) {
let transaction = transactions[i];
mySum += transaction.amount;
return mySum;
// refactoring above with Spread functionality:
function lastFridayNight(transactions) {
let mysum = 0;
for (let i=0; i < transactions.length; i++) {
const { amount } = transactions[i];
mysum += amount;
return mysum;
// comparing object keys -- need to test both objects against each other
function compareObjects(obj1, obj2) {
for (let key in obj1) {
if (obj1[key] !== obj2[key]) {
return false;
for (let key in obj2) {
if (obj2[key] !== obj1[key]) {
return false;
return true;
// translate 1:1 mapping
function leetTranslator(myString) {
let translation = '';
for (let i=0; i < myString.length; i++) {
let currentChar = myString.charAt(i).toLowerCase();
translation += leetChars[letters.indexOf(currentChar)];
return translation;
// pulling from nested objects, given array:
let animalNoises = [
{ 'dog': {
'America' : 'Woof! Woof!',
'Germany' : 'Wau Wau!',
'England' : 'Bow wow!',
'Uruguay' : 'Jua jua!',
'Afrikaans' : 'Blaf!',
'Korea' : 'Mong mong!',
'Iceland' : 'Voff voff!',
'Albania' : 'Ham!',
'Algeria' : 'Ouaf ouaf!'
{ 'cat': {
'America' : 'Meow',
'Germany' : 'Miauw!',
'England' : 'mew mew',
'Uruguay' : 'Miau Miau!',
'Afrikaans' : 'Purr',
'Korea' : 'Nyaong!',
'Iceland' : 'Kurnau!',
'Albania' : 'Miau',
'Algeria' : 'Miaou!'
{ 'chicken': {
'America' : 'Cluck cluck',
'Germany' : 'tock tock tock',
'England' : 'Cluck Cluck',
'Uruguay' : 'gut gut gdak',
'Afrikaans' : 'kukeleku',
'Korea' : 'ko-ko-ko',
'Iceland' : 'Chuck-chuck!',
'Albania' : 'Kotkot',
'Algeria' : 'Cotcotcodet'
function petSounds(animal, country) {
for (let i = 0; i < animalNoises.length; i++) {
let currentObj = animalNoises[i];
let currentSound = currentObj[animal];
if (currentSound) {
let animalType = `${animal[0].toUpperCase()}${animal.slice(1)}s`;
let animalSound = currentSound[country];
return `${animalType} in ${country} say ${animalSound}`;
> [Animals] in [country] say [sound]
// create object counting how many occurrences of a certain letter are in a string
function frequencyAnalysis(string) {
let charFrequencies = {};
for (i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
let currChar = string[i];
if (!charFrequencies[currChar]) {
charFrequencies[currChar] = 1;
else {
return charFrequencies;
// given an array with nested objects, make new array with day of week attendance per student
let classRoom = [
"Marnie" : [
{"Monday" : true},
{"Tuesday" : true},
{"Wednesday" : true},
{"Thursday" : true},
{"Friday" : true}
"Lena" : [
{"Monday" : false},
{"Tuesday" : false},
{"Wednesday" : true},
{"Thursday" : false},
{"Friday" : true}
"Shoshanna" : [
{"Monday" : true},
{"Tuesday" : true},
{"Wednesday" : false},
{"Thursday" : true},
{"Friday" : false}
"Jessa" : [
{"Monday" : false},
{"Tuesday" : false},
{"Wednesday" : false},
{"Thursday" : false},
{"Friday" : true}
function attendanceCheck(dayOfWeek) {
let studentsPresent = [];
for (let i = 0; i < classRoom.length; i++) {
let studentObj = classRoom[i];
let studentName = Object.keys(studentObj)[0]
let attendanceObjs = studentObj[studentName];
for (let j = 0; j < attendanceObjs.length; j++) {
let attendanceObj = attendanceObjs[j];
let dayName = Object.keys(attendanceObj)[0];
let presentOnDay = attendanceObj[dayName];
if (dayName === dayOfWeek && presentOnDay) {
} return studentsPresent;
// Object.entries
// Object.entries: returns an array of arrays, each array within it contains the key/value pair - allowing us to avoid extra work
// so refactor the above to use Object.entries:
function attendanceCheck(dayOfWeek) {
let studentsPresent = [];
for (let i = 0; i < classRoom.length; i++) {
let studentObj = classRoom[i];
let [studentName, attendanceObjs] = Object.entries(studentObj)[0]
for (let j = 0; j < attendanceObjs.length; j++) {
let attendanceObj = attendanceObjs[j];
let [dayName, presentOnDay] = Object.entries(attendanceObj)[0];
if (dayName === dayOfWeek && presentOnDay) {
} return studentsPresent;
// writing our own Splice function
function mySplice(anArr, startIdx, deleteCount, ...args) {
// Store the beginning of the array
let startElements = [];
// Store the deleted elements
let deletedElements = [];
// Take everything from before the startIdx and store it in the startElements array
for (let i = 0; i < startIdx; i++) {
// Then delete everything by removing an element per deleteCount from the new start of the array
for (let i = 0; i < deleteCount; i++) {
// Insert the added elements into the array
for (let i = args.length -1; i>=0; i--) {
let currentArg = args[i];
// reattach the beginning elements onto the array
for (let i = startElements.length -1; i>=0; i--) {
let currentStartElement = startElements[i];
// return the deleted elements
return deletedElements;
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