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Created April 9, 2018 13:25
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Few Kubernetes commands I used during video course
minikube start - to start minikube
minikube status - to check the status
kubectl get nodes - to return nodes
minikube dashboard - to open darshboard
kubeadm init - set nodes up to master
kubectl run ghost --image=ghost - create deployment from dockerhub
kubectl delete deployments ghost - to delete deployment
kubectl proxy - to start proxy on localhost
kubectl create ns test - to create namespace test
kubetl get ns - to get namespaces
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces - to show all namespaces
kubectl create quota foobar --hard pods=1 - hardlock for only 1 pods / creating quota
kubectl get resourcequotas - to get quotas list
kubectl get pods --show-labels - to show labels
kubectl label pods ghost foo=bar - to create a label and add ghost to it
kubectl get pods -l foo=bar - to search by labels
kubectl get rs - to get replicasset
kubect lscale rs ghost --replicas==2 - to set repilas max to 2
------------------QUICK DEPLOYMENT-----------
kubectl run ghostone --image=ghost:1.7 --port 2368 --expose=true - to create quick deployment and expose
kubectl edit svc ghostone - to edit a service ( change type: ClusterIP to NodePort to run)
----------------HELM package menager----------------
helm init - to init helm
helm search redis - to search redis using helm
helm install stable/redis - to install using helm
helm ls
--------------Useful Curl's----------------
curl -H "Content-type : application/json" --data @pod.json -XPOST http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods - to post pod
curl -XDELETE localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/ghost - to delete from pod
curl -s localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces | jq -r .items[] - to return namespaces
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