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Last active January 10, 2023 04:55
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A proposal for a new type of magic mod

Github DM me on discord ueaj#0086


So, every mod has lore that explains how the mod functions, and usually the mod follows the logic outlined in the lore. In this mod, the content of the mod is finding out the lore.

The mod

You make up theories, kindof how in minecraft people like to make up lore (even though there is none), and based on those theories you experiment. For example if u think the mod operates on a doodle god (greek elements) like system, you'd put fire and water together an expect alcohol. If your theory is right, you're rewarded with alcohol, if it's not, you get nothing. But, to draw out the discovery process, we can make the lore undiscoverable with vanilla items, you need to make incomplete theories first. And in testing those incomplete theories, you will find things that agree with it, and things that don't. When you find something that isn't explained by your theory, you need to make a new one. If you truely understand your theory, you'll be able to do alot of experiments, and gain materials that you haven't had access to. Those materials will help you disprove your current theory. For example, water + fire may make alcohol, but alcohol + something != what you expect. The only way for you to have known your current theory was wrong, was to invent an incomplete theory first. Each "theory" unlocks the next, until you find the final theory.

The mod would be designed to be 'uncrackable', there would be no way of learning this system by reading the code, you could only do it through experimentation. Which I promise you, is infact possible while remaining open source and trustable. The intent is for this to be a community experience, you could of course just make a mod that is complicated, and everyone who's figured it out or read a community wiki would be done but that's lame and it's been done a million times.

I have not yet devised this lore/system, which is one of the things I need help with.


The way it would work, is that there would be interactions/features/mechanics that all follow this system of physics. If you understand a theory, you should be able to estimate behavior, if fire + a = b and blaze powder = fire, then blaze powder + a should make b. Obviously not all player created theories will have predictive power, but true system(s) should so the player is rewarded for figuring it out.

Some places to insert mechanics:

  • modular tool attributes and abilities (think TiCo attributes + Thaumcraft Aspects)
  • modular armor
  • modular trinkets
  • in-world mechanics (why goes gravel and sand fall, but not anything else (just an example))
  • A benefit is that in-world mechanics can also be used to manufacture the technology needed to advance to the next theory. It is also very easy to hide
  • Processing trees for special materials. Special materials are harder to hide though


The mod has to be fun, obviously.

To make the mod engaging, there should be multiple theories, and each theory "unlocks" new tech in the mod, that helps you in discovering the 'next theory' as well as normal rewards (QOL items, weapons, etc.).


When I mean "unlock", I mean literal discovery not some quest or ingame feature. The human infront of the screen should come up with a theory on their own, and use it to innovate and be rewarded.

For example, in real life, the incorrect theories of how light worked still lead to numerous discoveries, some of which enabled the creation of experiments which ultimately lead to their downfall. Because of the 'obfuscation', I hope we can drag out the discovery of the true system of physics as long as possible, making figuring it out a true community experience. A mod that you don't learn and complete in a day or week, but can last months or years and still reward you every step of the way.

Official Server

I think there should be an official server, for a few reasons.

A) You can experiment much faster in creative mode than in survival, and the official server can have extra content and mechanics. The more extra mechanics there are, the higher the chance someone on the server will find one that contradicts the most widely held theory, allowing 'science' to advance faster than creative mode. Encouraging people to play in survival, helping drag out the process and the fun for others. Additionally, it means there is more to discover, even if you do go into creative, you wont be able to figure out everything on the server.
B) A central server helps coordinate efforts by the community
C) We can keep track of achievements without exposing any revealing code (that ones a little complicated I can explain later)
D) rewards that give a competitive advantage over other players will have a bigger impact on an active server

I'm sold!

I'm looking for artists, creative people and developers. I am a mod developer.

DM me on discord ueaj#0086

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