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Last active January 30, 2018 02:40
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  • Save DevanB/13746fc4b9d89f5677278ead9dd0df02 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Install Homebrew

  1. Open
  2. Execute /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Install Node (through NVM)

  1. In execute touch ~/.bash_profile
  2. Execute curl -o- | bash
  3. After it has completed installing, restart
  4. Execute nvm, if you a bunch of text about node version manager then...
  5. Execute nvm install node
  6. Execute nvm alias default node

If you see nvm: command not found

  1. Execute vi ~/.bash_profile
  2. Press GG (yes, two captial Gs in a row)
  3. Press i, then type source ~/.bashrc
  4. Press ZZ (yes, two captial Zs in a row), this will close the editor
  5. Restart the
  6. Execute nvm install node
  7. Execute nvm alias default node

Install various packages and applications

  1. Execute brew install trash git tree
  2. Execute brew cask install visual-studio-code firefox-developer-edition
  3. Execute npm i -g yarn create-react-app
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