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Created March 12, 2020 12:55
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Generated by XState Viz:
const testMachine = Machine(
id: 'Machine',
initial: 'welcome',
context: {
currentQuestion: 0,
currentQuestionDisplay: 1,
questions: [],
totalCorrectAnswers: 0,
states: {
welcome: {
on: {
START_QUIZ: 'loading',
meta: {
test: ({getByTestId}) => {
loading: {
on: {
target: 'quiz',
actions: 'resolveData',
FAILURE: 'failure',
meta: {
test: ({getByTestId}) => {
failure: {
on: {
RETRY: 'loading',
START_OVER: 'welcome',
meta: {
test: ({getByTestId}) => {
quiz: {
on: {
'': {
target: 'results',
cond: 'allQuestionsAnswered',
actions: 'updateAnswer',
actions: 'updateAnswer',
meta: {
test: ({getByTestId}) => {
results: {
on: {
PLAY_AGAIN: 'welcome',
meta: {
test: ({getByTestId}) => {
exit: 'resetGame',
actions: {
resetGame: assign({
currentQuestion: 0,
currentQuestionDisplay: 1,
questions: [],
totalCorrectAnswers: 0,
resolveData: assign({
questions: [
category: 'Entertainment: Video Games',
question: 'Unturned originally started as a Roblox game.',
correctAnswer: true,
userAnswer: undefined,
correct: undefined,
category: 'Entertainment: Comics',
'In the comic book "Archie", Betty is friends with Veronica because she is rich.',
correctAnswer: false,
userAnswer: undefined,
correct: undefined,
category: 'Entertainment: Video Games',
'In Undertale, having a "Fun Value" set to 56-57 will play the "Wrong Number Song Call".',
correctAnswer: false,
userAnswer: undefined,
correct: undefined,
category: 'Entertainment: Video Games',
'TF2: Sentry rocket damage falloff is calculated ba…try and the enemy, not the engineer and the enemy',
correctAnswer: false,
userAnswer: undefined,
correct: undefined,
category: 'Mythology',
'Rannamaari was a sea demon that haunted the people…ased monthly with the sacrifice of a virgin girl.',
correctAnswer: true,
userAnswer: undefined,
correct: undefined,
category: 'General Knowledge',
question: 'In Scandinavian languages, the letter Å means river.',
correctAnswer: true,
userAnswer: undefined,
correct: undefined,
category: 'Entertainment: Music',
question: 'The band STRFKR was also briefly known as Pyramiddd.',
correctAnswer: true,
userAnswer: undefined,
correct: undefined,
category: 'Politics',
"Nazi Germany surrendered on Harry Truman's birthday while he was president.",
correctAnswer: true,
userAnswer: undefined,
correct: undefined,
category: 'Celebrities',
"Lady Gaga's real name is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta.",
correctAnswer: true,
userAnswer: undefined,
correct: undefined,
category: 'History',
"During the Winter War, the amount of Soviet Union … went missing was five times more than Finland's.",
correctAnswer: true,
userAnswer: undefined,
correct: undefined,
updateAnswer: assign((ctx, event) => {
console.log({currentQuestion: ctx.currentQuestion})
console.log({question: ctx.questions[ctx.currentQuestion]})
return {
questions: [
...ctx.questions.slice(0, ctx.currentQuestion),
userAnswer: event.answer,
ctx.questions[ctx.currentQuestion].correctAnswer === event.answer,
...ctx.questions.slice(ctx.currentQuestion + 1),
ctx.questions[ctx.currentQuestion].correctAnswer === event.answer
? (ctx.totalCorrectAnswers += 1)
: ctx.totalCorrectAnswers,
currentQuestion: ctx.currentQuestion += 1,
currentQuestionDisplay: ctx.currentQuestionDisplay += 1,
guards: {
allQuestionsAnswered: ctx => {
console.log(ctx.questions.filter((q) => q.correct !== undefined))
return ctx.questions.length === ctx.currentQuestionDisplay && true
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