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Created September 19, 2016 17:26
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Arcus Ethernet Motor Class based on QT
* Constructor. Miscellaneous initilization of some variables.
DMX_ETH_17_Motor::DMX_ETH_17_Motor() {
isConnected = false;
mSocket = new QTcpSocket();
* Returns whether or not the motor is connected.
* @return bool, true if the motor is connected, false otherwise.
bool DMX_ETH_17_Motor::getIsConnected() {
return isConnected;
* Connect to the DMX ETH 17-3 motor.
* Usese standard sockets (TCP-IP) to connect to the motor over ethernet.
* The IP address and port number does not change.
* @return, result code from trying to connect, -1 if no connection made, not -1
* otherwise, note sure what it will be when connected.
int DMX_ETH_17_Motor::connectMotor() {
if (!isConnected) {
if (mSocket->waitForConnected(5000)) {
isConnected = true;
return 1;
else {
return -1;
else {
return 0;
* Disconnects the motor.
void DMX_ETH_17_Motor::disconnectMotor() {
if (isConnected) {
if (mSocket->waitForDisconnected()) {
isConnected = false;
* Sends a command to the motor.
* @param command, the command to the motor, without null termination.
* @return int, basically true(1) or false(0) based on if it send the command
successfully, this does not indicate that the command was receieve by the
int DMX_ETH_17_Motor::sendCommand(std::string command) {
//add null terminator to command.
command += std::string(COMMAND_END);
char sendBuffer[50];
//check for connection.
if (isConnected) {
//put command in buffer.
strcpy(sendBuffer, command.c_str());
int sendResult, bytesSent = 0;
int bufferLength = strlen(sendBuffer);
bool sent = mSocket->waitForBytesWritten(2000);
return sent == true ? 1 : 0;
return 0;
* Listens for a command from the motor. Has a timeout defined by DMX_ETH_RECEIEVE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS.
* @return std::string representing the receieved response from the motor.
std::string DMX_ETH_17_Motor::receiveResponse() {
//byte array buffer for data.
QByteArray *data = new QByteArray();
//wait to be ready to read, up to 2 seconds.
bool ready = mSocket->waitForReadyRead(2000);
//if we're ready read the socket.
if (ready) {
while (mSocket->bytesAvailable() > 0) {
//append the data to the buffer.
//if we receieved data write it to a string and return it.
if (data->size() > 0) {
std::string strData(data->constData());
return strData;
else {
//otherwise return an empty string.
return std::string("");
* Sends and receieves a message. This blocks until both functions are done.
* @param command, the command to send the motors.
* @return std::string the reply from the motor.
std::string DMX_ETH_17_Motor::sendReceive(std::string command) {
if (sendCommand(command)) {
return receiveResponse();
else {
//couldn't send command.
return std::string("FAIL");
* Gets the expected return type for the response for the motor, based on the given
* command.
* @param command, the string representing the command, see the define statements in
the motor header file.
* @return Return_Type, and enumeration of response types, either OK, BINARY, TWENTY_EIGHT_BIT,
THIRTY_TWO_BIT, or DMX_LONG (a long/int)
Return_Type DMX_ETH_17_Motor::getCommandReturnType(std::string command) {
//commands that return OK.
if (command == STOP_IMMEDIATELY || command == ABSOLUTE_MOVE || command == SET_ACCELERATION_MILLIS
|| command == SET_POWER_DISABLED || command == SET_POWER_ENABLED || command == SET_ENCODER_VALUE
|| command == SET_HIGH_SPEED_SETTING || command == HOME_NEGATIVE || command == HOME_NEGATIVE
|| command == SET_POLARITY || command == SET_POSITION || command == READ_DRIVER_PARAMETERS
|| command == SET_S_CURVE || command == STOP_MOTOR_WITH_DECEL || command == STORE_SETTINGS_TO_FLASH
|| command == ON_THE_FLY_TARGET_CHANGE || command == MOVE_ABSOLUTE
|| command == GET_STEP_N_LOOP_RATIO || command == GET_STEP_N_LOOP_TOLERANCE) {
return DMX_OK;
//Binary return commands
else if (command == READ_DIGITAL_INPUT_ONE || command == READ_DIGITAL_INPUT_TWO
|| command == GET_POWER_ENABLED || command == GET_RETURN_ZERO_ENABLE
|| command == GET_STEP_N_LOOP_ENABLED) {
return BINARY;
//28 bit return commands
else if (command == READ_DELTA || command == GET_ENCODER_VALUE || command == GET_HOME_CORRECTION_AMOUNT
|| command == GET_LIMIT_CORRECTION_AMOUNT || command == GET_POSITION) {
//long return commands
return DMX_LONG;
//default, return ok.
else {
return DMX_OTHER;
* Sends a message with a given input and receieves the response. This blocks until
* both the sending and receiving has completed.
* @param command, the command to send the motor.
* @param input, the input to add to the command.
* @return std::string the reply from the motor.
std::string DMX_ETH_17_Motor::sendReceiveWithInput(std::string command, std::string input) {
std::string sendString = command + input;
if (sendCommand(sendString)) {
return receiveResponse();
else {
return std::string("FAIL");
* Homes the motor.
void DMX_ETH_17_Motor::home() {
//TODO: Home the motor.
* Moves the motor to an absolute position based on the position counter.
* @param absPosition, the target absolute position.
std::string DMX_ETH_17_Motor::moveTo(int absPosition) {
if (isConnected) {
char buff[50];
sprintf(buff, "%d", absPosition);
return sendReceiveWithInput(MOVE_ABSOLUTE, buff);
return std::string("FAIL");
* Moves the motor and blocks until the motor has stopped moving. In other words,
* this function would return until the motor has stopped moving.
* @param absPosition the absolute position to move the motor to.
* @return std::string the response from the motor.
std::string DMX_ETH_17_Motor::moveToAndWait(int absPosition) {
if (isConnected) {
char buff[50];
sprintf(buff, "%d", absPosition);
std::string resp = sendReceiveWithInput(MOVE_ABSOLUTE, buff);
int* status = readMotorStatus();
while (status[0] == 1 || status[1] == 1 || status[2] == 1) {
status = readMotorStatus();
return resp;
else {
return std::string("FAIL");
* Move the motor to an absolute degree position (for reference with the mirror
* assembly, 0 degrees is having the mirror assembly perfectly vertical)
* @param degrees, the absolute degree position to move the motor to.
std::string DMX_ETH_17_Motor::moveToDegrees(int degrees) {
//TODO: Impletement absolute degree movement. Should be limited to +- 90 or 0 to
// 180 degrees.
if (isConnected) {
//power up first.
//calculate how many steps we need to move.
double fullRotationRatio = (double)degrees / 360.0f;
double steps = DMX_PULLEY_RATIO * fullRotationRatio * 10000.0f;
//move and wait.
std::string moveResp = moveToAndWait((int)steps);
return moveResp;
else {
return std::string("FAIL");
* Move the motor by a certain number of degrees. This will just cause the motor to
* move by a certain amount, corresponding to the degree number. Direction is indicated
* by the sign of the number.
* @param degrees, the number of degrees to move.
std::string DMX_ETH_17_Motor::moveDegrees(int degrees) {
//check if we're connected first.
if (isConnected) {
//check for power.
//convert to steps.
double fullRotationRatio = (double)degrees / 360.0f;
double steps = DMX_PULLEY_RATIO * fullRotationRatio * 10000.0f;
//set move mode to incremental, not absolute.
std::string resp = sendReceive(SET_MOVE_MODE_INCREMENTAL);
//execute the movement.
std::string moveResp = moveToAndWait((int)steps);
//set movement mode back to absolute.
std::string setMovementResp = sendReceive(ABSOLUTE_MOVE);
return moveResp;
else {
return std::string("FAIL");
* Returns the position of the motor. This is from the position counter, not the encoder.
* @return int the position.
int DMX_ETH_17_Motor::getPosition() {
std::string resp = sendReceive(GET_POSITION);
int position = stoi(resp);
return position;
* Returns the degree position of the pulley. This should refer to the angle of the
* mirror assembly.
* @return int the degrees with respect to vertical.
int DMX_ETH_17_Motor::getPositionDegrees() {
int position = getPosition();
int degrees = (position * 360) / (DMX_PULLEY_RATIO * 10000);
return degrees;
* Checks to see if the motor is powered. This function will return false if the
* motor is not powered or if the motor is not connected to.
* @return bool, true if powered, false otherwise.
bool DMX_ETH_17_Motor::isPowered() {
if (isConnected) {
std::string binary = sendReceive(GET_POWER_ENABLED);
int bin = atoi(binary.c_str());
return bin == 1;
else {
return false;
* Powers up the motor if it is not powered up already.
void DMX_ETH_17_Motor::powerUp() {
if (isConnected) {
std::string binary = sendReceive(GET_POWER_ENABLED);
int bin = atoi(binary.c_str());
if (bin == 0) {
//not powered up.
std::string resp = sendReceive(SET_POWER_ENABLED);
//TODO: Check response to see if successful.
* Powers down the motor if it is powered up.
void DMX_ETH_17_Motor::powerDown() {
if (isConnected) {
std::string binary = sendReceive(GET_POWER_ENABLED);
int bin = atoi(binary.c_str());
if (bin == 1) {
//powered so shut down.
std::string resp = sendReceive(SET_POWER_DISABLED);
//TODO: Check response to see if successful.
* Enables Step N Loop movement algorithm.
void DMX_ETH_17_Motor::enableStepNLoop() {
if (isConnected) {
std::string resp = sendReceive(GET_STEP_N_LOOP_ENABLED);
int bin = atoi(resp.c_str());
if (bin == 0) {
//not enabled.
std::string success = sendReceiveWithInput(SET_STEP_N_LOOP_ENABLED, std::string("1"));
//TODO: Check response.
* Configures the step n loop algorithm to have the proper ratio value. This value is
* calculated by setting the position and encoder values to 0 and then moving the motor
* 1000 pulses. Then 1000 is divided by the new econder value and this is set as the
* Step N Loop ratio. This is based on page 35 of the DMX ETH Manual.
void DMX_ETH_17_Motor::configureStepNLoop() {
if (isConnected) {
//we are connected so enable stepNloop just in case it isn't enabled.
//set encoder and position values to 0.
std::string succ = sendReceiveWithInput(SET_ENCODER_VALUE, std::string("0"));
std::string succTwo = sendReceiveWithInput(SET_POSITION, std::string("0"));
//move 1000 pulses.
std::string succThree = sendReceiveWithInput(MOVE_ABSOLUTE, std::string("1000"));
//Get the motor status.
std::string strStatus = sendReceive(GET_STEP_N_LOOP_STATUS);
//Get the int status.
int status = atoi(strStatus.c_str());
Status can be between 0 and 13. Only 0 means the motor is idle.
1 = Moving
2 = Correcting
3 = Stopping
4 = Aborting
5 = Jogging
6 = Homing
7 = Z-Homing
8 = Correction Range Error
9 = Correction Attempt Error
10 = Stall Error
11 = Limit Error
12 = N/A, Step N Loop not enabled
13 = Limit homing.
while (status != 0) {
//update the status.
std::string strStatus = sendReceive(GET_STEP_N_LOOP_STATUS);
status = atoi(strStatus.c_str());
//read the encoder values.
std::string encoderVal = sendReceive(GET_ENCODER_VALUE);
int val = atoi(encoderVal.c_str());
int ratio = 1000 / abs(val);
//put the ratio in a Cstring.
char input[50];
sprintf(input, "%d", ratio);
//set the loop ratio value.
std::string succFour = sendReceiveWithInput(SET_STEP_N_LOOP_RATIO, input);
//TODO: Check for successes with OK response.
* Reads the motor status and puts the bits into an array.
* @return int*, pointer to an array of bits, with length 10. See page 32 of
the motor user manual for more info.
Bit 0 = Motor running at constant speed.
Bit 1 = Motor in acceleration.
Bit 2 = Motor in deceleration.
Bit 3 = Home input switch status.
Bit 4 = Minus limit input switch status.
Bit 5 = Plus limit input switch status.
Bit 6 = Minus limit error.
Bit 7 = Plus limit error.
Bit 8 = Latch input status.
Bit 9 = Z-index status
Bit 10 = TOC time-out status.
int* DMX_ETH_17_Motor::readMotorStatus() {
MotorStatus status;
std::string resp = sendReceive(GET_MOTOR_STATUS);
int num = atoi(resp.c_str());
return intToBits(num, 11);
* Reads the polarity from the motor. This is the polarity for many signals from the
* motor.
* @return int*, pointer to an array of bits, with length 14. See page 34 of the
user manual for more info.
Bit 0 = Reserved
Bit 1 = Direction
Bit 2 = Reserved
Bit 3 = Reserved
Bit 4 = Limit
Bit 5 = Home
Bit 6 = Latch
Bit 7 = Z-Channel Index
Bit 8, 9 = Encoder decoding
00 -> 1X
01 -> 2X
10 -> 4X
Bit 10 = Digital Output
Bit 11 = Digital Input
Bit 12 = Jump to line 0 on error
Bit 13 = Enable Output
int* DMX_ETH_17_Motor::readPolarity() {
std::string resp = sendReceive(GET_POLARITY);
int pol = atoi(resp.c_str());
return intToBits(pol, 14);
* Switches the direction of the motor.
void DMX_ETH_17_Motor::switchMotorDirection() {
int* bits = readPolarity();
//need to change bit 1.
bits[1] = bits[1] == 0 ? 1 : 0;
int num = bitsToInt(bits, 14);
char input[50];
sprintf(input, "%d", num);
std::string succ = sendReceiveWithInput(SET_POLARITY, input);
//TODO: Check for success.
* Reads a bit from an integer.
* @param number, the number to read from.
* @param byteToRead, the bit position to read from, 0 LSB based.
int DMX_ETH_17_Motor::readBit(int number, int byteToRead) {
return (number >> byteToRead) & 1;
* Turns an integer into an array of bits. Reads the integer bit wise and puts these
* values into an array.
* @param number, the integer number to read from.
* @param numberOfBits, the number of bits that make up the number.
* @return int*, a pointer to the created array of bits, the length of this array will
correspond to {@param numberOfBits}
int* DMX_ETH_17_Motor::intToBits(int number, int numberOfBits) {
int * arrayOfBits = new int[numberOfBits];
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBits; i++) {
arrayOfBits[i] = readBit(number, i);
return arrayOfBits;
* Converts a array of bits to an integer.
* @param bits, the array of bits (0's and 1's)
* @param numBits, the total number of bits that make up the integer.
* @return int, the integer.
int DMX_ETH_17_Motor::bitsToInt(int bits[], int numBits) {
int answer = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numBits; i++) {
if (bits[i] != 0) {
answer += (int)pow((double)2.0, (double)i);
return answer;
* Helper function to get a human readable string of an error.
* @param error, the error from WSAGetLastError()
* @return CString, string representation of error. Cast from LPSTR.
std::string DMX_ETH_17_Motor::getErrorMessage(int error) {
return std::string("error");
* This class encapsulates the DMX ETH 17-3 Series motor and handles the
* socket management and the sending and receieving of commands.
* Example:
* DMX_ETH_17_Motor mMotor();
* int main() {
* mMotor.connectMotor();
* mMotor.sendCommand(JOG_MOTOR_POSITIVE);
* std::string response = mMotor.receieveResponse();
* }
class DMX_ETH_17_Motor {
int connectMotor();
void disconnectMotor();
int sendCommand(std::string command);
std::string receiveResponse();
std::string sendReceive(std::string command);
std::string sendReceiveWithInput(std::string command, std::string input);
std::string getErrorMessage(int error);
Return_Type getCommandReturnType(std::string command);
bool getIsConnected();
void home();
std::string moveTo(int absPosition);
std::string moveToAndWait(int absPosition);
std::string moveToDegrees(int degrees);
std::string moveDegrees(int degrees);
int getPosition();
int getPositionDegrees();
bool isPowered();
void powerUp();
void powerDown();
void enableStepNLoop();
void configureStepNLoop();
int* readMotorStatus();
int* readPolarity();
void switchMotorDirection();
bool isConnected;
QTcpSocket *mSocket;
int nPacket;
char recvBuffer[50];
void noConnection();
int readBit(int number, int byteToRead);
int* intToBits(int number, int numberOfBits);
int bitsToInt(int * bits, int numBits);
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