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Created April 30, 2017 20:55
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A search engine for the years to come. version 0.1, not working, needs improvement
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//Here is the magic! \/
function results(form) {
var search = form.inputbox.value;
if (search === "domestic cat", "domestic cats", "cats", "cat") {
alert("You searched " + search + "." + " The domestic cat, also called Felis catus, is a small, typically furry, carnivorous mammal, with over 70 breeds, such as Maine Coon and Persian. They weigh about 9 to 10 pounds, though the heaviest was 50 pounds and the lightest at one pound. There are about 600 million of them in the world, excluding wild ones. They live for 12 to 18 years.");
} else if (search === "dog", "dogs") {
alert("You searched " + search + "." + " Dogs, also known as Canis lupus familiaris, are also the most wildly abundant carnivore. There are 525 million, and the lighted was 1/4 of a pound, while the heaviest was 343 pounds. They are expected to live 10 to 13 years.");
} else {
alert("This is not a search yet.");
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