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Created January 29, 2015 15:53
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[08:51:53] <dddev> fight that urge if you want others to help
[08:51:53] <joekarl> and that's why I'm stuck
[08:51:53] <joekarl> I want the code to be simple and lean, but that means custom install which means others can't help
[08:51:53] <joekarl> πŸ˜‘
[08:51:53] <joekarl> I just want to stay away from having random tools as dependencies and it seems that angular wants to head that direction
[08:51:53] <dddev> like what?
[08:51:53] <joekarl> well I suppose that's an unfair criticism, I guess more of the fact that setting this app up I feel like I need to strip out things is annoying
[08:51:53] <joekarl> which is probably more of the yeoman generator than angular
[08:51:53] <joekarl> anyways, I'll shutup now lol
[08:51:53] <dddev> Yeah. I'm generally not a fan of generators.
[08:51:53] <joekarl> so would my best bet be to just put together the angular pieces by hand and forgo yeoman all together?
[08:51:53] <joekarl> gorsuch:
[08:51:53] <dddev> I think so
[08:51:53] <joekarl> go for frontend πŸ˜ƒ
[08:51:53] <dddev> I'm in
[08:51:53] <gorsuch> this is such a good idea.
[08:51:53] <joekarl> lol
[08:51:53] <dddev> GOrsuch
[08:51:53] <gorsuch> hahaha
[08:51:53] <OldTroll> i'm currently having feels about Angular+Jenkins, but it could be the newbie-ness...
[08:51:53] ChaosEvoker is imagining OldTroll sobbing at his desk listening to Simple Plan with Jenkins on one monitor and directives on the other.
[08:51:53] <OldTroll> ChaosEvoker is so very wrong. The OldTroll only has on monitor... he's *that* Old. And Troll.
[08:51:53] <OldTroll> Okay, just what were they drinking when they thought this whole npm install -g thing was clever.
[08:51:53] <OldTroll> "ENOGIT git is not installed or not in the PATH" Troll-Level: Unholy Ninja.
[08:51:53] <flippmoke> Has anyone here used node-mapnik?
[08:51:53] <flippmoke> Just curious on your feelings on it
[08:51:53] <dddev> OldTroll: Is it a CTR monitor?
[08:51:53] <OldTroll> dddev++
[08:51:53] <OldTroll> well plaid...
[08:51:53] <OldTroll> sigh, the bot has gotten picky.
[08:51:53] <OldTroll> dddev+
[08:51:53] <OldTroll> dddev++
[08:51:53] <amandaharlin_v2> dddev has 13 points
[08:51:53] OldTroll hangs his head in shame.
[08:51:53] <VeggieMeat> !bender botsnack
[08:51:53] <VeggieMeat> wrong channel
[08:51:53] <jvrousseau> i like node-mapnick flippmoke Use it for generating an image of geojson for static image rendering
[08:51:53] <flippmoke> of course you do 😝
[08:51:53] <jvrousseau> i think you're barking up the wrong irc channel on that question πŸ˜ƒ
[08:51:53] <joekarl> jvrousseau please tell me that replaced the whole svg + imagemagick thing
[08:51:53] <jvrousseau> joekarl it will. trying to figure out if it would be easier to keep the same request POST structure as before or update the apps that are using it. Also thought about just having it as a node module with no network requests...
[08:51:53] <joekarl> that's good to hear lol, the other thing worked but was definitely falling apart...
[08:51:53] <joekarl> jvrousseau dddev best option for conditional js includes? (ie want to include individual js files for dev, but a built js file for prod)?
[08:51:53] <jvrousseau> que?
[08:51:53] <joekarl> like I want a pipeline that squashes all the js files together before going to prod, but I don't want to always have to gen said prod js file when doing dev work, is my best option just going with some sort of watch setup and always generating the concated js? or is there a grunt/gulp/whatever module that will swap out (intelligently) the block of script includes with a single script include at build time
[08:51:53] <jvrousseau> yeah best bet would be gulp/grunt to combine for dev and minify for prod
[08:51:53] <joekarl> dang, was hoping to avoid having to use a task runner for dev :/, wanted to be able to run what was in the folder directly πŸ˜•
[08:51:53] <joekarl> I may have found something though πŸ˜ƒ
[08:51:53] joekarl
[08:51:53] <jvrousseau> but if you're using gulp you might as well just do a combine of js files using browserify
[08:51:53] <joekarl> well that's a different problem, I was just worried about the conditional replace of non bundled files with bundled files
[08:51:53] <jvrousseau> we do that with an html preprocessor
[08:51:53] <joekarl> which one are you using?
[08:51:53] <jvrousseau>
[08:51:53] <jvrousseau> that's the gulp one, but we use the grunt
[08:51:53] <jvrousseau> it's pretty clean
[08:51:53] <jvrousseau> that way we can have auto-reload in the dev html and then it's removed in the production file
[08:51:53] <dddev> joekarl: any reason to use bower over just npm?
[08:51:53] <joekarl> I figured bower was the way to go to get frontend libs (will handle versions and dependencies for not just js but also css/html)
[08:51:53] <joekarl> could just be a terrible thing though...
[08:51:53] <jvrousseau> go with your second instinct (i.e. the comment directly above this)
[08:51:53] <joekarl> lol
[08:51:53] <joekarl> jvrousseau dddev I would assume the alternative is browserify?
[08:51:53] <dddev> You can use npm in the same way you are using bower
[08:51:53] <jvrousseau> yup
[08:51:53] <jvrousseau> what dddev said
[08:51:53] <dddev> and bower is another dependency (something we are trying to avoid)
[08:51:53] <joekarl> ok ok, lol will rip that out
[08:51:53] <joekarl> there done
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