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GiveWP Import Fee Recovery Fields
function my_custom_give_import_donation_fields( $options ) {
// Add 'Donor Age' field
$options['_give_fee_amount'] = [
__( 'Recovered Fee', 'give' ),
__( 'Fee Recovery', 'give' ),
__( 'Fee Recovered', 'give' ),
__( 'Fee Covered', 'give' ),
// Is this a subscription?
$options['_give_subscription_payment'] = [
__( 'Subscription', 'give' ),
__( 'Recurring Donation', 'give' )
// Stripe:
$options['_give_payment_transaction_id'] = [
__( 'Transaction ID', 'give' ),
// Comment:
$options['_give_donation_comment'] = [
__( 'Comment', 'give' ),
__( 'Message', 'give' ),
__( 'Donor Message', 'give' )
// Anonymous
$options['_give_anonymous_donor'] = [
__( 'Anonymous Donation', 'give' ),
__( 'Show name', 'give' ),
__( 'Anonymous', 'give' ),
// Return the modified options
return $options;
add_filter( 'give_import_donations_options', 'my_custom_give_import_donation_fields' );
function devin_custom_give_import_donor_fields( $options ) {
// Add 'Donor Age' field
$options['phone_number'] = [
__( 'Phone Number', 'give' ),
__( 'Donor Phone Number', 'give' ),
__( 'Donor Phone', 'give' ),
__( 'Donor Number', 'give' ),
// Return the modified options
return $options;
add_filter( 'give_import_donor_options', 'devin_custom_give_import_donor_fields' );
* Updates the payment data with custom fields from the raw data.
* @param int $payment_id payment id
* @param array $payment_data donation data
* @param $data
* @param object $donor_data form object
* @param $form
* @return void
function my_custom_give_import_payment_handler( $payment_id, $payment_data, $data, $donor_data, $form ): void {
$payment = new Give_Payment( $payment_id );
$donor = new Give_Donor( $payment->donor_id );
// Check if the custom field '_give_donation_comment' is set in the raw data ($data array)
if ( isset( $data['_give_donation_comment'] ) ) {
$payment->update_meta( '_give_donation_comment', sanitize_text_field( $data['_give_donation_comment'] ) );
// Add Fee Recovery import data support.
if ( isset( $data['_give_fee_amount'] ) && function_exists('give_fee_number_format') ) {
// Fee recovery requires two meta fields to be updated in order to calculate totals properly.
$payment->update_meta( '_give_fee_donation_amount', $payment->total );
$payment->update_meta( '_give_fee_amount', give_fee_number_format( $data['_give_fee_amount'], true, $payment_id ) );
// Stripe ID
if ( isset( $data['_give_payment_transaction_id'] ) ) {
$payment->update_meta( '_give_payment_transaction_id', $data['_give_payment_transaction_id'] );
// Anonymous Donation?
if ( isset( $data['_give_anonymous_donor'] ) && 'No' === $data['_give_anonymous_donor'] ) {
$payment->update_meta( '_give_anonymous_donation', 1 );
$donor->update_meta( '_give_anonymous_donor', 1 );
add_action( 'give_import_after_import_payment', 'my_custom_give_import_payment_handler', 10, 5 );
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jonwaldstein commented May 24, 2024

@DevinWalker I think I found the issue with this import:

On line 83:

$payment->update_meta( '_give_fee_donation_amount', $payment->total  );

Needs to be the total minus fees. This meta is supposed to be the "intended amount" donated. Pseudo example below:

$intendedAmount = $payment->total - $data['_give_fee_amount'];

$payment->update_meta( '_give_fee_donation_amount', $intendedAmount  );

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