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How to use Discord Webhooks

Discord Webhook

It's a JSON

If you don't know anything about JSON, please, spend some time on learning JSON structure.

Recommended sources:

Structure of Webhooks

Before using Webhooks you have to know the structure. All elements listed here are optional but you still need to use the content or embeds object at least once. This is the minimal requirement.

`element` : `[data type]` - description

[string] - text. Supports Markdown Syntax
[url of image] - just a link. Example: ``
[url of website] - link too. Example: ``
[array] - comma-separated elements. Example: [{"color":15424},{"color":56133}]
[number] - just a number. Example: 555555, duh...
[bool] - boolean... Can be true or false only. Example: "inline" : true
[object] - something you don't need to worry about
  • username : [string] - if used, it overrides the default username of the webhook
  • avatar_url : [url of image] - if used, it overrides the default avatar of the webhook
  • content : [string] - simple message, the message contains (up to 2000 characters)
  • embeds : [array] - array of embed objects. That means, you can use more than one in the same body
    • author : [object] - embed author object
      • name : [string] - name of author
      • url : [url of website] - url of author. If name was used, it becomes a hyperlink
      • icon_url : [url of image] - url of author icon
    • title : [string] - title of embed
    • url : [url of website] - url of embed. If title was used, it becomes hyperlink
    • description : [string] - description text
    • color : [number] - color code of the embed. You have to use Decimal numeral system, not Hexadecimal. Use color picker and converter
    • fields : [array] - array of embed field objects
      • name : [string] - name of the field
      • value : [string] - value of the field
      • inline : [bool] - if true, fields will be displayed in same line, but there can only be 3 max in same line or 2 max if you used thumbnail
    • thumbnail : [object] - embed thumbnail object
      • url : [url of image] - url of thumbnail
    • image : [object] - embed image object
      • url : [url of image] - url of image
    • footer : [object] - embed footer object
      • text : [string] - footer text, doesn't support Markdown
      • icon_url : [url of image] - url of footer icon

Example for a webhook

  "username": "Webhook",
  "avatar_url": "",
  "content": "Text message. Up to 2000 characters.",
  "embeds": [
      "author": {
        "name": "Birdie♫",
        "url": "",
        "icon_url": ""
      "title": "Title",
      "url": "",
      "description": "Text message. You can use Markdown here. *Italic* **bold** __underline__ ~~strikeout~~ [hyperlink]( `code`",
      "color": 15258703,
      "fields": [
          "name": "Text",
          "value": "More text",
          "inline": true
          "name": "Even more text",
          "value": "Yup",
          "inline": true
          "name": "Use `\"inline\": true` parameter, if you want to display fields in the same line.",
          "value": "okay..."
          "name": "Thanks!",
          "value": "You're welcome :wink:"
      "thumbnail": {
        "url": ""
      "image": {
        "url": ""
      "footer": {
        "text": "Woah! So cool! :smirk:",
        "icon_url": ""

And how it looks


Getting Started

Account on IFTTT

Visit IFTTT and create an account (if you haven't one).

Webhook on Discord

  1. Go to Server settings -> Webhooks -> Create Webhook
  2. Setup name, avatar and the channel, where it will be posted. Copy Webhook URL. Do not share! Very dangerous!
  3. Click Save and then the Done button

Creating an Applet

If this

  1. Go to My Applets -> New Applet
  2. Click [+]this
  3. Choose a service. In theory, you could use all of them
  4. Choose the trigger. Read the description below every trigger and choose the needed one
  5. Complete trigger fields. There can be more than one step. Read the descriptions and examples

Then that

  1. Click [+]that
  2. Choose the action service. You need Webhooks. Use the search bar
  3. Choose action. Choose Make a web request
  4. Paste your Webhook URL to URL field
  5. Select POST method
  6. Select application/json content type
  7. And now the hardest part™. You need to create your JSON body. Follow the structure, use it as an example and don't forget about common sense. Press + Ingredient button and put the Ingredients into appropriate fields. If something says URL put it in "url":"{{URL}}", if something says ImageURL, try to put that into "image": {"url":"{{ImageURL}}"}. There's no universal solution
  8. Click Create Action and then Finish
  9. Done!


  • Don't forget to check your JSON body with a JSON validator. If you don't know any use one of these:
  • If the webhook doesn't work, check log for errors. My Applets -> choose applet -> click gear -> View activity log. Maker error means your JSON body has errors.
  • Discord has built-in embeds for Twitter, Youtube and other sites so you can just add the link to the webhook: {"content": "{{Link}}"}.
  • Too hard? Use the picture guide instead!



  "embeds": [
      "title": "{{Title}}",
      "description": "[Link]({{PostURL}})",
      "image": {
        "url": "{{ImageURL}}"
      "footer": {
        "text": "Author: {{Author}}"


  "content": "{{Url}}"
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