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Created February 15, 2021 22:21
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use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};
use ansi_term::{Colour, Style};
use rand::Rng;
fn main() {
let phrases_src = "src/phrases.txt";
let phrases_file = File::open(phrases_src).unwrap();
let reader = BufReader::new(phrases_file);
let mut phrases: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
for line in reader.lines() {
let line = line.unwrap();
let num = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0..phrases.len() - 1);
// TODO abstract this to function / module - more elegant solution?
let hang_pics = [
" +---+
| |
" +---+
| |
O |
" +---+
| |
O |
| |
" +---+
| |
O |
/| |
" +---+
| |
O |
/|\\ |
" +---+
| |
O |
/|\\ |
/ |
" +---+
| |
/|\\ | LOSE!!!!
/ \\ | >:-P
let phrase = &phrases[num];
let mut miss_count = 0;
Secret Phrase:
for c in phrase.as_bytes().iter() {
match *c as char {
'A'..='Z' | 'a'..='z' => print!("_"),
_ => print!("{}", *c as char),
let mut guess_vector = Vec::new();
loop {
let mut guess = String::new();
.read_line(&mut guess)
.expect("Failed to read line");
let guess = guess.to_lowercase();
let guess = guess.as_bytes();
let g = guess[0];
if !phrase.contains(g as char) {
miss_count += 1;
println!("{}", Colour::Purple.paint(hang_pics[miss_count]));
let mut ans_vec: Vec<i32> = Vec::new();
// let mut solved = false;
for c in phrase.as_bytes().iter() {
match c {
_ if guess_vector.contains(&c.to_ascii_lowercase()) => {
print!("{}", Style::new().bold().paint((*c as char).to_string()))
_ if *c < 65 || *c > 122 => print!("{}", *c as char),
_ => {
if ans_vec.len() == 0 {
if miss_count == hang_pics.len() - 1 {
} else {
fn print_ascii_title() {
let title = "
. .
8 8888 8 .8. b. 8 ,o888888o. ,8. ,8. .8. b. 8
8 8888 8 .888. 888o. 8 8888 `88. ,888. ,888. .888. 888o. 8
8 8888 8 :88888. Y88888o. 8 ,8 8888 `8. .`8888. .`8888. :88888. Y88888o. 8
8 8888 8 . `88888. .`Y888888o. 8 88 8888 ,8.`8888. ,8.`8888. . `88888. .`Y888888o. 8
8 8888 8 .8. `88888. 8o. `Y888888o. 8 88 8888 ,8'8.`8888,8^8.`8888. .8. `88888. 8o. `Y888888o. 8
8 8888 8 .8`8. `88888. 8`Y8o. `Y88888o8 88 8888 ,8' `8.`8888' `8.`8888. .8`8. `88888. 8`Y8o. `Y88888o8
8 8888888888888 .8' `8. `88888. 8 `Y8o. `Y8888 88 8888 8888888 ,8' `8.`88' `8.`8888. .8' `8. `88888. 8 `Y8o. `Y8888
8 8888 8 .8' `8. `88888. 8 `Y8o. `Y8 `8 8888 .8' ,8' `8.`' `8.`8888. .8' `8. `88888. 8 `Y8o. `Y8
8 8888 8 .888888888. `88888. 8 `Y8o.` 8888 ,88' ,8' `8 `8.`8888. .888888888. `88888. 8 `Y8o.`
8 8888 8 .8' `8. `88888. 8 `Yo `8888888P' ,8' ` `8.`8888. .8' `8. `88888. 8 `Yo
██████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ██╗ ██╗███████╗██████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗
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println!("{}", Colour::Cyan.paint(title));
fn print_ascii_lose() {
let lose = "
`8.`8888. ,8' ,o888888o. 8 8888 88 8 8888 ,o888888o. d888888o. 8888888 8888888888
`8.`8888. ,8' . 8888 `88. 8 8888 88 8 8888 . 8888 `88. .`8888:' `88. 8 8888
`8.`8888. ,8' ,8 8888 `8b 8 8888 88 8 8888 ,8 8888 `8b 8.`8888. Y8 8 8888
`8.`8888.,8' 88 8888 `8b 8 8888 88 8 8888 88 8888 `8b `8.`8888. 8 8888
`8.`88888' 88 8888 88 8 8888 88 8 8888 88 8888 88 `8.`8888. 8 8888
`8. 8888 88 8888 88 8 8888 88 8 8888 88 8888 88 `8.`8888. 8 8888
`8 8888 88 8888 ,8P 8 8888 88 8 8888 88 8888 ,8P `8.`8888. 8 8888
8 8888 `8 8888 ,8P ` 8888 ,8P 8 8888 `8 8888 ,8P 8b `8.`8888. 8 8888
8 8888 ` 8888 ,88' 8888 ,d8P 8 8888 ` 8888 ,88' `8b. ;8.`8888 8 8888
8 8888 `8888888P' `Y88888P' 8 888888888888 `8888888P' `Y8888P ,88P' 8 8888
println!("{}", Colour::Red.paint(lose));
fn print_ascii_win() {
let win = "
`8.`8888. ,8' ,o888888o. 8 8888 88 `8.`888b ,8' ,o888888o. b. 8
`8.`8888. ,8' . 8888 `88. 8 8888 88 `8.`888b ,8' . 8888 `88. 888o. 8
`8.`8888. ,8' ,8 8888 `8b 8 8888 88 `8.`888b ,8' ,8 8888 `8b Y88888o. 8
`8.`8888.,8' 88 8888 `8b 8 8888 88 `8.`888b .b ,8' 88 8888 `8b .`Y888888o. 8
`8.`88888' 88 8888 88 8 8888 88 `8.`888b 88b ,8' 88 8888 88 8o. `Y888888o. 8
`8. 8888 88 8888 88 8 8888 88 `8.`888b .`888b,8' 88 8888 88 8`Y8o. `Y88888o8
`8 8888 88 8888 ,8P 8 8888 88 `8.`888b8.`8888' 88 8888 ,8P 8 `Y8o. `Y8888
8 8888 `8 8888 ,8P ` 8888 ,8P `8.`888`8.`88' `8 8888 ,8P 8 `Y8o. `Y8
8 8888 ` 8888 ,88' 8888 ,d8P `8.`8' `8,`' ` 8888 ,88' 8 `Y8o.`
8 8888 `8888888P' `Y88888P' `8.` `8' `8888888P' 8 `Yo
println!("{}", Colour::Green.paint(win));
fn print_ascii_prompt() {
let prompt = "
+-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+
Guess a letter
+-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+
println!("{}", Colour::Yellow.paint(prompt));
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