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Created January 22, 2016 14:57
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Save DexGroves/be930e95fbe4ed8a8b16 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Stop ruining my Fridays fivethirtyeight.
generate_bridge_df <- function(nrow, ncol) {
this_layer <- generate_layer(ncol)
first_connections <- data.frame(from = "Northside",
to = get_layer_vertices(this_layer))
all_bridges <- rbind(first_connections, this_layer)
for (row in seq(nrow - 1)) {
current_vertices <- get_layer_vertices(this_layer)
this_layer <- generate_layer(ncol)
these_connections <- data.frame(from = current_vertices,
to = get_layer_vertices(this_layer))
all_bridges <- rbind(all_bridges, these_connections, this_layer)
last_connections <- data.frame(from = get_layer_vertices(this_layer),
to = "Southside"), last_connections), directed = FALSE)
generate_layer <- function(ncol) {
island_names <- stri_rand_strings(ncol, 10)
data.frame(from = island_names[1:(ncol - 1)],
to = island_names[2:ncol],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
get_layer_vertices <- function(layer) {
unique(c(layer$to, layer$from))
random_storm <- function(island_graph) {
bridges <- E(island_graph)
destroyed_bridges <- bridges[runif(length(bridges)) > 0.5]
delete_edges(island_graph, destroyed_bridges)
can_get_south <- function(island_graph) {
vertex.connectivity(island_graph, "Northside", "Southside") > 0
unharmed_bridges <- generate_bridge_df(2, 3)
unharmed_bridges %>% random_storm %>% plot
unharmed_bridges %>% random_storm %>% can_get_south
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