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Created May 2, 2017 09:06
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# coding: utf-8
# # Find histograms with empty keys
# ### Find histograms with empty keys
# In[4]:
import ujson as json
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import plotly.plotly as py
from plotly.graph_objs import *
import IPython
from moztelemetry import Dataset, get_pings_properties, get_one_ping_per_client
from pprint import pprint
get_ipython().magic(u'pylab inline')
# In[31]:
channels = ["nightly", "aurora", "beta", "release"]
build_info = {
"nightly": {
"fraction": 0.1,
"build_ids": lambda x: x >= "20170422"
"aurora": {
"fraction": 0.1,
"build_ids": lambda x: True
"beta": {
"fraction": 0.1,
"build_ids": lambda x: True
"release": {
"fraction": 0.003,
"build_ids": lambda x: x >= "20161104"
pings = {}
for c in channels:
pings[c] = Dataset.from_source("telemetry") .where(docType="main") .where(appUpdateChannel=c) .where(submissionDate=lambda x: "20170422" <= x <= "20170425") .where(appBuildId=build_info[c].get("build_ids")) .where(sourceVersion="4") .records(sc, sample=build_info[c].get("fraction"))
# ... now extract the names of all keyed histograms with empty key strings (from all valid-looking pings).
# In[33]:
def get_keyed_histograms(p):
if not isinstance(p, dict) or "payload" not in p or not isinstance(p["payload"], dict) or "keyedHistograms" not in p["payload"] or not isinstance(p["payload"]["keyedHistograms"], dict):
return {}
return p.get("payload", {}).get("keyedHistograms", {})
# This extracts the keyed histograms names which have an empty key string.
def extract_affected_histograms(p):
khs = get_keyed_histograms(p)
names = [name for name,kh in khs.iteritems() if "" in kh]
return names
extracts = {}
for c,ps in pings.iteritems():
extracts[c] = ps.flatMap(extract_affected_histograms)
# Let's get sorted lists of the hit counts per channel.
# In[34]:
nameCounts = {}
for channel,names in extracts.iteritems():
counts = names.countByValue()
nameCounts[channel] = sorted(counts.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1], reverse=True)
# In[35]:
for channel in channels:
df = pd.DataFrame([x for _,x in nameCounts[channel]],
[x for x,_ in nameCounts[channel]])
print "\n" + channel + "\n"
df.columns = ["# of hits in " + channel]
# In[ ]:
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