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Created June 2, 2019 10:30
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Shapes Refactoring - C#

Shapes Refactoring (C#)

                          |    Shape3d    |
                          | SurfaceArea() |<-------------------------------+
                          | Volume()      |                                |
                          +---------------+                                |
                                  ^                                        |
                                 / \                                       |
                                  |                                        |
         +------------------------+-----------------------+                |
         |                        |                       |                |
  +---------------+       +---------------+       +---------------+        |
  |   Cylinder    |       |     Sphere    |       |CompositeShape |        |
  +---------------+       +---------------+       +---------------+ *      |
  | SurfaceArea() |       | SurfaceArea() |       | SurfaceArea() |--------+
  | Volume()      |       | Volume()      |       | Volume()      |
  +---------------+       +---------------+       +---------------+

Problem Statement

OpenGL and SVG use SurfaceArea() and Volume() to render these objects on their platforms. How will you enhance this code to include rendering these objects on following platforms?

  • OpenGL
  • SVG
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public interface Shape3d {
double SurfaceArea();
double Volume();
class Cylinder : Shape3d {
private readonly double baseRadius;
private readonly double height;
public Cylinder(double baseRadius, double height) =>
(this.baseRadius, this.height) = (baseRadius, height);
private double BaseArea() => Math.PI * Math.Pow(baseRadius, 2);
private double BaseCircumference() => 2 * Math.PI * baseRadius;
public double SurfaceArea() => 2 * BaseArea() + BaseCircumference() * height;
public double Volume() => BaseArea() * height;
public override string ToString() { return $"{GetType().Name}"; }
class Sphere : Shape3d {
private readonly double radius;
public Sphere(double radius) => this.radius = radius;
public double SurfaceArea() => 4 * Math.PI * Math.Pow(radius, 2);
public double Volume() => 4.0 / 3.0 * Math.PI * Math.Pow(radius, 3);
class CompositeShape : Shape3d {
private readonly IList<Shape3d> shapes;
public CompositeShape(IList<Shape3d> shapes) => this.shapes = shapes;
public double SurfaceArea() => shapes.Select(s => s.SurfaceArea()).Sum();
public double Volume() => shapes.Select(s => s.Volume()).Sum();
public void ForEach(Action<Shape3d> action) {
foreach (var shape in shapes) action(shape);
public class Shapes {
public static void Main(string[] args) {
var sphere = new Sphere(10);
var cylinder = new Cylinder(10, 10);
var composite = new CompositeShape(new List<Shape3d>{ cylinder, sphere });
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