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Last active January 13, 2021 21:27
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Python hashing demonstration. no hashlib or hmac is used to make this. (It is somewhat reversable, but you need either the key or message)
# I have decided to call this the ascii hasher
# new(msg) generates a hash using a psuedo random number with the encoded message as its seed for the key
# new_wkey(key, msg) generates a hash using the key and the message
def new_wkey(key, msg):
enc_key, enc_msg = int(''.join([str(ord(c)) for c in key])), int(''.join([str(ord(c)) for c in msg])) # Generates encoded key and encoded message
added = str(enc_key * enc_msg) # Creates the hash as an integer
if len(added) % 3: # Removes irregularities in the hash
if len("00" + added) % 3:
added = "00" + added
added = "0" + added
split_added = [added[i:i+3] for i in range(0, len(added), 3)] # Splits the hash every three characters
final_hash = ''.join([chr(int(i)) for i in split_added]) # Converts hash into string
return final_hash
def new(msg):
enc_msg = int(''.join([str(ord(c)) for c in msg])) # Encodes message
key = str((enc_msg * len(msg)) % (len(msg) / enc_msg)) # Generate psuedo random key
return new_wkey(key, msg) # Uses new_wkey() function
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EDIT: removed the two for loops

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EDIT: Completely overhauled the module

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EDIT: changed base10 irregularity checker

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