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Created September 20, 2016 11:47
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  • Save DiamondLovesYou/350b29b48ad6b1638ccb1725e83d63a8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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A = [
0.172 0.013 0.144;
0.368 0.681 0.271;
0.099 0.510 0.329;
[A2, success, pivots, cond_num] = Factor(A);
assert(success == 0, 'failed to factor A');
b = [
1.44 4.35 1.32 3.95;
2.84 9.30 2.90 8.29;
2.36 3.45 3.25 7.35;
[m,n] = size(b);
x = zeros(m, n);
for i = 1:n
out = Solve(A2, pivots, b(:,i));
x(:,i) = out;
fprintf(' part a)\n');
fprintf('norm(x, Inf) = %d\n', norm(x, Inf));
fprintf('condition number = %d\n', cond_num);
fprintf('\nAssuming exact data =>\n');
fprintf('u = %d\n', eps());
rel_err_bnd = (cond_num / (1 - cond_num * 10 * eps())) * (10 * eps());
fprintf('absolute error bound = %d\n', rel_err_bnd * norm(x, Inf));
fprintf('Remarks: very low error bound, much lower than the condition number.\n');
fprintf('Assuming rounded data =>\n');
u_a = 10^(-2);
u_b = u_a;
fprintf('u_a = %d, u_b = %d\n', u_a, u_b);
rel_err_bnd = (cond_num / (1 - cond_num * 10 * u_a)) * (10 * u_a + 10 * u_b);
fprintf('absolute error bound = %d\n', rel_err_bnd * norm(x, Inf));
fprintf('Remarks: the absolute error bound is much\n\tgreater than the condition number.\n');
fprintf('\n part b)\n');
A_inv = zeros(m, m);
for i = 1:m
b = zeros(m, 1);
b(i, 1) = 1.0;
out = Solve(A2, pivots, b);
A_inv(:,i) = out;
fprintf('exact cond(A) = %d\n', norm(A_inv, Inf) * norm(A, Inf));
format long e
part a)
x =
3.140783569018794e+00 2.237596248442763e+01 2.146024337702900e-01 7.050291746699174e+00
-1.394314816153835e-02 1.860712214737706e-01 6.188937759548281e-01 8.285203102998583e-01
6.249767271214358e+00 3.464691158328394e+00 8.854463627111791e+00 1.893457677454059e+01
norm(x, Inf) = 3.750350e+01
condition number = 6.061168e+00
Assuming exact data =>
u = 2.220446e-16
absolute error bound = 5.047407e-13
Remarks: very low error bound, much lower than the condition number.
Assuming rounded data =>
u_a = 1.000000e-02, u_b = 1.000000e-02
absolute error bound = 1.154226e+02
Remarks: the absolute error bound is much
greater than the condition number.
part b)
A_inv =
2.781856394194422e+00 2.241423290015830e+00 -3.063869399265308e+00
-3.054211863582577e+00 1.371888592353571e+00 2.067620055564530e-01
3.897398989063425e+00 -2.801106649884160e+00 3.640955768065272e+00
exact cond(A) = 1.364809e+01
diary off
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