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Last active November 17, 2017 00:54
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LG Thanksgiving Hack-a-thon
When: Monday, Nov. 20th, Noon - Wednesday, Nov. 22nd, Noon
Where: LG
Who: All level 3+ learners and interested level 1-2 learners.
Q's & A's:
Projects must be submitted by 9:30AM wednesday. All groups will Demo only functionality 2-7 minutes in front of group.
Judges will have from Noon-2:30/3PM to review code and fill out scorecards, determine winners.
Specs being turned in by 4:30PM monday.
How do we make teams and what are their size and demographic requirements?
A: People make their own team, if folks have an idea monday they can announce it and
seek folks to join their team. Teams can be any size (?) but we suggest 3-4. Every team must have at least one woman / non-binary
POC learner on the team.
How do we score the teams?
A: Judges will have rubric ready by Monday Noon for MVP.
Who are the judges?
A: Di, Dev, and Monica.
What will the folks from levels 1-2 who do not want to work on the hack-a-thon do?
A: Di will be doing small full-stack projects or one 3 day project with them in teams/pairs.
What if a level 3+ learner does not want to participate?
A: Incentivize participation with food?
What is the theme or topic of the hack-a-thon, or is it open-ended?
A: There are not enough women at the guild, and even still, women are disproprtionately moving
through the phases slower. Also, given the recent and only like a (few) thousand years too late focus on
sexual harassment/assualt/discrimination it is crucial to walk the walk on supporting women in tech.
Design an app with this prompt in mind: "If a woman interested in joining the guild heard the learners
here were working on / built _________ , she would want to join the guild".
Ideas: Bonus points if follow prompt but not required. Frame prompt not for "women's issues" but instead an app
that says to the world "Learners at the guild care about inclusion".
* What are the prizes?
A: Either multiple of same thing or shareable.
* Are we still doing things like stand-up after Monday?
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DianaVashti commented Nov 16, 2017

Hello learners, I have but one question for you...

ARE YOU READY!!!!!?????

The Turkey-Week LG Hack-A-Thon is next week!!! Here are the details:

Who: All learners are highly encouraged to participate!

What: Food will be provided for all participating learners Tuesday & Wednesday Lunch.

When: Monday, Nov. 20th ~11am Orientation - Wednesday, Nov. 22nd 9:30AM MVP due!

Where: The Guild

Why: Because it's a short week and we want to have some fun!!!


Team Selection:
Learners will choose their own teams. Teams should be between 3-4 learners. PLEASE make sure your team has learners of varying skill levels. So much can be gained from working with folks with more experience than you. Bigger teams are okay but prizes will be based on assumption teams are 4 or less. Reminder: Inclusion and diversity matter: If your team is not diverse, for sure your app will be worse.

Since skill-levels of our learners are so wide-spread and there is so little time to deliver an MVP teams can build whatever they want, BUT there is a suggested prompt:
"If a woman interested in becoming a learner at the guild heard that our current learners were working on / built ___________ , she would want to join the guild."
Example: A web-scraper that checks out companies posting to indeed and returns the ones who have a woman in a top-level role, or a script that changes the name of all the men being outed as abusers from the #MeToo campaign to "DooDoo McStupid" in your browser. Have fun with it! If you choose to follow this prompt please include a short statement on how your submission does indeed follow this prompt in your repository in your readME file. 
_There will be a bonus prize for the highest rated submission from any team who choose to follow this prompt!_

Speaking of Prizes:
There will be three prizes: 1st Place, 2nd place, and Best App Following the Prompt. If the Best App Following the Prompt also scored the highest overall, that team CAN win both prizes. The rubric that the judges will score apps on will be shared with all teams at the start of the hack-a-thon so that teams know how they will be scored. Prizes will be announced Monday morning during the hack-a-thon launch.

After stand-up, algonauts, and the Monday morning all-hands round-up there will be a short orientation for all learners who want to participate in the hack-a-thon.
During this orientation we will share the rubric the judges will be using, announce the prizes, and share other relevant details.
From the end of orientation until 1pm will be the team selection time-window.
Once you have a team, you will register it with one of the judges and you can begin setting your specs.
Specs for your app are due by 4:30PM on Monday for review to make sure your specs are realistic.
As soon as your team is registered and your specs are sent in you can begin work on your app.
You will have un tie 9:30AM Wednesday morning to submit your MVP on GitHub to the Judges. No changes after this deadline will be considered.

Monday Morning: Orientation
Post-orientation: Team registration and Specs
Monday, 4:30PM: Specs are due.
Tuesday, All-day: Build, baby, build. Ship that code!
Wednesday, 9:30AM: MVP is due by this time, via GitHub repo, submitted to Diana, Monica & Dev (all three in a DM please) via slack.
Wednesday, 10AM-12:30PM: Each group demos their app (functionality ONLY, no code, only 3-7 minutes per team STRICT!)
Wednesday, 12:30-3:30PM: Friendsgiving Lunch! Some food provided by LG but feel free to bring holiday themed grub. \
Wednesday, 3:30PM: Winners will be announced!


  • The guild will still operate under normal hours. Teams must exit the building by 10pm each night. You don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here (the guild).
  • Please be in integrity and do no work on your app until Monday after orientation. No head-starts. If the judges suspect you broke this rule, we reserve the right to shuffle your team members in to new teams.
  • Sage advice from Di:
    • If your team is not diverse, for sure your app will be worse.
    • Never read the comments online.
    • Your team can never have enough high-fives and “Hell Yeahs!”

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