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Last active March 6, 2023 21:58
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[js_test:validate_detects_invalid_index_options] d50040| {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-06T21:57:15.698+00:00"},"s":"I", "c":"INDEX", "id":20302, "ctx":"conn1","msg":"Validation complete -- Corruption found","attr":{"namespace":"test.validate_detects_invalid_index_options","uuid":{"uuid":{"$uuid":"aaf4f3c6-c96b-43aa-951f-1e042a056df2"}}}}
[js_test:validate_detects_invalid_index_options] d50040| {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-06T21:57:15.725+00:00"},"s":"I", "c":"COMMAND", "id":7463200, "ctx":"conn1","msg":"Corrupt namespace $collStats results","attr":{"namespace":"test.validate_detects_invalid_index_options","collStats":"{ cursor: { firstBatch: [ { ns: \"test.validate_detects_invalid_index_options\", host: \"ip-10-122-6-168:50040\", localTime: new Date(1678139835714), storageStats: { size: 0, count: 0, numOrphanDocs: 0, storageSize: 4096, freeStorageSize: 0, capped: false, wiredTiger: { metadata: { formatVersion: 1 }, creationString: \"access_pattern_hint=none,allocation_size=4KB,app_metadata=(formatVersion=1),assert=(commit_timestamp=none,durable_timestamp=none,read_timestamp=none,w...\", type: \"file\", uri: \"statistics:table:collection-4-5511808392067874759\", LSM: { bloom filter false positives: 0, bloom filter hits: 0, bloom filter misses: 0, bloom filter pages evicted from cache: 0, bloom filter pages read into cache: 0, bloom filters in the LSM tree: 0, chunks in the LSM tree: 0, highest merge generation in the LSM tree: 0, queries that could have benefited from a Bloom filter that did not exist: 0, sleep for LSM checkpoint throttle: 0, sleep for LSM merge throttle: 0, total size of bloom filters: 0 }, autocommit: { retries for readonly operations: 0, retries for update operations: 0 }, block-manager: { allocations requiring file extension: 0, blocks allocated: 0, blocks freed: 0, checkpoint size: 0, file allocation unit size: 4096, file bytes available for reuse: 0, file magic number: 120897, file major version number: 1, file size in bytes: 4096, minor version number: 0 }, btree: { btree checkpoint generation: 0, btree clean tree checkpoint expiration time: 0, btree compact pages reviewed: 0, btree compact pages rewritten: 0, btree compact pages skipped: 0, btree skipped by compaction as process would not reduce size: 0, column-store fixed-size leaf pages: 0, column-store fixed-size time windows: 0, column-store internal pages: 0, column-store variable-size RLE encoded values: 0, column-store variable-size deleted values: 0, column-store variable-size leaf pages: 0, fixed-record size: 0, maximum internal page size: 4096, maximum leaf page key size: 2867, maximum leaf page size: 32768, maximum leaf page value size: 67108864, maximum tree depth: 0, number of key/value pairs: 0, overflow pages: 0, row-store empty values: 0, row-store internal pages: 0, row-store leaf pages: 0 }, cache: { bytes currently in the cache: 303, bytes dirty in the cache cumulative: 0, bytes read into cache: 0, bytes written from cache: 0, checkpoint blocked page eviction: 0, checkpoint of history store file blocked non-history store page eviction: 0, data source pages selected for eviction unable to be evicted: 0, eviction gave up due to detecting a disk value without a timestamp behind the last update on the chain: 0, eviction gave up due to detecting a tombstone without a timestamp ahead of the selected on disk update: 0, eviction gave up due to detecting a tombstone without a timestamp ahead of the selected on disk update after validating the update chain: 0, eviction gave up due to detecting update chain entries without timestamps after the selected on disk update: 0, eviction gave up due to needing to remove a record from the history store but checkpoint is running: 0, eviction walk passes of a file: 0, eviction walk target pages histogram - 0-9: 0, eviction walk target pages histogram - 10-31: 0, eviction walk target pages histogram - 128 and higher: 0, eviction walk target pages histogram - 32-63: 0, eviction walk target pages histogram - 64-128: 0, eviction walk target pages reduced due to history store cache pressure: 0, eviction walks abandoned: 0, eviction walks gave up because they restarted their walk twice: 0, eviction walks gave up because they saw too many pages and found no candidates: 0, eviction walks gave up because they saw too many pages and found too few candidates: 0, eviction walks reached end of tree: 0, eviction walks restarted: 0, eviction walks started from root of tree: 0, eviction walks started from saved location in tree: 0, hazard pointer blocked page eviction: 0, history store table insert calls: 0, history store table insert calls that returned restart: 0, history store table reads: 0, history store table reads missed: 0, history store table reads requiring squashed modifies: 0, history store table resolved updates without timestamps that lose their durable timestamp: 0, history store table truncation by rollback to stable to remove an unstable update: 0, history store table truncation by rollback to stable to remove an update: 0, history store table truncation to remove all the keys of a btree: 0, history store table truncation to remove an update: 0, history store table truncation to remove range of updates due to an update without a timestamp on data page: 0, history store table truncation to remove range of updates due to key being removed from the data page during reconciliation: 0, history store table updates without timestamps fixed up by reinserting with the fixed timestamp: 0, history store table writes requiring squashed modifies: 0, in-memory page passed criteria to be split: 0, in-memory page splits: 0, internal page split blocked its eviction: 0, internal pages evicted: 0, internal pages split during eviction: 0, leaf pages split during eviction: 0, modified pages evicted: 0, overflow keys on a multiblock row-store page blocked its eviction: 0, overflow pages read into cache: 0, page split during eviction deepened the tree: 0, page written requiring history store records: 0, pages read into cache: 0, pages read into cache after truncate: 0, pages read into cache after truncate in prepare state: 0, pages requested from the cache: 0, pages seen by eviction walk: 0, pages written from cache: 0, pages written requiring in-memory restoration: 0, recent modification of a page blocked its eviction: 0, reverse splits performed: 0, reverse splits skipped because of VLCS namespace gap restrictions: 0, the number of times full update inserted to history store: 0, the number of times reverse modify inserted to history store: 0, tracked dirty bytes in the cache: 0, uncommitted truncate blocked page eviction: 0, unmodified pages evicted: 0 }, cache_walk: { Average difference between current eviction generation when the page was last considered: 0, Average on-disk page image size seen: 0, Average time in cache for pages that have been visited by the eviction server: 0, Average time in cache for pages that have not been visited by the eviction server: 0, Clean pages currently in cache: 0, Current eviction generation: 0, Dirty pages currently in cache: 0, Entries in the root page: 0, Internal pages currently in cache: 0, Leaf pages currently in cache: 0, Maximum difference between current eviction generation when the page was last considered: 0, Maximum page size seen: 0, Minimum on-disk page image size seen: 0, Number of pages never visited by eviction server: 0, On-disk page image sizes smaller than a single allocation unit: 0, Pages created in memory and never written: 0, Pages currently queued for eviction: 0, Pages that could not be queued for eviction: 0, Refs skipped during cache traversal: 0, Size of the root page: 0, Total number of pages currently in cache: 0 }, checkpoint-cleanup: { pages added for eviction: 0, pages removed: 0, pages skipped during tree walk: 0, pages visited: 0 }, compression: { compressed page maximum internal page size prior to compression: 4096, compressed page maximum leaf page size prior to compression : 131072, compressed pages read: 0, compressed pages written: 0, number of blocks with compress ratio greater than 64: 0, number of blocks with compress ratio smaller than 16: 0, number of blocks with compress ratio smaller than 2: 0, number of blocks with compress ratio smaller than 32: 0, number of blocks with compress ratio smaller than 4: 0, number of blocks with compress ratio smaller than 64: 0, number of blocks with compress ratio smaller than 8: 0, page written failed to compress: 0, page written was too small to compress: 0 }, cursor: { Total number of entries skipped by cursor next calls: 0, Total number of entries skipped by cursor prev calls: 0, Total number of entries skipped to position the history store cursor: 0, Total number of times a search near has exited due to prefix config: 0, Total number of times cursor fails to temporarily release pinned page to encourage eviction of hot or large page: 0, Total number of times cursor temporarily releases pinned page to encourage eviction of hot or large page: 0, bulk loaded cursor insert calls: 0, cache cursors reuse count: 1, close calls that result in cache: 1, create calls: 2, cursor bound calls that return an error: 0, cursor bounds cleared from reset: 0, cursor bounds comparisons performed: 0, cursor bounds next called on an unpositioned cursor: 0, cursor bounds next early exit: 0, cursor bounds prev called on an unpositioned cursor: 0, cursor bounds prev early exit: 0, cursor bounds search early exit: 0, cursor bounds search near call repositioned cursor: 0, cursor cache calls that return an error: 0, cursor close calls that return an error: 0, cursor compare calls that return an error: 0, cursor equals calls that return an error: 0, cursor get key calls that return an error: 0, cursor get value calls that return an error: 0, cursor insert calls that return an error: 0, cursor insert check calls that return an error: 0, cursor largest key calls that return an error: 0, cursor modify calls that return an error: 0, cursor next calls that return an error: 0, cursor next calls that skip due to a globally visible history store tombstone: 0, cursor next calls that skip greater than 1 and fewer than 100 entries: 0, cursor next calls that skip greater than or equal to 100 entries: 0, cursor next random calls that return an error: 0, cursor prev calls that return an error: 0, cursor prev calls that skip due to a globally visible history store tombstone: 0, cursor prev calls that skip greater than or equal to 100 entries: 0, cursor prev calls that skip less than 100 entries: 0, cursor reconfigure calls that return an error: 0, cursor remove calls that return an error: 0, cursor reopen calls that return an error: 0, cursor reserve calls that return an error: 0, cursor reset calls that return an error: 0, cursor search calls that return an error: 0, cursor searc"},"truncated":{"collStats":{"type":"string","size":39848}}}
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