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Created February 26, 2018 08:32
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First try of an animation dialect for Red VID. Computation is not precise enough, but just a proof of concept ;-)
Red [
Purpose: "Animation system for VID"
Needs: 'View
Notes: {
Simplyfied Ease in/out formulas :
See at the end of page source for javascripts formulas (included elastic) :
;system/view/debug?: yes
live?: system/view/auto-sync?: no
animator: context [
;--- Face use to handle the timing of animations
anim-face: none
;--- Default values
config: [
rate: 50 ; rate of the animation
duration: 0:0:1 ; default animation duration
curve: 'ease ; default curve function
at-the-end: initial ; default final state : let like it is at the end
;--- Animations to play for defined events
triggers: [
; Format is :
; event [
; face1 [[anim1]...[animN]] ... faceN [[anim1] ... [animN]]
; ]
; Where 'faceX is the face object! to animate and 'animX is like :
;--- Typesets for parsing
symbolS!: make typeset! [word! path!]
valueS!: make typeset! [integer! float! pair! tuple! word! path!]
pairS!: make typeset! [pair! word! path!]
floatS!: make typeset! [float! word! path!]
tupleS!: make typeset! [tuple! block! word! path!]
integerS!: make typeset! [integer! word! path!]
durationS!: make typeset! [float! integer! time! word! path!]
positionS!: make typeset! [integer! block! word! path!]
;--- Utility functions
fetch-value: function [
"Return the value or, if it's a word or path, get the value of."
] [
any [all [any [word? :value path? :value] attempt [get :value]] value]
;--- Initialize the animations data for a face
define-anim: func [
"Define the animation for a face."
_face [object!] "Face to animate."
desc [block!] "What to animate in Animate dialect."
/local l c errc type! _event _what _origin _target _amount _duration _trigger must-break? obj _curve _at-the-end _p1 _p2
] [
;--- Default curve is linear
must-break?: func [value [any-type!]] [
if all [none? errc any [word? value path? value]] [errc: c]
parse desc [
some [
;--- Reset config values
(_origin: _target: _amount: _p1: _p2: none _duration: config/duration _at-the-end: config/at-the-end _curve: select curves config/curve _debug: false)
;--- Event to animate
'on c: set _event ['over | 'down | 'up | 'key | 'enter | 'change | 'time | 'focus | 'unfocus | 'click |skip (must-break? 'yes)] (
; Select or create the list of faces to animate for this event
trigger: select any [find triggers _event append triggers reduce [_event copy []]] _event
;--- Property to animate (define the type of value to provide for)
opt 'set c: set _what [
'size (type!: pairS!)
| 'offset (type!: pairS!)
| 'color (type!: tupleS!)
| 'draw (type!: valueS!) set _p1 positionS! (must-break? _p1: fetch-value _p1) opt [set _p2 integer!]
;--- Define the start value (if not, it's the current one), the target value or the amount to add to the start value
some [
'from c: set _origin type! (must-break? _origin: fetch-value _origin)
| 'to c: set _target type! (must-break? _target: fetch-value _target)
| 'add c: set _amount type! (must-break? _amount: fetch-value _amount)
;--- Duration of the animation (optionnal)
opt [
'in c: set _duration durationS! (if number? _duration: fetch-value _duration [_duration: 0:0 + _duration] must-break? _duration)
opt [
'effect c: set _curve word! (_curve: select curves _curve if none? :_curve [must-break? 'yes])
opt [
'then c: set _at-the-end ['initial | 'final | 'invert | 'reset | skip (must-break? 'yes) ]
opt ['debug (_debug: true)]
;--- Everything is defined : control and store the values
either none? errc [
; pick or create the block of animation objects for this face
trigger: select any [find trigger _face append trigger reduce [_face copy []]] _face
; Build the animation object
obj: make proto-anim [
event: _event
face: _face
property: _what
curve: :_curve
debug?: _debug
; Store the values needed to start animation
defaults: compose/only copy [origin: (detuplify _origin) target: (detuplify _target) amount: (detuplify _amount) duration: (_duration) at-the-end: (_at-the-end)]
; choose the function used to compute and play the animation
play: either any [tuple? _origin tuple? _target tuple? _amount] [:play-tuple] [:play-other]
if _what = 'draw [
in-draw?: true
; Set property to the position in the draw block of the value to animate
property: either integer? _p1 [at face/draw _p1][at _p1 any [_p2 1]]
; Add it to the animation list
append trigger obj
;print ["Animate: on " _event ", set " _what " from " _origin " to " _target ", or add " _amount ", in " _duration]
;? triggers
] [
print ["Invalid ANIMATOR value at:" copy/part l errc rejoin [">>> " copy/part errc 1 " <<<"] copy/part next errc 3 either 4 < length? errc ["(...)"][""]]
;--- If we goes here there is an error in the syntax
| to 'on (print ["Invalid ANIMATOR command near:" copy/part l c rejoin [">>> " copy/part c 1 " <<<"] copy/part next c 3 either 4 < length? c ["(...)"][""]])
set 'animate :define-anim
detuplify: func [
"If the value is a tuple!, return a block of each values, else return the value"
/local b
] [
either tuple? val [
b: copy []
repeat n length? val [append b val/:n]
] [val]
;--- Queue of currently played animation
anim-queue: [
start-animation: func [
"Add the animation to the animation queue."
anim [object!] "The animation to start playing"
] [
; probe anim
; Add it to the animation queue
if not find anim-queue anim [
; Initialize the animation
append anim-queue anim
stop-animation: func [
"Remove the animation object from the animation queue."
anim [object!]
/finalize "Finalize the animation (last step)"
] [
if finalize [anim/step: 1.0 anim/play]
if anim: find anim-queue anim [remove anim]
;--- Bezier function to compute curve values (return the y value of the point in a 0.0 to 1.0 default scale)
bezier3y: func [
"Compute the y value of the bezier curve"
t [float!] "Progression on the curve from 0.0 to 1.0"
p1 [pair!] p2 [pair!] p3 [pair!] p4 [pair!] "Control points of the cubic Bezier curve"
size [pair!] "Size of the control points space. Used to reduce to 0.0 to 1.0 scale"
/local t1 a b c d
] [
t1: 1.0 - t
a: t1 ** 3
b: t1 ** 2 * t * 3
c: t ** 2 * t1 * 3
d: t ** 3
t1: a * p1/y + (b * p2/y) + (c * p3/y) + (d * p4/y) / size/y
; print ["t=" t " y=" t1]
; t1
;--- Bezier function to compute ease values (return the x value of the point in a 0.0 to 1.0 default scale
bezier3x: func [
"Compute the y value of the bezier curve"
t [float!] "Progression on the curve from 0.0 to 1.0"
p1 [float!] p2 [float!] p3 [float!] p4 [float!] "Control value of the cubic Bezier curve in x axis. Space is 0.0 to 1.0."
/local t1 a b c d
] [
t1: 1.0 - t
a: t1 ** 3
b: t1 ** 2 * t * 3
c: t ** 2 * t1 * 3
d: t ** 3
t1: a * p1 + (b * p2) + (c * p3) + (d * p4)
; print ["t=" t " x=" t1]
; t1
;--- Available curves functions
curves: reduce [
'linear func [x [float!]] [max 0.0 min 1.0 x]
'sinus func [x [float!]] [sin pi * x]
'cosinus func [x [float!]] [cos pi * x - pi / 2]
'ease func [x [float!]] [bezier3x x 0.0 0.1 1.0 1.0]
'easein func [x [float!]] [bezier3x x 0.0 0.42 1.0 1.0]
'easeout func [x [float!]] [bezier3x x 0.0 0.0 0.58 1.0]
'easeinout func [x [float!]] [bezier3x x 0.0 0.42 0.58 1.0]
'easeinback func [x [float!]] [bezier3x x 0.0 -0.28 0.74 1.0] ;0.6, -0.28, 0.735, 0.045
'easeoutback func [x [float!]] [bezier3x x 0.0 0.26 1.28 1.0] ;0.6, -0.28, 0.735, 0.045
'easeinoutback func [x [float!]] [bezier3x x 0.0 -0.28 1.28 1.0] ;0.6, -0.28, 0.735, 0.045
; 'ease func [x [float!]] [bezier3y x 0x0 10x25 100x25 100x100 100x100]
; 'easein func [x [float!]] [bezier3y x 0x0 42x0 100x100 100x100 100x100]
; 'easeout func [x [float!]] [bezier3y x 0x0 0x0 58x100 100x100 100x100]
; 'easeinout func [x [float!]] [bezier3y x 0x0 42x0 58x100 100x100 100x100]
do-operator-on: func [
"Apply an operator for each value of v1 and v2"
v1 op v2 /local res t
] [
either block? v1 [
res: copy []
repeat n length? v1 [append res min 255 to integer! do reduce [v1/:n :op any [all [block? v2 v2/:n] v2]]]
] [
v1 :op v2
;--- Prototype of the animation object for a face
proto-anim: make object! [
defaults: ; Block of initial values for the animation (origin, target, amount & duration)
event: ; Event that trigerred the animation
face: ; Face to animate
property: ; Property to change value
start: ; Start value
diff: ; Difference between start end end value
previous: none ; Previous value
step: 0.0 ; Current step (from 0.0 to 1.0)
inc: 0.0333333 ; Increment to next step
debug?: false ; True to output animation values
;--- Function that compute the output multiplicator for a step
curve: ; Function that compute the curve value (from 0.0 to 1.0)
play: none ; Function to call for this property
in-draw?: false ; false : animate a property of the face / true : animate a value in the draw block
;--- Function that animate the face
; tuple member value can not be negative, so we can't store tuple as tuple, but block
play-tuple: func [
"Compute the new tuple value for the property to animate"
/local current
] [
either begin [
;--- Sets the value to change
start: any [defaults/origin detuplify either in-draw? [reduce first property][get in face property] detuplify white]
diff: any [defaults/amount do-operator-on defaults/target '- start]
end: any [defaults/target do-operator-on start '+ diff]
current: make tuple! start
;--- Sets the steps values
step: 0.0
if debug? [print ["BEGIN start:" start "diff:" diff "current:" current "step:" step defaults]]
] [
step: step + inc
;--- (pair! * float!) not allowed (but why does it works for tuple! then ?)
current: make tuple! do-operator-on start '+ (do-operator-on diff '* (curve step))
if debug? [print [" start:" start "diff:" diff "current:" current "step:" step defaults]]
; all steps has occured
if step > 1.0 [
stop-animation self
switch/default defaults/at-the-end [
initial [current: make tuple! start]
final [current: make tuple! end]
reset [if none? defaults/origin [default/origin: either block? start [copy start][detuplify start]]]
invert []
][print ["ANIMATOR: at the end value (" defaults/at-the-end ") is not of the right type:" type? defaults/at-the-end]]
if debug? [print ["FINISH start:" start "diff:" diff "current:" current "step:" step defaults]]
if previous = current [exit] ; same value than the last step : no need to animate
previous: current
either in-draw? [change property current] [set in face property current]
if all [face/visible? not system/view/auto-sync?] [show face]
play-other: func [
"Compute the new value for the property to animate"
/local current
] [
either begin [
;--- Sets the value to change
start: any [defaults/origin either in-draw? [first property][get in face property]]
diff: any [defaults/amount defaults/target - start]
end: any [defaults/target start + diff]
current: start
;--- Sets the steps values
step: 0.0
if debug? [print ["BEGIN start:" start "diff:" diff "current:" current "step:" step defaults]]
] [
step: step + inc
current: curve step
;--- (pair! * float!) not allowed (but why does it works for tuple! then ?)
either pair? diff [
current: start + as-pair diff/x * current diff/y * current
] [
current: diff * current + start
if debug? [print [" start:" start "diff:" diff "current:" current "step:" step defaults]]
; all steps has occured
if step >= 1.0 [
stop-animation self
switch defaults/at-the-end [
initial [current: start]
final [current: end]
reset [if none? defaults/origin [defaults/origin: start]]
invert [start: end diff: negate diff]
if debug? [print ["FINISH start:" start "diff:" diff "current:" current "step:" step defaults]]
if previous = current [exit] ; same value than the last step : no need to animate
previous: current
either in-draw? [change property current face/draw] [set in face property current]
if all [face/visible? not system/view/auto-sync?] [show face]
init: func [
"Initialise the animation"
/local d r
] [
; compute the number of animation steps rendered by second
if time? r: config/rate [r: 1 / r/second]
; compute the duration of the animation in seconds
if time? d: defaults/duration [d: d/hour * 60 + d/minute * 60 + d/second]
; inc is the increment to go from 0 to 1 in the number of rendered steps needed for this animation
inc: 1 / (d * r)
;-- Global events filter
event-handler: insert-event-func function [face event /local b a event-type] [
all [
;-- 'away event is an 'over event with event/away? = true : give it its own existence
event-type: any [all [event/type = 'over event/away? 'away] event/type]
b: select triggers event-type
b: select b face
; either all [event/type = 'over event/away?] [
; foreach a b [stop-animation/finalize a]
; ] [
foreach a b [start-animation a]
; ]
initialize: func [
"Initialise the animator."
face [object!] "Face use to handle the timimg of animations."
] [
; init the face
anim-face: face
anim-face/rate: config/rate
play-animation: has [anim] [
foreach anim anim-queue [anim/play]
q: :quit
ease-time: 1.5
trans-amount: 220x0
font1: make font! [name: "Calibri"]
view [
;--- Definition of the animator face
base 0x0 on-create [animator/initialize face] on-time [animator/play-animation]
field "Didier" on-create [
animate face [on time set color to red in 0.5 effect sinus]
; animate face [on over set size add 20x20 in 0.5]
; animate face [on over set offset add -10x-10 in 0.25]
; animate face [on time set offset add 10x15 in 1.0]
] rate 0:0:5 ;on-click [probe face/actors]
button "Halt" [q: :halt unview]
button "Probe triggers" [probe animator/triggers]
base 300x300 draw [
font font1
fill-pen blue t1: translate 0x0 [box 0x0 40x20] text 0x0 "Ease"
fill-pen green t2: translate 0x25 [box 0x0 40x20] text 0x25 "Ease-in"
fill-pen red t3: translate 0x50 [box 0x0 40x20] text 0x50 "Ease-out"
fill-pen yellow t4: translate 0x75 [box 0x0 40x20] text 0x75 "Ease-in-out"
fill-pen navy t5: translate 0x100 [box 0x0 40x20] text 0x100 "Linear"
fill-pen magenta t6: translate 0x125 [box 0x0 40x20] text 0x125 "Sinus"
fill-pen gold t7: translate 0x150 [box 0x0 40x20] text 0x150 "Ease-in-back"
fill-pen purple t8: translate 0x175 [box 0x0 40x20] text 0x175 "Ease-out-back"
fill-pen gray t9: translate 0x200 [box 0x0 40x20] text 0x200 "Ease-in-out-back"
] on-create [
animate face [on over set draw t1 2 add trans-amount in ease-time effect ease then reset]
animate face [on over set draw t2 2 add trans-amount in ease-time effect easein then reset]
animate face [on over set draw t3 2 add trans-amount in ease-time effect easeout then reset]
animate face [on over set draw t4 2 add trans-amount in ease-time effect easeinout then reset]
animate face [on over set draw t5 2 add trans-amount in ease-time effect linear then reset]
animate face [on over set draw t6 2 add trans-amount in ease-time effect sinus then reset]
animate face [on over set draw t7 2 add trans-amount in ease-time effect easeinback then reset]
animate face [on over set draw t8 2 add trans-amount in ease-time effect easeoutback then reset]
animate face [on over set draw t9 2 add trans-amount in ease-time effect easeinoutback then reset]
; animate face [on over set draw 2 to red in 0.5]
;animate face [on over set draw 7 to red in 0.5 effect linear]
base "test" 80x20 draw [pen blue fill-pen cyan box 0x0 0x20] on-create [
animate face [on over set draw 7 to 80x20 in 0.2 then reset]
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