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Last active March 9, 2016 07:49
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  • Save DiegoNolan/cea621f6abcb25e79fb2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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data Chart
data LineData = LineData
{ labels :: [String]
, datasets :: [DataSet]
instance ToJSON LineData where
toJSON (LineData{..}) =
[ "labels" .= labels
, "datasets" .= datasets
data DataSet = DataSet
{ label :: String
, fillColor :: String
, strokeColor :: String
, pointColor :: String
, pointStrokeColor :: String
, pointHighlightFill :: String
, pointHighlightStroke :: String
, data_ :: [Int]
instance ToJSON DataSet where
toJSON (DataSet{..}) =
[ "label" .= label
, "fillColor" .= fillColor
, "strokeColor" .= strokeColor
, "pointColor" .= pointColor
, "pointStrokeColor" .= pointStrokeColor
, "pointHighlightFill" .= pointHighlightFill
, "pointHighlightStroke" .= pointHighlightStroke
, "data" .= data_
lineChart :: Element -> LineData -> IO (JSRef Chart)
lineChart canvasId dat = do
jsData <- toJSVal_aeson dat
_lineChart canvasId jsData
foreign import javascript unsafe
"var ctx = $1.getContext('2d'); \
\console.log(ctx); \
\console.log(ctx.canvas.clientWidth); \
\console.log(ctx.canvas.clientHeight); \
\var chart = new Chart(ctx).Line($2, {}); \
\$r = chart;" _lineChart :: Element -> JSVal -> IO (JSRef Chart)
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