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Created May 15, 2014 22:16
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ESAAS HW0 Part 2
# using string interpolation
def hello(name)
"Hello, #{name}"
# I first check if the first letter is alphabetical
# then see if the first lower case letter is a vowel
# and return the opposite of that boolean
def starts_with_consonant?(s)
return false unless s[/^[a-z]/i]
not %(a e i o u).include? s.downcase[0].to_s
# I do an empty string check first
# then I see if it's a valid binary representation by
# checking that all chars are either 1 or 0
# finally I convert the string into integer using base 2
# conversion, then a quick modulus check with 4, 0 means it
# its a multiple.
def binary_multiple_of_4?(s)
return false if s == ''
s.split('').uniq.all? { |i| i == '0' || i == '1' } \
&& s.to_i(2) % 4 == 0
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