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Created October 27, 2016 15:42
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jQuery UI wrapper over Autocomplete that adds pagination
$.widget("paginatedAutocomplete", $.ui.autocomplete, {
options: {
minLength: 1,
sourceUrl: '',
pageSize: 10,
source: function (request, response) {
var self = this;
url: this.options.sourceUrl,
type: "GET",
dataType: "json",
data: {
per: self.options.pageSize,
term: request.term,
page: self._pageIndex
success: function (data) {
var items =;
self._totalItems =;
// Create a menu item for each of the items on the page.
response($.map(items, function (item) {
return {
label: item.text,
value: item.value
focus: function () {
// prevent value inserted on focus
return false;
search: function (value, event) {
// Start a fresh search; Hide pagination panel and reset to 1st page.
this._pageIndex = 0;
$, value, event);
select: function (item) {
var self = this;
// Apply the item's label to the autocomplete textbox.
// Keep track of the selected item.
self._previousSelectedItem = item;
close: function (event) {
// Close the pagination panel when the selection pop-up is closed.
this._paginationContainerElement.css('display', 'none');
$, event);
_previousSelectedItem: null,
_totalPages: null,
_totalItems: null,
_pageIndex: 0,
_create: function () {
var self = this;
// Create the DOM structure to support the paginated autocomplete.
this.element.after("<div class='ui-autocomplete-pagination-results'></div>");
this._resultsContainerElement ="div.ui-autocomplete-pagination-results");
this._resultsContainerElement.append("<div style='display:none; padding-top: 5px; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; min-width:320px; z-index: 101; left: 0px !important; top: -30px !important' class='ui-autocomplete-pagination-container'>" +
"<button type='button' class='previous-page' style='float: left;'></button>" +
"<button type='button' class='next-page' style='float: left;'></button>" +
"<div style='float:left; width:65%;' class='ui-autocomplete-pagination-details'>" +
"Showing 1-10 of 1000 items.</div>" +
this._paginationContainerElement = this._resultsContainerElement.children("div.ui-autocomplete-pagination-container");
this._nextPageElement = this._paginationContainerElement.find("");
this._previousPageElement = this._paginationContainerElement.find("button.previous-page");
this._paginationDetailsElement = this._paginationContainerElement.find("div.ui-autocomplete-pagination-details");
this._nextPageElement.button({ text: false, icons: { primary: "ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-1-e" } });
this._previousPageElement.button({ text: false, icons: { primary: "ui-icon-arrowthick-1-w" } });
// Append the menu items (and related content) to the specified element.
if (this.options.appendTo !== null) {
this.options.appendTo = this._resultsContainerElement;
else {
this.options.appendTo = this._resultsContainerElement;
// Hide default JQuery Autocomplete details (want to use our own blurb).
$(this.element).next("span.ui-helper-hidden-accessible").css("display", "none");
// Event handler(s) for the next/previous pagination buttons.
this._on(this._nextPageElement, { click: this._nextPage });
this._on(this._previousPageElement, { click: this._previousPage });
// Event handler(s) for the autocomplete textbox.
this._on(this.element, {
blur: function (event) {
// When losing focus hide the pagination panel
this._pageIndex = 0;
paginatedautocompleteopen: function (event) {
// Autocomplete menu is now visible.
// Update pagination information.
var self = this,
paginationFrom = null,
paginationTo = null,
menuOffset =;
self._totalPages = Math.ceil(self._totalItems / self.options.pageSize);
paginationFrom = self._pageIndex * self.options.pageSize + 1;
paginationTo = ((self._pageIndex * self.options.pageSize) + self.options.pageSize);
if (paginationTo > self._totalItems) {
paginationTo = self._totalItems;
// Align the pagination container with the menu.
this._paginationContainerElement.offset({ top:, left: menuOffset.left });
// Modify the list generated by the autocomplete so that it appears below the pagination controls.
"padding-top": "60px",
"min-width": "300px",
"z-index": "100"
this._paginationDetailsElement.html("Showing " + paginationFrom.toString() + " to " + paginationTo.toString() + " of " + self._totalItems.toString() + " items.");
// Event handler(s) for the pagination panel.
this._on(this._paginationContainerElement, {
mousedown: function (event) {
// The following will prevent the pagination panel and selection menu from losing focus (and disappearing).
// Prevent moving focus out of the text field
// IE doesn't prevent moving focus even with event.preventDefault()
// so we set a flag to know when we should ignore the blur event
this.cancelBlur = true;
this._delay(function () {
delete this.cancelBlur;
// Now we're going to let the default _create() to do it's thing. This will create the autocomplete pop-up selection menu.
// Event handler(s) for the autocomplete pop-up selection menu.
this._on(, {
menuselect: function (event, ui) {
var item ="ui-autocomplete-item"); // Get the selected item.;
_nextPage: function (event) {
if (this._pageIndex < this._totalPages - 1) {
$, this.term);
_previousPage: function (event) {
if (this._pageIndex > 0) {
$, this.term);
_change: function (event) {
// Clear the textbox if an item wasn't selected from the menu.
if (((this.selectedItem === null) && (this._previousSelectedItem === null)) ||
(this.selectedItem === null) && (this._previousSelectedItem !== null) && (this._previousSelectedItem.label !== this._value())) {
// Clear values.
$, event);
_destroy: function () {
__response: function (content) {
var self = this;
self._totalItemsOnPage = content.length;
self._paginationContainerElement.css('display', self._totalItemsOnPage > 0 ? 'block' : 'none');
$, content);
$.widget.bridge("paginatedAutocomplete", $.paginatedAutocomplete);
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are there any docs on the usage

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where is demo site? please

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it works?

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