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Created December 10, 2019 14:55
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Find which PID a dialog belongs to in macOS
#original source:
import Quartz
import time
from Foundation import NSSet, NSMutableSet
def transformWindowData(data):
list1 = []
for v in data:
if not v.valueForKey_('kCGWindowIsOnscreen'):
row = ( \
str(v.valueForKey_('kCGWindowOwnerPID') or '?').rjust(7) + \
' ' + str(v.valueForKey_('kCGWindowNumber') or '?').rjust(5) + \
' {' + ('' if v.valueForKey_('kCGWindowBounds') is None else \
( \
str(int(v.valueForKey_('kCGWindowBounds').valueForKey_('X'))) + ',' + \
str(int(v.valueForKey_('kCGWindowBounds').valueForKey_('Y'))) + ',' + \
str(int(v.valueForKey_('kCGWindowBounds').valueForKey_('Width'))) + ',' + \
str(int(v.valueForKey_('kCGWindowBounds').valueForKey_('Height'))) \
) \
).ljust(21) + \
'}' + \
'\t[' + ((v.valueForKey_('kCGWindowOwnerName') or '') + ']') + \
('' if v.valueForKey_('kCGWindowName') is None else (' ' + v.valueForKey_('kCGWindowName') or '')) \
return list1;
def printBeautifully(dataSet):
print 'PID'.rjust(7) + ' ' + 'WinID'.rjust(5) + ' ' + 'x,y,w,h'.ljust(21) + ' ' + '\t[Title] SubTitle'
print '-'.rjust(7,'-') + ' ' + '-'.rjust(5,'-') + ' ' + '-'.ljust(21,'-') + ' ' + '\t-------------------------------------------'
# print textList1
for v in dataSet:
print v;
#grab initial set
wl = Quartz.CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo( Quartz.kCGWindowListOptionAll, Quartz.kCGNullWindowID)
wl = sorted(wl, key=lambda k: k.valueForKey_('kCGWindowOwnerPID'))
#convert into readable format
textList1 = transformWindowData(wl);
#print everything we have on the screen
print 'all windows:'
print 'Move target window'
#grab window data the second time
wl2 = Quartz.CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(Quartz.kCGWindowListOptionAll, Quartz.kCGNullWindowID)
textList2 = transformWindowData(wl2)
#check the difference
w = NSMutableSet.setWithArray_(textList1)
#print the difference
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