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Created November 16, 2014 22:24
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Frege template for the recursive functions lab (section 8 "interactive programs") with quickcheck support
module Lab4 where
-- RECURSIVE FUNCTIONS, Frege version by Dierk Koenig
-- import frege.prelude.Math(pi) -- uncomment this when trying to use pi
-- ===================================
-- Ex. 0
-- ===================================
triangle :: Integer -> Integer
triangle n = undefined
-- ===================================
-- Ex. 1
-- ===================================
count :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Int
count x xs = undefined
xs = [1,2,35,2,3,4,8,2,9,0,5,2,8,4,9,1,9,7,3,9,2,0,5,2,7,6,92,8,3,6,1,9,2,4,8,7,1,2,8,0,4,5,2,3,6,2,3,9,8,4,7,1,4,0,1,8,4,1,2,4,56,7,2,98,3,5,28,4,0,12,4,6,8,1,9,4,8,62,3,71,0,3,8,10,2,4,7,12,9,0,3,47,1,0,23,4,8,1,20,5,7,29,3,5,68,23,5,6,3,4,98,1,0,2,3,8,1]
ys = map (\x -> ((x + 1) * 3) ^ 3 - 7) xs
poem = map unpacked
[ "Three Types for the Lisp-kings under the parentheses,"
, "Seven for the Web-lords in their halls of XML,"
, "Nine for C Developers doomed to segfault,"
, "One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne"
, "In the Land of Haskell where the Monads lie."
, "One Type to rule them all, One Type to find them,"
, "One Type to bring them all and in the Lambda >>= them"
, "In the Land of Haskell where the Monads lie."
-- ===================================
-- Ex. 2
-- ===================================
euclid :: (Int, Int) -> Int
euclid (x, y) = undefined
-- ===================================
-- Ex. 3
-- ===================================
funkyMap :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
funkyMap f g xs = undefined
-- Successively uncomment the lines below to validate your implementation
-- or jump to the TDD section below
-- main _ = do
-- println $ triangle 4 == 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 0
-- println $ triangle 500
-- println $ triangle (-500)
-- println $ triangle pi
-- println $ count "Haskell" ["Java", "PHP", "Javascript", "C#"] == 0
-- println $ count 'e' (unpacked "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.") == 4
-- println $ count 722 ys
-- -- the >>= "shove" operator on a list of lists is flattening the list one level deep
-- -- and feeds the function on the right with all elements of the left, e.g.
-- println $ ([[1,1,1], [2,2,2]] >>= id) == [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]
-- println $ count 101 (poem >>= (map $ (+4) . ord))
-- println $ euclid (6, 27) == 3
-- println $ euclid (13404, 8832)
-- println $ euclid (1, 0)
-- println $ funkyMap (+10) (+100) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] == [11, 102, 13, 104, 15]
-- println $ funkyMap (+10) (+100) [1, 2, 3, 4] == [11, 102, 13, 104]
-- println $ sum $ funkyMap (+10) (+100) ys
-- println $ sum $ funkyMap (\c -> if c == 'e' then 1 else 0) ord (poem >>= id)
-- -------------------------------------- TDD --------------------------------------------------
-- As an alternative to starting the main function and observing the system output to contain "true"
-- only, you can also use QuickCheck for a TDD workflow.
-- Compile this module and start the QuickCheck tests below by calling the main class
-- with the current module name as the argument. Depending on your setup that will be something along the lines
-- java -classpath .:fregec.jar -v Lab4
import Test.QuickCheck -- infile unit testing
-- verifying single properties once:
triangle_4 = once (triangle 4 == 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 )
triangle_500 = once (triangle 500 == 0 ) -- this test will fail until you have the right answer!
-- verifying an invariant. Since x may be generated as a negative number, we have to filter those out
triangle_gauss = property (\x -> x < 0 || triangle x == x * (x + 1) `div` 2 )
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