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Created December 8, 2016 15:47
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AntHill simulation using Frege STM
module Ants where
import STM
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, forkOS)
import Data.List (!!, nub, sortBy)
import System.Random
import fregefx.JavaFxAll (GraphicsContext, Color, Group, Stage, Canvas, VBox)
import fregefx.JavaFxUtils (<:, withStage, FregeFX, withUI)
data Location = L { !x :: Int
, !y :: Int
derive Eq Location
derive Show Location
data Cell = Cell {
--- amount of food in the cell; >= 0
!food :: Int,
--- amount of pheromons in the cell; >= 0
!pher :: Int,
--- Indicates whether an ant is in the cell and that this cell is its position
!ant :: Maybe Ant,
--- indicates whether this cell is in the ant hill
!home :: Bool
} where
takeFood :: Cell -> Cell
takeFood cell = cell.{
food <- if isJust cell.ant then pred else id,
ant <- fmap _.{ food = True }
dropFood :: Cell -> Cell
dropFood cell = cell.{
food <- succ,
ant <- fmap _.{ food = False }
placeAnt :: Cell -> Ant -> Cell
placeAnt cell ant = cell.{ ant = Just ant }
removeAnt :: Cell -> Cell
removeAnt cell = cell.{ ant = Nothing }
dropPheromone :: Cell -> Cell
dropPheromone cell = cell.{ pher <- excite, ant <- fmap calmdown} where
calmdown ant = ant.{excited = min excitement (ant.excited - boost)}
excite pher = min pherLimit (pher + 1 + boost)
boost = case cell.ant of
Nothing -> error "cannot happen!"
Just ant -> if ant.excited >= pherBoost then pherBoost else 0
derive Show Cell
--- directions from North to North West going clock-wise.
data Direction = N | NE | E | SE | S | SW | W | NW where
--- clockwise direction change
succ :: Direction -> Direction
succ dir = case dir of
N -> NE
NE -> E
E -> SE
SE -> S
S -> SW
SW -> W
W -> NW
NW -> N
--- counter-clockwise direction change
pred :: Direction -> Direction
pred dir = case dir of
N -> NW
NE -> N
E -> NE
SE -> E
S -> SE
SW -> S
W -> SW
NW -> W
derive Show Direction
--- Translate a Direction into a pair of x and y offsets.
deltaDirection :: Direction -> Location
deltaDirection x = case x of
N -> L 0 (-1)
NE -> L 1 (-1)
E -> L 1 0
SE -> L 1 1
S -> L 0 1
SW -> L (-1) 1
W -> L (-1) 0
NW -> L (-1) (-1)
data Ant = Ant {
!direction :: Direction,
!food :: Bool,
!excited :: Int -- extra pheros to drop; >= 0
} where
--- turn the ant so often to the right (positive numbers) or to the left (negative)
turn :: Ant -> Int -> Ant
turn ant amount
| amount == 0 = ant
| amount > 0 = turn ant.{direction <- _.succ } (amount - 1)
| otherwise = turn ant.{direction <- _.pred } (amount + 1)
derive Show Ant
data AntAgent = AntAgent {
!world :: World,
!location :: Location,
rng :: TVar StdGen -- random number generator
} where
dice :: AntAgent -> STM Double
dice agent = do
rng <-
let (result, rng') = Double.random rng
agent.rng.write rng'
return result
--- move ant from old into new cell if new cell is empty
move :: AntAgent -> STM AntAgent
move agent = do
let oldp = agent.location
oldc <-
let ant = unJust oldc.ant
newloc = agent.location ant.direction
newp = newloc
newc <-
case newc.ant of
Just _ -> return agent
Nothing -> do
if oldc.home
then oldp.write oldc.removeAnt
else oldp.write oldc.dropPheromone.removeAnt
newp.write $ newc.placeAnt ant
return agent.{ location = newloc }
behave :: AntAgent -> STM AntAgent
behave agent = do
let oldp = agent.location
cell <-
world =
ant = unJust cell.ant
ahead = (world.deltaLocation agent.location ant.direction)
aheadLeft = (world.deltaLocation agent.location (ant.direction.pred))
aheadRight = (world.deltaLocation agent.location (ant.direction.succ))
cellAhead <-
cellAheadLeft <-
cellAheadRight <-
places = [cellAhead, cellAheadLeft, cellAheadRight]
-- going home?
-- going home
-- at home?
if cell.home
-- at home
then do
oldp.write $ cell.dropFood.placeAnt (ant.{food=False,excited=excitement}.turn 4)
return agent
-- not at home
if cellAhead.home && isNothing cellAhead.ant
then (move agent >>= return) -- examine: why is bind return needed?
actions :: [STM AntAgent]
actions = [move agent >>= return,
(oldp.write (cell.placeAnt (ant.turn (-1)))) >> return agent,
(oldp.write (cell.placeAnt (ant.turn 1 ))) >> return agent]
rankAhead cell = if isJust cell.ant then 0 else cell.pher
rankHome cell = if cell.home then 2 else 1
ranks = ranked places [
[rankHome, _.pher],
[rankHome, _.pher]
in do
r <- agent.dice
let i = wrand r ranks
actions !! i
-- foraging
if > 0 && !cell.home
-- food in cell and not home?
then do
oldp.write $ cell.takeFood.placeAnt (ant.{food=True,excited=excitement}.turn 4)
return agent
-- no food?
if > 0 && !cellAhead.home && isNothing cellAhead.ant
then (move agent >>= return)
actions :: [STM AntAgent]
actions = [move agent >>= return,
(oldp.write (cell.placeAnt (ant.turn (-1)))) >> return agent,
(oldp.write (cell.placeAnt (ant.turn 1 ))) >> return agent]
rankAhead c = case c.ant of
Just _ -> 0
otherwise -> c.pher + + (if c.home then 0 else 2)
ranks = ranked places [[rankAhead],
[, _.pher, const 1],
[, _.pher, const 1]
in do
r <- agent.dice
let i = wrand r ranks
actions !! i
act :: AntAgent -> IO Bool -> IO ()
act agent running = do
Thread.sleep antSleep
stillRunning <- running
if stillRunning
then do agent' <- atomically $ agent.behave
act agent' running
else return ()
--- for each cell, apply its list of ranking functions
ranked :: [Cell] -> [[(Cell -> Int)]] -> [Int]
ranked cs fss = zipWith go cs fss where
go c fs = (succ $ sum $ map ($ c) fs)
--- index selection from list of weights, given a (random) "distance" rate
wrand :: Double -> [Int] -> Int
wrand rate weights = loop 0 weights 0 where
loop i [] acc = i.pred
loop i (x:xs) acc = -- count weight indexes
if distance < (x + acc) -- until distance has been reached
then i
else loop i.succ xs (x + acc)
total = sum weights
distance = min (max 0 (total - 1)) (rate * total.double).long.fromIntegral
--- The world consists of TVars of type Cell.
data World = private World { !cells :: [[TVar Cell]]
, !dimX :: Int
, !dimY :: Int
} where
new :: Int -> Int -> STM World
new dimX dimY = do
cells <- mapM (const $ mapM (const $ (Cell 0 0 Nothing False)) [0..dimY - 1]) [0..dimX - 1]
return $ World cells dimX dimY
place :: World -> Location -> TVar Cell
place world (L x y) = (world.cells !! x) !! y
deltaLocation :: World -> Location -> Direction -> Location
deltaLocation world loc dir =
case deltaDirection dir of
L dx dy = L ((loc.x + dx + world.dimX) `rem` world.dimX)
((loc.y + dy + world.dimY) `rem` world.dimY)
locations :: World -> [Location]
locations world = [L x y | x <- [ - 1], y <- [ - 1]]
evaporate :: World -> IO ()
evaporate world = do
mapM_ evap $ concat world.cells
evap place = atomically $ do
cell <-
place.write $ cell.{pher <- \x -> max 0 (x - 1)}
evaporator :: World -> IO ()
evaporator world = do
Thread.sleep evaporationRate
evaporate world
createWorld :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO (World, [AntAgent])
createWorld dimX dimY nantsSqrt nfood = do
world <- atomically $ dimX dimY
-- create food places
rng <- getStdGen
(prngX, prngY) = rng.split
(_, prngFood) = prngY.split
foodLocations = take nfood $ nub $ zipWith L
(Int.randomRs (25, 65 - 1) prngX)
(Int.randomRs (25, 65 - 1) prngY)
atomically $ zipWithM_ (setFood world) foodLocations (take nfood $ Int.randomRs foodRange prngFood)
-- create home
atomically $ mapM_ (setHome world) homeLocations
-- create ants and ant agents
rng <- getStdGen
rngs <- mapM (atomically • $ take nants $ makeRngs rng
turns <- sequence $ replicate nants $ Int.randomRIO (0, 7)
ants = zipWith Ant.turn (repeat (Ant N False 0)) turns
atomically $ zipWithM_ (setAnt world) ants homeLocations
agents = zipWith (AntAgent world) homeLocations rngs
return (world, agents)
nants = nantsSqrt * nantsSqrt
homeOffsetX = dimX `div` 4
homeOffsetY = dimY `div` 4
homeRangeX = [homeOffsetX..(homeOffsetX + nantsSqrt - 1)]
homeRangeY = [homeOffsetY..(homeOffsetY + nantsSqrt - 1)]
homeLocations = [L x y | x <- homeRangeX, y <- homeRangeY]
makeRngs :: StdGen -> [StdGen]
makeRngs rng = x : makeRngs y
where (x, y) = rng.split
--makeRnds rng = r : makeRnds g
-- where (r, g) = Double.random rng
setHome world loc = do
p = loc
c <-
p.write $ c.{home = True}
setFood world loc amt = do
p = loc
c <-
p.write $ c.{food=amt}
setAnt world ant loc = do
p = loc
c <-
p.write $ c.placeAnt ant.{excited=excitement}
drawWorld :: World -> GraphicsContext -> IO ()
drawWorld world ctx = do
colorBg <- Color.white
ctx.setFill colorBg
ctx.fillRect 0 0 world.dimX.double world.dimY.double
cells <- atomically $ mapM $ concat world.cells
sequence_ $ zipWith drawCell world.locations cells
homeColor <-
ctx.setStroke homeColor
ctx.setLineWidth (1.0 / displayScale)
ctx.strokeRect homeOffsetX homeOffsetY nantsSqrt.double nantsSqrt.double
homeOffsetX = world.dimX.double / 4
homeOffsetY = world.dimY.double / 4
drawCell loc (Cell food pher ant home) = do
pherColor <- Color.rgb 0 255 0 ((min 1 (pher.double / pherScale))) :: IO Color
foodColor <- Color.rgb 255 0 0 ((min 100 food).double / 100) :: IO Color
fillCell loc.x loc.y pherColor
fillCell loc.x loc.y foodColor
case ant of
Just ant -> drawAnt loc.x.double loc.y.double ant
Nothing -> return ()
fillCell x y c = do
ctx.setFill c
ctx.fillRect x.double y.double 1 1
drawAnt x y (Ant dir food _) = do
color <- if food
ctx.setStroke color
ctx.setLineWidth (3 / displayScale)
ctx.strokeLine fx fy tx ty
fx = x + 0.5 + (lx.double * 0.5)
fy = y + 0.5 + (ly.double * 0.5)
tx = x + 0.5 -- (lx.double * 0.5)
ty = y + 0.5 -- (ly.double * 0.5)
L lx ly = deltaDirection dir
createCanvas :: Double -> IO Canvas
createCanvas scale = do
c <- width height :: IO Canvas
ctx <- c.getGraphicsContext2D :: IO GraphicsContext
ctx.scale scale scale
return c
buildUI :: TMVar (Maybe (GraphicsContext -> IO ())) -> TVar Bool -> Group -> Stage -> IO Group
buildUI mvar running root stage = do
stage.setTitle "Ant Colony"
canvas <- createCanvas displayScale
ctx <- canvas.getGraphicsContext2D :: IO GraphicsContext
forkOS (loop running $ animator mvar ctx)
root <: do
vbox <- 5d :: IO VBox
kids <- vbox.getChildren
kids.add canvas
return vbox
animator :: TMVar (Maybe (GraphicsContext -> IO ())) -> GraphicsContext -> IO ()
animator mvar ctx = do
mf <- atomically $ takeTMVar mvar
case mf of
Just f -> withUI $ f ctx
Nothing -> return ()
displayScale = 8.0
dim = 80
dimX = dim
dimY = dim
width = dimX.double * displayScale
height = dimY.double * displayScale
nantsSqrt = 7
nfood = 35
foodRange = (30, 100)
antSleep = 20L
evaporationRate = 700L
pherScale = 20.0
excitement = 50
pherBoost = 5
pherLimit = 40
animate :: TMVar (Maybe (GraphicsContext -> IO ())) -> World -> IO ()
animate pipe world = do
atomically $ putTMVar pipe $ Just $ drawWorld world
Thread.sleep 100
loop :: TVar Bool -> IO () -> IO ()
loop running f = do
r <- atomically $
if r
then (f >> loop running f)
else return ()
reporter :: World -> IO ()
reporter world = do
cells <- atomically $ mapM $ concat world.cells
let nfood = (sum (map cells)) + foodAnts
foodHome = sum $ map $ filter _.home cells
foodWild = nfood - foodHome
foodAnts = fromIntegral $ length $ filter ants
ants = map unJust $ filter isJust $ map _.ant cells
nants = fromIntegral $ length $ ants
phers = sum $ map _.pher cells
println (
"Food: " ++ show nfood ++ " (" ++
"home: " ++ show foodHome ++ ", " ++
"outside: " ++ show foodWild ++ ") " ++
"Ants: " ++ show nants ++ " (" ++
"foraging: " ++ show (nants - foodAnts) ++ ", " ++
"carring food: " ++ show foodAnts ++ ") " ++
"Pheromones: " ++ show phers
main = do
running <- atomically $ True
(world, agents) <- createWorld dimX dimY nantsSqrt nfood
mvar <- atomically $ newEmptyTMVar
forkOS (loop running $ animate mvar world)
forkOS (loop running $ evaporator world)
forkIO (Thread.sleep 2000 >> mapM_ (\a -> forkOS (a.act $ atomically $ agents)
forkOS (loop running $ (reporter world >> Thread.sleep 2000))
FregeFX.launch $ withStage (buildUI mvar running)
atomically $ running.write False
atomically $ putTMVar mvar Nothing
return ()
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