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Created May 24, 2015 04:46
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Not your father's C++
// AmpTest.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <boost/preprocessor/repeat.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/enum.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/enum_params.hpp>
#include <boost/range/counting_range.hpp>
#include <boost/range/adaptor/reversed.hpp>
using namespace concurrency;
template<typename T, int N> struct fixed_array;
#define ENUM_ARRAY_INDEX_M(z, n, data) data[n]
#define ENUM_ARRAY_INDEX(count, data) BOOST_PP_ENUM(count, ENUM_ARRAY_INDEX_M, data)
#define ENUM_FIELD_INIT_M(z, n, data) m_ ## data ## n (data ## n)
#define ENUM_FIELD_INIT(count, data) BOOST_PP_ENUM(count, ENUM_FIELD_INIT_M, data)
#define ENUM_FIELD_DECL_M(z, n, data) data ## n;
#define ENUM_FIELD_DECL(count, data) BOOST_PP_REPEAT(count, ENUM_FIELD_DECL_M, data)
#define ENUM_CASE_M(z, n, data) case n: return data ## n;
#define ENUM_CASE(count, data) BOOST_PP_REPEAT(count, ENUM_CASE_M, data)
#define DEF_SPEC_ARRAY(z, n, data) \
template<typename T> struct fixed_array<T, n> { \
public: \
ENUM_FIELD_DECL(n, T m_elem); \
inline fixed_array(BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n, T const& elem)) restrict(amp, cpu) : ENUM_FIELD_INIT(n, elem) {}; \
inline T operator[](int i) const restrict(amp, cpu) { \
switch (i) { \
ENUM_CASE(n, m_elem) \
default: return m_elem0; \
} \
} \
template<unsigned N> class range_to;
const int uniform_param = 0x80000000;
template<unsigned N, int I> class param_indexer {
template<typename T> static auto& index(T& param) restrict(amp, cpu) {
return param[N + I];
template<unsigned N> class param_indexer<N, uniform_param> {
template<typename T> static T& index(T& param) restrict(amp, cpu) {
return param;
template<typename F>
class range_invoker {
F f;
template<int... I, unsigned N, typename... P> inline void each(range_to<N> unused, P&... p) restrict(amp, cpu) {
each<I...>(range_to<N - 1>(), p...);
f(N - 1, param_indexer<N - 1, I>::index(p)...);
template<int... I, unsigned N, typename... P> inline void eachRev(range_to<N> unused, P&... p) restrict(amp, cpu) {
f(N - 1, param_indexer<N - 1, I>::index(p)...);
eachRev<I...>(range_to<N - 1>(), p...);
template<int... I, typename... P> inline void each(range_to<0> unused, P&... p) restrict(amp, cpu) { }
template<int... I, typename... P> inline void eachRev(range_to<0> unused, P&... p) restrict(amp, cpu) { }
template<unsigned N> class range_to {
template<int... I, typename F, typename... P> static void each(F f, P&... p) restrict(amp, cpu) {
range_invoker<F> invoker{ f };
invoker.each<I...>(range_to<N>(), p...);
template<int... I, typename F, typename... P> static void eachRev(F f, P&... p) restrict(amp, cpu) {
range_invoker<F> invoker{ f };
invoker.eachRev<I...>(range_to<N>(), p...);
template<typename T, int Rank>
void fill(array<T, Rank>& arr, T initValue) {
parallel_for_each(arr.extent, [&arr, initValue](index<Rank> idx) restrict(amp) {
arr[idx] = initValue;
void printArray(array_view<float, 1> view) {
array_view<float, 1> temp(view.extent);
for (int i = 0; i < temp.extent[0]; ++i)
std::cout << std::setw(8) << temp[i];
std::cout << std::endl;
struct table {
array<float, 1> m_value;
array<float, 1> m_gradient;
inline table(extent<1> size) : m_value(size), m_gradient(size) { }
inline extent<1> extent() const { return m_value.extent; }
struct table_view {
array_view<float, 1> m_value;
array_view<float, 1> m_gradient;
inline table_view(table& src) : m_value(src.m_value), m_gradient(src.m_gradient) { }
inline extent<1> extent() const { return m_value.extent; }
class network;
class module {
table m_output;
network* m_network;
inline module(network* nn, extent<1> outputSize) : m_network(nn), m_output(outputSize) { }
static inline extent<1> scalarExtent(std::initializer_list<table_view> inputs) {
auto extent = inputs.begin()->extent();
for (auto& input : inputs) {
if (input.extent() != extent)
throw "Extent mismatch";
return extent;
inline table_view getOutput() {
return table_view(m_output);
virtual void updateOutput() = 0;
virtual void updateGradInput() = 0;
inline operator table_view() {
return getOutput();
// Base class for modules of the form `foldl <op> [inputs...]`,
// which includes scalar arithmetic
template<int N, typename S>
class module_scalar : public module {
fixed_array<table_view, N> m_inputs;
template<typename... T>
inline module_scalar(network* nn, T... inputs) : module(nn, scalarExtent({ inputs... })), m_inputs(inputs...) { }
virtual void updateOutput() {
auto inputs = m_inputs;
table_view output = m_output;
try {
[=](index<1> idx) restrict(amp) {
float acc = S::identity();
range_to<N>::each<uniform_param, 0>([=](int i, float& acc, auto& inputi) restrict(amp) {
acc = S::op(acc, inputi.m_value[idx]);
}, acc, inputs);
output.m_value[idx] = acc;
} catch (concurrency::runtime_exception& ex) {
virtual void updateGradInput() {
auto inputs = m_inputs;
table_view output = m_output;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
try {
[=](index<1> idx) restrict(amp) {
// This is a fun little snippet of code which calculates all N partial
// derivatives of `foldl <op> [inputs...]` in O(N) time
// We can't use normal loops because AMP is funny about them...
float x[N];
range_to<N>::each<0, 0>([=](int i, float& xi, auto& inputi) restrict(amp) {
xi = inputi.m_value[idx];
}, x, inputs);
float acc[N];
acc[0] = S::identity();
range_to<N-1>::each<1, 0, 0>([=](int i, float& acci1, float& acci, auto& xi) restrict(amp) {
acci1 = S::op(acci, xi);
}, acc, acc, x);
float dacc0[N];
dacc0[N - 1] = 1.0f;
range_to<N-1>::eachRev<0, 1, 1>([=](int i, float& dacc0i, float& acci, auto& xi) restrict(amp) {
dacc0i = S::dop0(acci, xi);
}, dacc0, acc, x);
float y[N];
range_to<N - 1>::eachRev<0, 0, 0, 0>([=](int i, float& yi, float& acci, auto& xi, float& dacc0i) restrict(amp) {
float dacc1 = S::dop1(acci, xi);
yi = dacc1*dacc0i;
}, y, acc, x, dacc0);
float gradient = output.m_gradient[idx];
range_to<N>::each<0, 0>([=](int i, auto& inputi, float& yi) restrict(amp) {
inputi.m_gradient[idx] = gradient*yi;
}, inputs, y);
} catch (concurrency::runtime_exception& ex) {
template<int N = 2>
class module_add : public module_scalar<N, module_add<N>> {
using module_scalar::module_scalar;
static inline float identity() restrict(amp) {
return 0.0f;
static inline float op(float a, float b) restrict(amp) {
return a+b;
static inline float dop0(float a, float b) restrict(amp) {
return 1.0f;
static inline float dop1(float a, float b) restrict(amp) {
return 1.0f;
class module_sub : public module_scalar<2, module_sub> {
using module_scalar::module_scalar;
static inline float identity() restrict(amp) {
return 0.0f;
static inline float op(float a, float b) restrict(amp) {
return -(a+b);
static inline float dop0(float a, float b) restrict(amp) {
return -1.0f;
static inline float dop1(float a, float b) restrict(amp) {
return -1.0f;
class module_neg : public module_scalar<1, module_neg> {
using module_scalar::module_scalar;
static inline float identity() restrict(amp) {
return 0.0f;
static inline float op(float a, float b) restrict(amp) {
return -b;
static inline float dop0(float a, float b) restrict(amp) {
return 0.0f;
static inline float dop1(float a, float b) restrict(amp) {
return -1.0f;
template<int N = 2>
class module_mul : public module_scalar<N, module_mul<N>> {
using module_scalar::module_scalar;
static inline float identity() restrict(amp) {
return 1.0f;
static inline float op(float a, float b) restrict(amp) {
return a*b;
static inline float dop0(float a, float b) restrict(amp) {
return b;
static inline float dop1(float a, float b) restrict(amp) {
return a;
class module_div : public module_scalar<2, module_div> {
using module_scalar::module_scalar;
static inline float identity() restrict(amp) {
return 1.0f;
static inline float op(float a, float b) restrict(amp) {
return 1.0f / (a*b);
static inline float dop0(float a, float b) restrict(amp) {
return -1.0f / (a*a*b);
static inline float dop1(float a, float b) restrict(amp) {
return -1.0f / (a*b*b);
class module_rcp : public module_scalar<1, module_rcp> {
using module_scalar::module_scalar;
static inline float identity() restrict(amp) {
return 1.0f;
static inline float op(float a, float b) restrict(amp) {
return 1.0f / b;
static inline float dop0(float a, float b) restrict(amp) {
return 0.0f;
static inline float dop1(float a, float b) restrict(amp) {
return -1.0f / (b*b);
class module_param : public module {
inline module_param(network* nn, extent<1> extent) : module(nn, extent) { }
virtual void updateOutput() {
virtual void updateGradInput() {
void setValue(array_view<float,1> value) {
if (value.extent != m_output.extent())
throw "Extent mismatch";
class network {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<module>> m_moduleSeq;
template<typename T>
inline T* addModule(std::unique_ptr<T>&& m) {
T* result = m.get();
return result;
template<typename T, typename... P> inline T* make(P&&... args) {
return addModule(std::make_unique<T>(this, std::forward<P>(args)...));
void updateOutput() {
for (auto& module : m_moduleSeq)
void updateGradInput() {
for (auto& module : boost::adaptors::reverse(m_moduleSeq))
struct rms_config {
float learningRate = 1e-2f;
float alpha = 0.99f;
float epsilon = 1e-8f;
float lerp(float alpha, float a, float b) restrict(amp) {
return alpha*b + (1.0f - alpha)*a;
template<typename F>
class rms_prop {
rms_config m_config;
F m_f;
array_view<float, 1>& m_x;
array<float, 1> m_state;
array<float, 1> m_loss;
rms_prop(F f, array_view<float, 1>& x, rms_config const& config) : m_f(f), m_x(x), m_state(x.get_extent()), m_loss(x.get_extent()), m_config(config) {
fill(m_state, 0.0f);
fill(m_loss, 0.0f);
void step() {
parallel_for_each(x.extent, [&](index<Rank> idx) restrict(amp) {
m_state[idx] = lerp(m_config.alpha, m_state[idx], m_state[idx]);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
network nn;
extent<1> size(8);
auto a = nn.make<module_param>(size);
auto b = nn.make<module_add<2>>(a->getOutput(), a->getOutput());
auto c = nn.make<module_div>(b->getOutput(), a->getOutput());
array<float, 1> data(size, boost::make_counting_iterator(1.0f));
return 0;
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