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Created November 28, 2018 20:34
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JS animation
* Found HERE:
* @desc Basic linear value animation that can accept simple easing functions and provides update & complete callbacks
* @param {Object} values - Object with numerical values. eg. { value1: 0, value2: 20, someKey: 55 }
* @param {Number} duration - How long (in milliseconds) the animation will be
* @param {Object} options - target values, update callback & complete callback
* @param {Function} [options.onComplete=(values) => values] - Callback that fires once animation is complete
* @param {Function} [options.onUpdate=(values) => values] - Callback that fires when animation frame updates
* @param {Function} [options.ease=(t) => t] - easing method eg.
* @example
const a = document.getElementById('a')
animateValues({ a: 0 }, 800, {
a: 500,
onUpdate: v => = 'scaleX('+ v.a +')',
onComplete: v => alert('Done!'),
ease: t => t<.5 ? 2*t*t : -1+(4-2*t)*t, // From:
function animateValues(values, duration, options) {
// Linear interpolation
const lerp = (source, target, amount) => source + amount * (target - source)
// Validation methods
const checkNum = n => typeof n === 'number' ? n : null
const checkFunc = f => typeof f === 'function' ? f : _ => _
// Ensure methods.
const onComplete = checkFunc(options.onComplete)
const onUpdate = checkFunc(options.onUpdate)
const ease = checkFunc(options.ease)
// Animation start time
const start =
// Create a map <key: [from, to]>
const animationMap = Object.keys(values).reduce((map, key) => {
const _from = checkNum(values[key])
const _to = checkNum(options[key])
if (_from !== null && _to !== null) map[key] = [_from, _to]
return map
}, {})
// List of animating values
const keys = Object.keys(animationMap)
// Create & run animation function
const animation = () => {
const now =
let t = duration > 0 ? (now - start) / duration : 1
// Update all values using 't'
keys.forEach(key => {
// If both 'from' and 'to' are numbers: animate!
const [_from, _to] = animationMap[key]
const progress = ease(t, _from, _to, duration)
// Update value
values[key] = lerp(_from, _to, progress)
// If complete..
if (t >= 1) {
// Final update for all keys
keys.forEach(key => (values[key] = options[key]))
} else {
// Run update callback and loop until finished
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