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Created May 29, 2018 00:26
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Space_Quiz_App_Final created by sachdiksha -
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.option-input:checked {
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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<meta name="description" content="This is a quiz that will test your knowledge on outer space.">
<title>Space Quiz</title>
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<h1>What do you know about <span class='spacee'>space</span>?</h1>
<div class="startquizhidingdiv"></div>
<button id="startquiz" type='button'>Start</button>
<div class="quiz-info">Find out how much you really know about our solar system!</div>
<form id='quiz-form' role='form'>
<div class="headerquiz">
<div class="spantest">
<span class=headerquizspan>Quiz App | </span>
<span class="headerscore"></span></div>
<h2 id="quizstat"></h2>
<div class="quizquestion"></div>
<div class="answerList"></div>
<button id="submit" type="button">Submit</button>
<button id="reset" type="button">Wanna try again?</button>
<!--- div's for displaying user feedback -->
<div id="force-choice"><div>Did you forget to pick a choice first?</div>
<button id="forcechoicecloser" type="button">Close</button>
<div id="results"> </div>
<div id="houstonRight"><div id="choiceAnsRight"></div><div class="imgcontainer"><img src=""><div id="houstontext1"></div>
<div id="closerdiv"><button id="closer1" type="button">Close</button></div>
<div id="houstonWrong"><div id="choiceAnsWrong"></div><div class="imgcontainer"><img src=""><div id="houstontext"></div>
<div id="closerdiv"> <button id="closer" type="button">Close</button></div>
// prevent form from being submitted
$('#quiz-form').on("click", function(e) {
// setting up variables
correctChoice = 0;
var currentQuestionNum = 0; // set to first question
var points = 0;
var totalQuestions = quizQuestions.length;
var forceChoice = null;
var results = null;
var houstonRight = null;
var houstonWrong = null;
var reset = null;
function onQuizStarted() {
function onQuestionSubmitted() {
answervalue = $("input[type='radio']:checked").val();
if (answervalue === undefined) {;
$('#forcechoicecloser').on('click', function(){
} else {
if (answervalue === quizQuestions[currentQuestionNum].correctChoice) {
} else {
points === points;
function nextQuestion() {
if (currentQuestionNum + 1 < quizQuestions.length) {
currentQuestionNum += 1;
} else {
function feedbackgiver() {
var checkedRadio = $("input[type='radio']:checked")
answervalue = checkedRadio.val();
var correct = quizQuestions[currentQuestionNum].correctChoice;
var x = document.getElementsByTagName("label")
if (answervalue === quizQuestions[currentQuestionNum].correctChoice) {
checkedRadio.css("color", "green");
console.log('Question:' + (currentQuestionNum + 1) + ' was Correct.');
$('#houstontext1').html('Congrats you got it right!');
$('#closer1').on('click', function(){
} else {
checkedRadio.css("color", "red");
console.log('Question:' + (currentQuestionNum + 1) + ' was incorrect.');
$('#houstontext').html('The correct choice was ' +quizQuestions[currentQuestionNum].answers[correct]);
$('#closer').on('click', function(){
function displayQuestion() {
var question = quizQuestions[currentQuestionNum].question;
var choiceAmt = quizQuestions[currentQuestionNum].answers.length;
$('#quizstat').html(`Question ` + (currentQuestionNum + 1) + ` `);
var choice;
for (var i = 0; i < choiceAmt; i++) {
choice = quizQuestions[currentQuestionNum].answers[i];
$(` <input type='radio' id="no${i}" name="ansbttns" value=` + i + ` class="option-input"><label for="no${i}" class="testing">` + choice +
function resetQuiz() {
currentQuestionNum = 0;
correctChoice = 0;
points = 0;
quizOver = false;
function displayScore() {
$('.headerscore').html(`Score: ` + points + `/10`);
function displayFinalScore() {
results.html(`<p>Total Score: <br>` + (points * 10) + `%</p>`);;
function hideScore() {
function quizover() {
$(document).ready(function() {
forceChoice = $('#force-choice');
results = $('#results');
houstonRight = $('#houstonRight');
houstonWrong = $('#houstonWrong');
reset = $('#reset');
$('#submit').on("click", onQuestionSubmitted);
$('#startquiz').on('click', onQuizStarted);
reset.on('click', resetQuiz);
const quizQuestions = [{
question: 'What type of galaxy is the most common in the universe?',
answers: ['Elliptical', 'Spiral', 'Irregular', 'Square'],
correctChoice: '0'
question: 'How old is the universe in light years? (Plus or minus 1 billion light years.)',
answers: ['1 billion', '15 billion', '20 billion', '13.8 billion'],
correctChoice: '3'
question: 'How many planets are in the Solar System?',
answers: ['0', '9', '10', '8'],
correctChoice: '3'
question: 'What is the largest planet in our solar system?',
answers: ['Moon', 'Earth', 'Pluto', 'Jupiter'],
correctChoice: '3'
question: 'What is the smallest planet in our solar system?',
answers: ['Mercury', 'Jupiter', 'Mars', 'Pluto'],
correctChoice: '0'
question: 'Which year was the first exoplanet discovered in?',
answers: ['1996', '1994', '1995', '2018'],
correctChoice: '2'
question: 'What is the most common type of star found in the Milky Way?',
answers: ['White dwarf', 'Red dwarf', 'yellow dwarf', 'Rainbow dwarf'],
correctChoice: '1'
question: 'What has a gravitational pull so strong that even light cannot escape it?',
answers: ['Earth', 'Mars', 'A black hole', 'A star'],
correctChoice: '2'
question: 'Which NASA space flight was the last manned mission to the moon?',
answers: ['Apollo 17', 'Oceans 13', 'Oceans 12', 'Oceans 11'],
correctChoice: '0'
question: 'Which way does Earth spin?',
answers: ['From east to west', 'From west to east', 'From left to right', 'From up to down'],
correctChoice: '1'
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