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Last active August 24, 2023 00:46
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PowerShell scripts

Health status check

The following is a PowerShell script to call list of services and display the results in a table.

function Test-ServiceHealth {
    param (

    $results = @()

    foreach ($service in $services) {
        try {
            $response = Invoke-WebRequest $service.Url
            $status = "OK"
        catch {
            $response = $_.Exception.Response
            $status = "ERROR"

        $results += [PSCustomObject]@{
            Name = $service.Name
            Url = $service.Url
            Status = $status
            StatusCode = $response.StatusCode
            ResponseTime = $response.Headers."Request-Processing-Time"

    $results | Format-Table -AutoSize

$services = @(
    @{Name="Service1"; Url="http://localhost/Service1/health"},
    @{Name="Service2"; Url="http://localhost/Service2/health"},
    @{Name="Service3"; Url="http://localhost/Service3/health"}

Test-ServiceHealth -services $services

Retrieve the license information from .NET packages

PowerShell script to retrieve the license information from .NET packages.

# This script requires the dotnet-project-licenses tool to be installed
# For installation instructions refer to

# Update the following paths to refer to the locations of the solutions that you want to extract package license info for
$solutionFilesRootFolder = "C:\repos"
$solutionFilePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $solutionFilesRootFolder -Recurse -Filter "*.sln" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName

$allPackages = @()

foreach ($solutionFilePath in $solutionFilePaths) 
    Write-Output "Processing ${solutionFilePath}"
    dotnet-project-licenses -u -j -i $solutionFilePath | Out-Null 
    $packages = Get-Content "licenses.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

    foreach ($package in $packages) { $allPackages += $package }

$allUniquePackages = $allPackages | 
    Group-Object 'PackageName','PackageVersion', 'PackageUrl', 'LicenseType', 'LicenseUrl' | 
    ForEach-Object { $_.Group | Select-Object 'PackageName','PackageVersion', 'PackageUrl', 'LicenseType', 'LicenseUrl' -First 1 } | 
    Sort-Object 'PackageName','PackageVersion', 'PackageUrl', 'LicenseType', 'LicenseUrl'

# $allUniquePackages | Format-Table

[pscustomobject]@{ Packages = $allUniquePackages } |
    ConvertTo-Json |
    Set-Content -Path "C:\temp\package_version_data.json"


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