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Created November 1, 2020 16:16
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  • Save DimaMinka/454e8694b1ee4a3c0c4037eb338fc6c6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DimaMinka/454e8694b1ee4a3c0c4037eb338fc6c6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
echo "
Vagrant.configure(\"2\") do |config| = \"ubuntu/xenial64\" \"private_network\", ip: \"\"
config.vm.provision \"shell\", path: \"scripts/\"
config.vm.synced_folder \"./data\", \"/var/www/html\", type: \"virtualbox\"
end" > Vagrantfile;
mkdir data;
mkdir scripts;
echo "
sudo apt-get install -y apache2 git cmatrix vim curl
sudo apt-get update
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install -y php7.2 php7.2-common php7.2-cli php7.2-fpm libapache2-mod-php7.2 php7.2-zip php7.2-mbstring php7.2-dom
export UBUNTU_FRONTEND=\"noninteractive\"
sudo debconf-set-selections <<< \"mysql-server mysql-server/root_password password 0000\";
sudo debconf-set-selections <<< \"mysql-server mysql-server/root_password_again password 0000\";
sudo apt-get install -y mysql-server php7.2-mysql
sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo sed -i '477s/Off/On/' /etc/php/7.2/apache2/php.ini
sudo sed -i '488s/Off/On/' /etc/php/7.2/apache2/php.ini
sudo sed -i '16s/.*/export APACHE_RUN_USER=vagrant/' /etc/apache2/envvars
sudo sed -i '17s/.*/export APACHE_RUN_GROUP=vagrant/' /etc/apache2/envvars
sudo service apache2 restart;" > ./scripts/;
echo "
#Use this script to ssh mod
rm index.html
curl -O
chmod +x wp-cli.phar
sudo mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp
wp core download --locale=fr_FR
echo 'create database wordpress;' > wordpress.sql
mysql -u root -p0000 < wordpress.sql
rm wordpress.sql
wp config create --dbname=wordpress --dbuser=root --dbpass=0000
echo 'Enter title of your website'
read title
echo 'Enter admin user.'
read user
echo 'Enter password.'
read password
echo 'Enter password again'
read verifyPassword
if [: \$password == \$verifyPassword ]
wp core install --url= --title=\$title --admin_user=\$user --admin_password=\$password
while [ \$password != \$verifyPassword ]
echo 'Error. Please put two similar password.'
echo 'Enter password.'
read password
echo 'Enter password again'
read verifyPassword
wp core install --url= --title=\$title --admin_user=admin --admin_password=\$password
fi" > ./data/
echo "
#Use this script to ssh mod
PS3='Choose an option : '
options=(\"Manage themes\" \"Manage plugins\" \"Quit\")
select opt in \"\${options[@]}\"
case \$opt in
\"Manage themes\")
echo \"You've choose to manage themes.\"
options=(\"Search/Add\" \"Add\" \"Remove\" \"Activate\" \"Precedent\")
select opt in \"\${options[@]}\"
case \$opt in
echo \"Enter the name of theme you are looking for\"
read searchtheme
wp theme search \$searchtheme
echo \"Which theme (by slug) do you want to add ?\"
read addTheme
echo \"Are you sure to want to add \$addTheme ? y/n\"
read answer
if [ \$answer == 'y' ]
wp theme install \$addTheme
echo \"| 1-Search/Add | 2-Add | 3-Remove | 4-Activate | 5-Precedent |\"
echo \"| 1-Search/Add | 2-Add | 3-Remove | 4-Activate | 5-Precedent |\"
wp theme list
echo \"Which theme (by slug) do you want to add ?\"
read slug
wp theme install \$slug
echo \"| 1-Search/Add | 2-Add | 3-Remove | 4-Activate | 5-Precedent |\"
wp theme list
echo \"Which theme (by slug) do you want to remove ?\"
read deleteSlug
wp theme delete \$deleteSlug
echo \"| 1-Search/Add | 2-Add | 3-Remove | 4-Activate | 5-Precedent |\"
wp theme list
echo \"Which theme do you want to activate ?\"
read activatetheme
wp theme activate \$activatetheme
echo \"| 1-Search/Add | 2-Add | 3-Remove | 4-Activate | 5-Precedent |\"
echo \"You asked to go back to precedent menu : | 1-Manage themes | 2-Manage plugins | 3-Quit |\"
*) echo \"Unvalid option. | 1-Search/Add | 2-Add | 3-Remove | 4-Activate | 5-Precedent |\";;
\"Manage plugins\")
echo \"You've choose to manage plugins\"
options=(\"Search/Add\" \"Add\" \"Remove\" \"Activate\" \"Desactivate\" \"Precedent\")
select opt in \"\${options[@]}\"
case \$opt in
echo \"Enter the name of plugin you are looking for\"
read searchplugin
wp plugin search \$searchplugin
echo \"Which plugin \(by slug\) do you want to add ?\"
read addPlugin
echo \"Are you sure to want to add \$addPlugin ? y/n\"
read answer
if [ \$answer == 'y' ]
wp plugin install \$addPlugin
echo \"| 1-Search/Add | 2-Add | 3-Remove | 4-Activate | 5-Desactivate | 6-Precedent |\"
echo \"| 1-Search/Add | 2-Add | 3-Remove | 4-Activate | 5-Desactivate | 6-Precedent |\"
wp plugin list
echo \"Which plugin (by slug) do you want to add ?\"
read slug
wp plugin install \$slug
echo \"| 1-Search/Add | 2-Add | 3-Remove | 4-Activate | 5-Desactivate | 6-Precedent |\"
wp plugin list
echo \"Which plugin (by slug) do you want to remove ?\"
read deleteplugin
wp plugin delete \$deleteplugin
echo \"| 1-Search/Add | 2-Add | 3-Remove | 4-Activate | 5-Desactivate | 6-Precedent |\"
wp theme list
echo \"Which plugin do you want to activate ?\"
read activateplugin
wp plugin activate \$activateplugin
echo \"| 1-Search/Add | 2-Add | 3-Remove | 4-Activate | 5-Desactivate | 6-Precedent |\"
wp theme list
echo \"Which plugin do you want to desactivate ?\"
read deactivateplugin
wp plugin deactivate \$deactivateplugin
echo \"| 1-Search/Add | 2-Add | 3-Remove | 4-Activate | 5-Desactivate | 6-Precedent |\"
echo \"You asked to go back to precedent menu : | 1-Manage themes | 2-Manage plugins | 3-Quit |\"
*) echo \"Unvalid option. | 1-Search/Add | 2-Add | 3-Remove | 4-Activate | 5-Desactivate | 6-Precedent |\";;
*) echo \"Unvalid option. | 1-Manage themes | 2-Manage plugins | 3-Quit |\";;
done" > ./data/
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