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Created January 30, 2012 12:50
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composer test via ovcerloadSetter
* Composer.js is an MVC framework for creating and organizing javascript
* applications. For documentation, please visit:
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2011, Lyon Bros Enterprises, LLC. (
* Licensed under The MIT License.
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
(function() {
// overloadSetter custom that fires a callback when all overloaded props done.
// used in Model.set();
var enumerables = true;
for (var i in {toString: 1}) enumerables = null;
if (enumerables) enumerables = ['hasOwnProperty', 'valueOf', 'isPrototypeOf', 'propertyIsEnumerable', 'toLocaleString', 'toString', 'constructor'];
Function.prototype.OS = function(usePlural, callback){
var self = this;
return function(a, b){
if (a == null) return this;
if (usePlural || typeof a != 'string'){
for (var k in a), k, a[k]);
if (enumerables) for (var i = enumerables.length; i--;){
k = enumerables[i];
if (a.hasOwnProperty(k)), k, a[k]);
} else {, a, b);
callback &&, this, a, b);
return this;
(function() {
var Composer = this.Composer = {};
* You must override this function in your app.
Composer.sync = function(method, model, options) {
return options.success();
// a closure that returns incrementing integers. these will be unique across
// the entire app since only one counter is instantiated
Composer.cid = (function() {
var counter = 1;
return function(inc) {
return 'c' + counter++;
* The base class is inherited by models, collections, and controllers. It
* provides some nice common functionality.
var Base = new Class({
* allows one object to extend another. since controllers, models, and
* collections all do this differently, it is up to each to have their own
* extend function and call this one for validation.
extend: function(obj, base) {
obj || (obj = {});
base || (base = null);
if (obj.initialize) {
var str = 'You are creating a Composer object with an "initialize" method/' + 'parameter, which is reserved. Unless you know what you\'re doing ' + '(and call this.parent.apply(this, arguments)), please rename ' + 'your parameter to something other than "initialize"! Perhaps you' + 'were thinking of init()?';
if (obj.extend) {
var str = 'You are creating a Composer object with an "extend" method/' + 'parameter, which is reserved. Unless you know what you\'re doing ' + '(and call this.parent.apply(this, arguments)), please rename ' + 'your parameter to something other than "extend"!';
return obj;
_do_extend: function(obj, base) {
var obj = Object.merge({
Extends: (base || this.$constructor)
}, obj);
var cls = new Class(obj);
return cls;
* fire_event determines whether or not an event should fire. given an event
* name, the passed-in options, and any arbitrary number of arguments,
* determine whether or not the given event should be triggered.
fire_event: function() {
var args = shallow_array_clone(Array.from(arguments));
var evname = args.shift();
var options = args.shift();
options || (options = {});
// add event name back into the beginning of args
if (!options.silent && !options.not_silent) {
// not silent, fire the event
return this.fireEvent.apply(this, args);
else if (
options.not_silent == evname || (options.not_silent && options.not_silent.length && options.not_silent.contains(evname))) {
// silent, BUT the given event is allowed. fire it.
return this.fireEvent.apply(this, args);
return this;
* Models are the data class. They deal with loading and manipulating data from
* various sources (ajax, local storage, etc). They make wrapping your actual
* data easy, and tie in well with collections/controllers via events to allow
* for easy updating and rendering.
* They also tie in with the Composer.sync function to provide a central place
* for saving/updating information with a server.
var Model = Composer.Model = new Class({
Extends: Base,
Implements: [Events, Options],
// for internal object testing
__is_model: true,
// the model's unique app id, assigned by composer on instantiation
_cid: false,
options: {},
// default values for the model, merged with the data passed in on CTOR
defaults: {},
// holds the model's data
data: {},
// whether or not the model has changed since the last save/update via sync
_changed: false,
// reference to the collections the model is in (yes, multiple). urls are
// pulled from the collection via a "priority" parameter. the highest
// priority collection will have its url passed to the model's sync function.
collections: [],
// what key to look under the data for the primary id for the object
id_key: 'id',
// can be used to overwrite all url generation for syncing (if you have a url
// that doesn't fit into the "/[collection url]/[model id]" scheme.
url: false,
// can be used to manually set a base url for this model (in the case it
// doesn't have a collection or the url needs to change manually).
base_url: false,
* CTOR, allows passing in of data to set that data into the model.
initialize: function(data, options) {
data || (data = {});
// merge the defaults into the data
data = Object.merge(Object.clone(this.defaults), data);
// assign the unique app id
this._cid = Composer.cid();
// set the data into the model (but don't trigger any events)
this.set(data, {
silent: true
// call the init fn
extend: function(obj, base) {
obj || (obj = {});
base || (base = Model);
obj =, obj, base);
return this._do_extend(obj, base);
* override me, if needed
init: function() {},
* wrapper to get data out of the model. it's bad form to access
* directly, you must always go through model.get('mykey')
get: function(key, def) {
if (typeof(def) == 'undefined') def = null;
if (typeof([key]) == 'undefined') {
return def;
* like Model.get(), but if the data is a string, escape it for HTML output.
escape: function(key) {
var data = this.get(key);
if (data == null || typeof(data) != 'string') {
return data;
// taken directly from backbone.js's escapeHTML() function... thanks!
return data.replace(/&(?!\w+;|#\d+;|#x[\da-f]+;)/gi, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;').replace(/'/g, '&#x27;').replace(/\//g, '&#x2F;');
* whether or not a key exists in
has: function(key) {
return[key] != null;
* set data into the model. triggers change events for individual attributes
* that change, and also a general change event if the model has changed. it
* only triggers these events if the model has indeed changed, setting an
* attribute to the same value it currently is will not trigger events:
* model.set({name: "fisty", age: 21});
* this will trigger the events:
* "change:name"
* "change:age"
* "change"
* if the model belongs to a collection, the events will bubble up to that
* collection as well, so as to notify the collection of any display changes
* needed.
set: function(key, value, options) {
if (!key || typeof value === null)
options = options || this.options || {};
var data = {};
data[key] = value;
if (!options.silent && !this.perform_validation(data, options)) return false;[key] = value;
this.fireEvent('change:' + key, [value, options]);
return this;
}.OS(false, function(model) {
model.fireEvent("change", model);
* unset a key from the model's data, triggering change events if needed.
unset: function(key, options) {
if (!(key in return this;
options || (options = {});
var obj = {};
obj[key] = void(0);
if (!options.silent && !this.perform_validation(obj, options)) return false;
this._changed = true;
this.fireEvent('change:' + key, options, this, void 0, options);
this.fireEvent('change', options, this, options);
this._changed = false;
* clear all data out of a model, triggering change events if needed.
clear: function(options) {
options || (options = {});
var old =;
var obj = {};
for (key in old) obj[key] = void(0);
if (!options.silent && !this.perform_validation(obj, options)) return false; = {};
if (!options.silent) {
for (key in old) {
this._changed = true;
this.fireEvent('change' + key, options, this, void 0, options);
if (this._changed) {
this.fireEvent('change', options, this, options);
this._changed = false;
* fetch this model from the server, via its id.
fetch: function(options) {
options || (options = {});
var success = options.success;
options.success = function(res) {
this.setData(this.parse(res), options);
if (success) success(this, res);
options.error = wrap_error(options.error ? options.error.bind(this) : null, this, options).bind(this);
return (this.sync || Composer.sync).call(this, 'read', this, options);
* save this model to the server (update if exists, add if doesn't exist (uses
* id to detemrine if exists or note).
save: function(options) {
options || (options = {});
if (!this.perform_validation(, options)) return false;
var success = options.success;
options.success = function(res) {
if (!this.setData(this.parse(res), options)) return false;
if (success) success(this, res);
options.error = wrap_error(options.error ? options.error.bind(this) : null, this, options).bind(this);
return (this.sync || Composer.sync).call(this, (this.is_new() ? 'create' : 'update'), this, options);
* delete this item from the server
destroy: function(options) {
options || (options = {});
if (this.is_new()) {
return this.fireEvent('destroy', options, this, this.collections, options);
var success = options.success;
options.success = function(res) {
this.fireEvent('destroy', options, this, this.collections, options);
if (success) success(this, res);
options.error = wrap_error(options.error ? options.error.bind(this) : null, this, options).bind(this);
return (this.sync || Composer.sync).call(this, 'delete', this, options);
* overridable function that gets called when model data comes back from the
* server. use it to perform any needed transformations before setting data
* into the model.
parse: function(data) {
return data;
* get this model's id. if it doesn't exist, return the cid instead.
id: function(no_cid) {
if (typeof(no_cid) != 'boolean') no_cid = false;
var id = this.get(this.id_key);
if (id) return id;
if (no_cid) return false;
return this._cid;
* get the model's unique app id (cid)
cid: function() {
return this._cid;
* test whether or not the model is new (checks if it has an id)
is_new: function() {
return !;
* create a new model with this models data and return it
clone: function() {
return new this.$constructor(this.toJSON());
* return the raw data for this model (cloned, not referenced).
toJSON: function() {
return Object.clone(;
* validate the model using its validation function (if it exists)
perform_validation: function(data, options) {
if (typeof(this.validate) != 'function') return true;
var error = this.validate(data, options);
if (error) {
if (options.error) {
options.error(this, error, options);
else {
this.fireEvent('error', options, this, error, options);
return false;
return true;
* loops over the collections this model belongs to and gets the highest
* priority one. makes for easier url extraction during syncing.
highest_priority_collection: function() {
var collections = shallow_array_clone(this.collections);
collections.sort(function(a, b) {
return b.priority - a.priority;
return collections.length ? collections[0] : false;
* get the endpoint url for this model.
get_url: function() {
if (this.url)
// we are overriding the url generation.
return this.url;
// pull from either overridden "base_url" param, or just use the highest
// priority collection's url for the base.
if (this.base_url) var base_url = this.base_url;
else {
var collection = this.highest_priority_collection();
// We need to check that there actually IS a collection...
if (collection) var base_url = collection.get_url();
else var base_url = '';
// create a /[base url]/[model id] url.
var id =;
if (id) id = '/' + id;
else id = '';
var url = base_url ? '/' + base_url.replace(/^\/+/, '').replace(/\/+$/, '') + id : id;
return url;
* Collections hold lists of models and contain various helper functions for
* finding and selecting subsets of model data. They are basically a wrapper
* around an array, thats function is dealing with large amounts of model data.
* Collections can also sync with the server like models. They tie into model
* events in such a way that if a model's data changes, the collection will be
* notified, and anybody listinging to the collection (ie, a controller) can
* react to that event (re-display the view, for instance).
var Collection = Composer.Collection = new Class({
Extends: Base,
Implements: [Events, Options],
// the TYPE of model in this collection
model: Model,
// "private" array holding all the models in this collection
_models: [],
// function used for sorting. override to sort on a criteria besides order of
// addition to collection
sortfn: null,
// the base url for this collection. if you update a model, the default url
// sent to the sync function would be PUT /[collection url]/[model id].
url: '/mycollection',
// when a model belongs to many collections, it will generate its url from the
// collection having the highest priority. if all have the same priority, then
// the first collection from the list will have its url used for the model's
// sync operation.
priority: 1,
* allow the passing in of an array of data to instantiate a collection with a
* pre-set number of models. models will be created via this.model.
initialize: function(models, params, options) {
params || (params = {});
for (x in params) {
this[x] = params[x];
// allow Collection.model to be a string so load-order dependencies can be
// kept to a minimum. here, we convert the string to an object on collection
// instantiation and store it back into Collection.model.
// NOTE: this happens before the initial reset =]
this.model = typeof(this.model) == 'string' ? eval(this.model) : this.model;
if (models) {
this.reset(models, this.options);
extend: function(obj, base) {
obj || (obj = {});
base || (base = Collection);
obj =, obj, base);
return this._do_extend(obj, base);
* override me
init: function() {},
* for each model in this collection, get its raw data, then return all of the
* raw data in an array
toJSON: function() {
return this.models().map(function(model) {
return model.toJSON();
* wrapper to get the models under this collection for direct selection (often
* via MooTools' array helper/selection functions)
models: function() {
return this._models;
* add a model to this collection, and hook up the correct wire in doing so
* (events and setting the model's collection).
add: function(data, options) {
if (data instanceof Array) {
return Object.each(data, function(model) {
this.add(model, options)
}, this);
options || (options = {});
// if we are passing raw data, create a new model from data
var model = data.__is_model ? data : new this.model(data, options);
// reference this collection to the model
if (!model.collections.contains(this)) {
if (this.sortfn) {
// if we have a sorting function, get the index the model should exist at
// and add it to that position
var index = ? parseInt( : this.sort_index(model);
this._models.splice(index, 0, model);
else {
// no sort fn, add model to the end of the list
// listen to the model's events so we can propogate them
model.bindEvent('all', this._model_event.bind(this));
this.fireEvent('add', options, model, this, options);
* remove a model(s) from the collection, unhooking all necessary wires (events, etc)
remove: function(model, options) {
if (model instanceof Array) {
return Object.each(model, function(m) {
}, this);
options || (options = {});
// remove this collection's reference(s) from the model
// save to trigger change event if needed
var num_rec = this._models.length;
// remove hte model
// if the number actually change, trigger our change event
if (this._models.length != num_rec) {
this.fireEvent('remove', options, model);
// remove the model from the collection
* remove all the models from the collection
clear: function(options) {
options || (options = {});
// save to trigger change event if needed
var num_rec = this._models.length;
this._models.each(function(model) {
}, this);
this._models = [];
// if the number actually change, trigger our change event
if (this._models.length != num_rec) {
this.fireEvent('clear', options);
* reset the collection with all new data. it can also be appended to the
* current set of models if specified in the options (via "append").
reset: function(data, options) {
options || (options = {});
if (!options.append) {
this.add(data, options);
this.fireEvent('reset', options);
* not normally necessary to call this, unless collection.sortfn changes after
* instantiation of the data. sort order is normall maintained upon adding of
* data viw Collection.add().
sort: function(options) {
if (!this.sortfn) return false;
this.fireEvent('reset', options, this, options);
* given the current for function and a model passecd in, determine the index
* the model should exist at in the colleciton's model list.
sort_index: function(model) {
if (!this.sortfn) return false;
for (var i = 0; i < this._models.length; i++) {
if (this.sortfn(this._models[i], model) > 0) {
return i;
return this._models.length;
* overridable function called when the collection is synced with the server
parse: function(data) {
return data;
* convenience function to loop over collection's models
each: function(cb, bind) {
if (bind) {
this.models().each(cb, bind);
else {
* Find the first model that satisfies the callback. An optional sort function
* can be passed in to order the results of the find, which uses the usual
* fn(a,b){return (-1|0|1);} syntax.
find: function(callback, sortfn) {
if (sortfn) {
var models = shallow_array_clone(this.models()).sort(sortfn);
else {
var models = this.models();
for (var i = 0; i < models.length; i++) {
var rec = models[i];
if (callback(rec)) {
return rec;
return false;
* given a callback, returns whether or not at least one of the models
* satisfies that callback.
exists: function(callback) {
return this.models().some(callback);
* convenience function to find a model by id
find_by_id: function(id) {
return this.find(function(model) {
if ( == id) {
return true;
* convenience function to find a model by cid
find_by_cid: function(cid) {
return this.find(function(model) {
if (model.cid() == cid) {
return true;
* get the index of an item in the list of models. useful for sorting items.
index_of: function(model_or_id) {
var id = model_or_id.__is_model ? : model_or_id;
for (var i = 0; i < this._models.length; i++) {
if (this._models[i].id() == id) {
return i;
return false;
* query the models in the collection with a callback and return ALL that
* match. takes either a function OR a key-value object for matching:
* {
* if(data.get('name') == 'andrew' && data.get('age') == 24)
* {
* return true
* }
* });
* is the same as:
* name: andrew,
* age: 24
* });
* in other words, it's a very simple version of MongoDB's selection syntax,
* but with a lot less functionality. the only selection is direct value
* matching. still nice, though.
select: function(selector) {
if (typeof(selector) == 'object') {
var qry = [];
for (var key in selector) {
var val = selector[key];
qry.push('data.get("' + key + '") == ' + val);
var fnstr = 'if(' + qry.join('&&') + ') { return true; }';
selector = new Function('data', fnstr);
return this._models.filter(selector);
* return the first model in the collection. if n is specified, return the
* first n models.
first: function(n) {
var models = this.models();
return (typeof(n) != 'undefined' && parseInt(n) != 0) ? models.slice(0, n) : models[0];
* returns the last model in the collection. if n is specified, returns the
* last n models.
last: function(n) {
var models = this.models();
return (typeof(n) != 'undefined' && parseInt(n) != 0) ? models.slice(models.length - n) : models[0];
* sync the collection with the server.
fetch: function(options) {
options || (options = {});
var success = options.success;
options.success = function(res) {
this.reset(this.parse(res), options);
if (success) success(this, res);
options.error = wrap_error(options.error ? options.error.bind(this) : null, this, options).bind(this);
return (this.sync || Composer.sync).call(this, 'read', this, options);
* simple wrapper to get the collection's url
get_url: function() {
return this.url;
* remove all ties between this colleciton and a model
_remove_reference: function(model) {
// don't listen to this model anymore
model.unbind('all', this._model_event.bind(this));
* bound to every model's "all" event, propagates or reacts to certain events.
_model_event: function(ev, model, collections, options) {
if ((ev == 'add' || ev == 'remove') && !collections.contains(this)) return;
if (ev == 'destroy') {
this.remove(model, options);
this.fireEvent.apply(this, arguments);
* The controller class sits between views and your models/collections.
* Controllers bind events to your data objects and update views when the data
* changes. Controllers are also responsible for rendering views.
var Controller = Composer.Controller = new Class({
Extends: Base,
Implements: [Events, Options],
// the DOM element to tie this controller to (a container element)
el: false,
// if this is set to a DOM *selector*, then this.el will be ignored and
// instantiated as a new Element(this.tag), then injected into the element
// referened by the this.inject selector. this allows you to inject
// controllers into the DOM
inject: false,
// don't worry about it
event_splitter: /^(\w+)\s*(.*)$/,
// if tihs.el is empty, create a new element of this type as the container
tag: 'div',
// elements to assign to this controller
elements: {},
// events to bind to this controllers sub-items.
events: {},
* CTOR. instantiate main container element (this.el), setup events and
* elements, and call init()
initialize: function(params) {
for (x in params) {
this[x] = params[x];
// make sure we have an el
if (this.inject) {
if (this.className) {
extend: function(obj, base) {
obj || (obj = {});
base || (base = Controller);
obj =, obj, base);
// extend the base object's events and elements = Object.merge( || {},;
obj.elements = Object.merge(this.elements || {}, obj.elements);
return this._do_extend(obj, base);
* override
init: function() {},
// lol
* override. not OFFICIALLY used by the framework, but it's good to use it AND
* return "this" when you're done with it.
render: function() {
return this;
* replace this.el's html with the given test, also refresh the controllers
* elements.
html: function(str) {
if (!this.el) {
this.el.set('html', str);
* injects to controller's element into the DOM.
attach: function(options) {
// make sure we have an el
var container = document.getElement(this.inject);
if (!container) {
return false;
container.set('html', '');
* make sure el is defined as an HTML element
_ensure_el: function() {
// allow this.el to be a string selector (selecting a single element) instad
// of a DOM object. this allows the defining of a controller before the DOM
// element the selector refers to exists, but this.el will be updated upon
// instantiation of the controller (presumably when the DOM object DOES
// exist).
if (typeof(this.el) == 'string') {
this.el = document.getElement(this.el);
// if this.el is null (bad selector or no item given), create a new DOM
// object from this.tag
this.el || (this.el = new Element(this.tag));
* remove the controller from the DOM and trigger its release event
release: function(options) {
options || (options = {});
if (this.el && this.el.destroy) {
if (options.dispose) {
else {
this.el = false;
this.fireEvent('release', options, this);
* replace this controller's container element (this.el) with another element.
* also refreshes the events/elements associated with the controller
replace: function(element) {
if (this.el.parentNode) {
this.el = element;
return element;
* set up the events (by delegation) to this controller (events are stored
* under
delegate_events: function() {
// setup the events given
for (ev in {
var fn = this[[ev]];
if (typeof(fn) != 'function') {
// easy, easy, whoa, you gotta calm down there, chuck
fn = fn.bind(this);
match = ev.match(this.event_splitter);
var evname = match[1].trim();
var selector = match[2].trim();
if (selector == '') {
this.el.removeEvent(evname, fn);
this.el.addEvent(evname, fn);
else {
this.el.addEvent(evname + ':relay(' + selector + ')', fn);
* re-init the elements into the scope of the controller (uses this.elements)
refresh_elements: function() {
// setup given elements as instance variables
for (selector in this.elements) {
var iname = this.elements[selector];
this[iname] = this.el.getElement(selector);
description: Added the onhashchange event
license: MIT-style
- sdf1981cgn
- Greggory Hernandez
- core/1.2.4: '*'
provides: [Element.Events.hashchange]
Element.Events.hashchange = {
onAdd: function() {
var hash = self.location.hash;
var hashchange = function() {
if (hash == self.location.hash) return;
else hash = self.location.hash;
var value = (hash.indexOf('#') == 0 ? hash.substr(1) : hash);
window.fireEvent('hashchange', value);
document.fireEvent('hashchange', value);
if ("onhashchange" in window) {
window.onhashchange = hashchange;
} else {
var Router = Composer.Router = new Class({
last_hash: false,
routes: {},
callbacks: [],
Implements: [Options, Events],
options: {
redirect_initial: false,
suppress_initial_route: false,
enable_cb: function() {
return true;
on_failure: function() {},
base_url: '/#!'
* initialize the routes your app uses. this is really the only public
* function that exists in the router, since it takes care of everything for
* you after instantiation.
initialize: function(routes, options) {
this.routes = routes;
// load the initial hash value
var hash = self.location.hash;
var value = (hash.indexOf('#') == 0 ? hash.substr(1) : hash);
// if redirect_initial is true, then whatever page a user lands on, redirect
// them to the hash version, ie
// becomes:
// the routing system will pick this new hash up after the redirect and route
// it normally
if (this.options.redirect_initial && hash.trim() == '' && location.protocol !== 'file:') {
window.location = this.options.baseURL + self.location.pathname;
// set up the hashchange event
window.addEvent('hashchange', this.hash_change.bind(this));
if (!this.options.suppress_initial_route) {
// run the initial route
window.fireEvent('hashchange', [value]);
* run the given callback when a route changes
register_callback: function(cb) {
* wrapper around the routing functionality. basically, instead of doing a
* window.location = '#!/my/route';
* you can do
* router.route('#!/my/route');
* Note that the latter isn't necessary, but it provides a useful abstraction.
route: function(url) {
url || (url = new String(window.location.href));
var href = url.trim();
href = '/' + href.replace(/^[a-z]+:\/\/.*?\//, '').replace(/^[#!\/]+/, '');
var hash = '#!' + href;
var old = new String(self.location.hash).toString();
if (old == hash) {
window.fireEvent('hashchange', [href, true]);
else {
window.location = hash;
* given a url, route it within the given routes the router was instantiated
* with. if none fit, do nothing =]
* *internal only* =]
_do_route: function(url) {
if (!this.options.enable_cb()) {
return false;
var url = '/' + url.replace(/^!?\//g, '');
var route = false;
var match = [];
for (var re in this.routes) {
var regex = '/^' + re.replace(/\//g, '\\\/') + '$/';
match = eval(regex).exec(url);
if (match) {
route = this.routes[re];
if (!route) return this.options.on_failure({
url: url,
route: false,
handler_exists: false,
action_exists: false
var handler = route[0];
var action = route[1];
if (!window[handler]) return this.options.on_failure({
url: url,
route: route,
handler_exists: false,
action_exists: false
var obj = window[handler];
if (!obj[action] || typeof(obj[action]) != 'function') return this.options.on_failure({
url: url,
route: route,
handler_exists: true,
action_exists: false
var args = match;
obj[action].apply(obj, args);
* stupid function, not worth the space it takes up
setup_routes: function(routes) {
this.routes = routes;
* attached to the hashchange event. runs all the callback assigned with
* register_callback().
hash_change: function(hash, force) {
var force = !! force;
// remove the motherfucking ! at the beginning
hash = hash.replace(/^!/, '');
if (this.last_hash == hash && !force) {
// no need to reload
return false;
this.last_hash = hash;
this.fireEvent("hashchange", hash);
this.callbacks.each(function(fn) {
if (typeof(fn) == 'function'), hash);
}, this);
// wraps error callbacks for syncing functions
var wrap_error = function(callback, model, options) {
return function(resp) {
if (callback) {
callback(model, resp, options);
else {
this.fireEvent('error', options, model, resp, options);
// do a shallow clone of an array
var shallow_array_clone = function(from) {
var to = new Array();
for (i in from) {
to[i] = from[i];
return to;
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