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Created October 24, 2014 21:36
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// Rv[coda] Enemy Territory config - ETPRO
// used in conjunction with autoexec_allies.cfg and autoexec_axis.cfg
// #l33t
// -------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------
bind y "vsay_team Affirmative ^2[^7YES / ON MY WAY^2]"
bind ] "vsay_team Negative ^1[^7NO / ^5YOU TAKE^1]"
bind n "vsay_team DisarmDynamite ^1[^7DYNAMITE PLANTED, ^5DISARM IT^1]"
bind m "vsay_team DefendObjective ^1[^7DEFEND / CHECK ON OBJECTIVE ^5NOW!^1]"
bind w "vsay_team EscortVehicle ^1[^7ESCORT THE OBJECTIVE^1]"
bind q "vsay_team RepairVehicle ^1[^7REPEAIR VEHICLE NOW^1]"
bind e "vsay_team DestroyVehicle ^1[^7STOP THE VEHICLE NOW^1]"
bind ins "vsay_team Incoming ^1[^7OVERRUN BY INCOMMING, ^2MAIN^1]"
bind del "vsay_team Incoming ^1[^3OVERRUN BY INCOMMING, ^5SIDE^1]"
bind home "vsay_team EnemyDisguised ^1[^3WARNING, ^7PROTECT OBJECTIVE FROM COVERT OPS^1]"
bind z "vsay_team OnOffense ^1[^7ATTACKING OBJECTIVE^1]"
bind x "vsay_team OnDefense ^2[^7HOLDING OBJECTIVE/KEY AREA SAFE^2]"
bind c "vsay_team NeedBackup ^1[^7LOSING OBJECTIVE/KEY AREA^1]"
bind d "vsay_team Move ^1[^7DONT BLOCK SPAWN / MOVE^1]"
bind a "vsay_team MinesCleared ^2[^7MINES MARKED / BLOWN UP^2]"
bind s "vsay_team ClearMines ^1[^7MAP THE MINES / EXPLODE THEM FOR ATTACKERS^1]"
// bind backspace "wm_sayplayerclass" // voices your current class
bind downarrow "vsay_team Medic ^1[^7NEED HEALTH / ^6REVIVE ME^1 ^7/ WAITING FOR SPAWN^1]"
bind leftarrow "vsay_team NeedEngineer ^1[^7ENGINEER NEEDED ^5NOW^1]"
bind uparrow "vsay_team NeedAmmo ^1[^7DROP ME AN AMMO BOX^1]"
bind rightarrow "vsay_team FollowMe ^1[^7ESCORT ME^1]"
bind end "vsay_team NeedBackup ^1[^7GROUPING HERE^1]"
bind 0 "";
bind 1 "vsay Hi"
bind 2 "vsay Bye"
bind 3 "vsay_team Thanks ^2[^7THANKS^2]"
bind 4 "vsay Cheer"
bind 5 "vsay_team Welcome ^2[^7NO WORRIES^2]"
bind 6 "vsay_team Sorry ^2[^7DID NOT MEAN TO DO THAT, SOZ!^2]"
// -------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------
// note: due to the nature of SET + VSTR, need to exec this every time ET starts (etmain/autoexec.cfg)
// how it works:
// bind x "team [team][playertype][weapon]"
// [team] is r=axis, b=allies
// [playertype] is 0=soldier, 1=medic, 2=engineer, 3=field ops, 4=covert ops
// [weapon] is 3-35
// use by pressing keypad keys Home, Up, PgUp, Plus and Kp Enter to toggle team
// for covert ops and field ops i use mouse3 as binoculous key so swap from sprint.
// you can rip off this bit by removing the "; vstr binocul" bits.
set medmsg "say_team ^3[^7laid ^1medpacks^3]"
set engmsg "say_team ^3[^7laid ^2mines^3]"
set fopmsg "say_team ^3[^7laid ^3ammo^3]"
set binocul "bind mouse3 +zoom; echo ^7Replacing sprint with zoom for mines"
set normal "bind mouse3 +sprint; echo ^7Reverting back to sprint mode"
// set FFE "+zoom; +attack; -attack; -zoom; say_team ^1[^7CALLED ^3FFE^7 STAY BACK^1]";
set FFE "+zoom; +attack; -attack; -zoom;";
set axis_eng "team r 2 3; bind h +leanleft; say_team going ^4engineer ^7(AXIS); vstr normal; bind 0 vstr engmsg"; // engineer with mg
set axis_med "team r 1 3; bind h +leanleft; say_team going ^1medic ^7(AXIS); vstr normal; bind 0 vstr medmsg" // medic with mg
set axis_cov "team r 4 33; bind h +leanleft; say_team going ^3covert ops ^7(AXIS); vstr binocul" // cov ops with fg42
set axis_fop "team r 3 3; bind h vstr FFE; say_team going ^2field ops ^7(AXIS); bind 0 vstr fopmsg" // field ops with mg
set axis_sol "team r 0 5; bind h +leanleft; say_team going ^0panzer ^7(AXIS); vstr normal;" // solider with panzer
set ally_eng "team b 2 8; bind h +leanleft; say_team going ^4engineer ^7(ALLIES); vstr normal; bind 0 vstr engmsg"; // engineer with mg
set ally_med "team b 1 8; bind h +leanleft; say_team going ^1medic ^7(ALLIES); vstr normal; bind 0 vstr medmsg" // medic with mg
set ally_cov "team b 4 33; bind h +leanleft; say_team going ^3covert ops ^7(ALLIES); vstr binocul" // cov ops with fg42
set ally_fop "team b 3 8; bind h vstr FFE; say_team going ^2field ops ^7(ALLIES); bind 0 vstr fopmsg" // field ops with mg
set ally_sol "team b 0 5; bind h +leanleft; say_team going ^0panzer ^7(ALLIES); vstr normal;" // solider with panzer
set AXIS "echo ^1(^7X^1) AXIS CLASSES ^1(^7X^1); bind kp_home vstr axis_eng; bind kp_uparrow vstr axis_med; bind kp_pgup vstr axis_cov; bind kp_plus vstr axis_fop; bind kp_end vstr axis_sol; set SWAP vstr ALLIES; echo next change ALLIES"
set ALLIES "echo ^4*^1== ^7ALLIES CLASSES ^4*^1==; bind kp_home vstr ally_eng; bind kp_uparrow vstr ally_med; bind kp_pgup vstr ally_cov; bind kp_plus vstr ally_fop; bind kp_end vstr ally_sol; set SWAP vstr AXIS; echo next change AXIS"
// by default, bind the AXIS classes
// vstr AXIS
// next kp_enter click will change to allies
// set SWAP "vstr ALLIES" // now handled by eutoexec_allies or autoexec_axis
bind kp_enter "vstr SWAP"
set m1 "bind 9 vstr m2; vstr normal; echo ^3SPRINT MODE ENABLED"
set m2 "bind 9 vstr m1; vstr binocul; echo ^3BINOCULOUS MODE ENABLED"
bind 9 "vstr m1"
// a list of weapons per class can be found here:
// all the class swapping stuff is written by myself, feel free to remove / edit and experiment
// -------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------
// spawn points are a bit weird, they make no chronological sense. experiment
// per map to find which ones are needed
bind kp_ins "vstr spawnps"
//set spawnzero "setspawnpt 0; echo ^7spawning at ^1Default Spawn; bind kp_ins vstr spawnone"
//set spawnone "setspawnpt 1; echo ^7spawning at ^2Spawn Point 1; bind kp_ins vstr spawntwo"
//set spawntwo "setspawnpt 2; echo ^7spawning at ^3Spawn Point 2; bind kp_ins vstr spawnthree"
//set spawnthree "setspawnpt 3; echo ^7spawning at ^4Spawn Point 3; bind kp_ins vstr spawnfour"
//set spawnfour "setspawnpt 4; echo ^7spawning at ^5Spawn Point 4; bind kp_ins vstr spawnzero"
//set fd "exec fdspawn.cfg" // 2 spawns for axis
// -------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------
bind tab "+scores"
bind enter "+activate"
bind escape "togglemenu"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind * "kill"
bind g "+mapexpand" // command map for mortar
bind r "messagemode2"
bind t "messagemode"
bind v "mp_quickmessage"
bind capslock "openlimbomenu"
bind shift "+stats"
bind f1 "vote yes"
bind f2 "vote no"
bind f3 "ready"
bind f4 "notready"
bind f5 "pmove_fixed 1" // i also do this in autoexec_allies and axis to make sure its set when i connect
bind f9 "autorecord"
bind f10 "stoprecord"
bind f12 "autoscreenshot"
// -------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------
bind ' "weaponbank 1" // '
bind . "weaponbank 2"
bind semicolon "weaponbank 3"
bind , "weaponbank 4"
bind o "weaponbank 5"
bind p "weaponbank 6"
bind 8 "weaponbank 6"
bind 7 "weaponbank 7"
bind [ "weaponbank 7"
// bind 9 "weaponbank 9"
bind / "+reload"
bind i "weapalt"
bind mouse1 "+attack"
set noshoot "m_pitch 0.022" // normal m_pitch
set shoot "m_pitch 0.0156" // shooting m_pitch
set shooton "+attack;vstr shoot;set vstr shootoff"
set shootoff "-attack;vstr noshoot;set vstr shooton"
bind MOUSE1 "+vstr shooton shootoff"
// -------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------
bind u "+prone"
bind space "+moveup" // jump
bind ctrl "+movedown" // duck
bind h "+leanleft"
bind mouse2 "+forward"
bind j "+moveleft"
bind l "+moveright"
bind k "+back"
//bind shift "+speed"
bind b "+zoom" // binoculous
bind mouse3 "+sprint" // default
bind mwheeldown "weapprev"
bind mwheelup "weapnext"
// -------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------
cg_autoreload 1 // n00bish but i am used to it.
cg_autoswitch 1 // same as above
// ETPRO specific
seta b_altHud 2
seta b_altHudFlags 5
seta b_antilag 1
seta b_backupcvars 0
seta b_chatAlpha 0.33
seta b_chatFlags 1
seta b_chatsounds 0
seta b_cmdwarnings 1
seta b_debugfakebmodel 0
seta b_demorecord_statusline 470
seta b_descriptiveTextscale 0.770833
seta b_drawPromotions 1
seta b_drawRewards 1
seta b_drawclock 0
seta b_drawranks 1
seta b_drawspectatoralpha 1.0
seta b_drawspeed 1
seta b_fireteamAlpha 1.0
seta b_goatsound 1
seta b_hitsounds 1 // VERY IMPORTANT!
seta b_hudYoffset 10.0
seta b_lagometerAlpha 1.0
seta b_logbanners 0
seta b_mapzoom 5.159
seta b_muzzleflash 0
seta b_numPopups 5
seta b_optimizePrediction 1
seta b_panzerhack 1
seta b_popupFadeTime 0.000000 // reduce message spam lag
seta b_popupStayTime 1666.666627 // message stay time
seta b_popupTime 0.000000
seta b_predefineddemokeys 1
seta b_shovesounds 1
seta b_speedinterval 100
seta b_speedunit 0
seta b_textcolorfilter "" // you can filter colours by numbers
// trickjumping shite
seta b_tjg_ghostfx 2
seta b_tjl_color green
seta b_tjl_draw 1
seta b_tjl_showmaxspeed 0
seta b_tjl_stepsize 0.5
seta b_tjl_stoponnomove 1
seta b_tracers 1
seta b_votetextscale 0.645833
seta b_watermarkAlpha 1
seta b_weapaltReloads 1
// -------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------
cl_doubletapdelay 0 // no delay when going to prone
cl_run 1
cg_autoReload 0
cg_autoswitch 1
cg_teamChatHeight 12
cg_teamChatTime 16000
cg_drawTeamOverlay 2
cg_drawCompass 1
r_mode 3 // 640x480
r_picmip 3 // 5 is not allowed, plus kicks from PB
r_rmse 0 // comment that out if pb kicks you, it is a valid FPS setting.
r_texturemode "gl_nearest"
com_maxfps 125
com_hunkMegs 256
r_mapoverbrightbits 2
r_intensity 2
r_overbrightbits 3
pmove_fixed 1
cg_fov 105
cg_drawWeaponIconFlash 0
cg_atmosphericEffects 0 // some PB servers kick you for this
cg_fastSolids 1
cg_bloodTime 0
cg_bobyaw 0
cg_bobroll 0
cg_bobpitch 0
cg_bobup 0
cg_runroll 0
cg_runpitch 0
cg_weaponCycleDelay 0
cg_drawFPS 0
cg_drawReinforcementTime 1
cg_gibs 1
cg_drawCrosshair 5
cg_crosshairSize 65
cg_crosshairAlpha 1
cg_crosshairColor "green"
cg_crosshairPulse 0
cg_marktime 60
cg_brassTime 0
cg_shadows 0
r_dynamiclight 0
r_drawSun 0
r_fastsky 1
r_overBrightBits 4
r_mapoverBrightBits 3
r_detailtextures 0
r_roundImagesDown 1
// -------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------
// tweaked for my 2mb.
cg_lagometer 1
cg_predictItems 0
cl_timenudge 0
cl_maxpackets 125
cl_packetdup 5
snaps 40
rate 25000
b_antilag 1
// -------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------
m_filter 0
m_side 0.25
m_forward 0.25
m_yaw 0.022
m_pitch 0.0156
sensitivity 2.6
cl_mouseAccel 0
// -------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------
set RV "name ^7Rv^D[^7coda^D]";
set NS "vstr name1";
set name1 "bind f8 vstr RV; echo ^1PRESS 'F8' FOR: ^7Rv^D[^7coda^D]; set NS vstr name2"
set name2 "bind f8 name ^1e^9xodus; echo ^1PRESS 'F8' FOR: ^1e^9xodus; set NS vstr name3"
set name3 "bind f8 name ^1c^9oda; echo ^1PRESS 'F8' FOR: ^1c^9oda; set NS vstr name4"
set name4 "bind f8 exec chev1.cfg; echo ^1PRESS 'F8' FOR: ^3>>^0C ^3o^0da; set NS vstr name5"
set name5 "bind f8 name ^4[^7ek^1.^7coda^4]; echo ^1PRESS 'F8' FOR: ^4[^7ek^1.^7coda^4]; set NS vstr name6"
set name6 "bind f8 name ^7Ac^4*^7coda; echo ^1PRESS 'F8' FOR: ^7Ac^4*^7coda; set NS vstr name1"
bind kp_del "vstr NS"
set mytimerAllied0 "TimerSet 20; echo ^1-^4Allied^1- ^7Spawn Timer set to 20; bind = vstr mytimerallied1; set MyTimer vstr mytimerallied0"
set mytimerAllied1 "TimerSet 15; echo ^1-^4Allied^1- ^7Spawn Timer set to 15; bind = vstr mytimerallied0; set MyTimer vstr mytimerallied1"
set mytimerAxis0 "TimerSet 30; echo ^7=^1Axis^7= ^3Spawn Timer set to 30; bind = vstr mytimeraxis1; set MyTimer vstr mytimeraxis0"
set mytimerAxis1 "TimerSet 20; echo ^7=^1Axis^7= ^3Spawn Timer set to 15; bind = vstr mytimeraxis0; set MyTimer vstr mytimeraxis1"
bind backspace "vstr myTimer"
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