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Last active May 13, 2018 11:15
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|[1] - 1)mobile: imageCropView +
| - 2)back: Api - normalize +
min | - 3)front: Image preprocessing (crop & fill) -> Image Size Restore -> API wrapper +
|[2] - 1)mobile: imagePreprocessing -> API wrapper +
| - 2)back: find local segment -> recognize segment data -> parse recognized data -> fill user profile +
| - 3)front: shape recognition (Reasearch) *1 ...pending
|[3] - 1)mobile: Recognize shape -> Auto crop +
| - 2)back: segmentation (Research) -
| - 3)front: geometric normalisation (Research) *2 ...pending
max |[4] - 1)mobile: geometric normalistaion) +
| - 2)back: Anchor mask detection -
| - 3)front: *1, *2, -> 1.3 -
|[5] - 1)mobile: User data UI + Api wrapper +
| - 2)front: NLP Research -
|[6] - 1) TEST, PRESENTATION, Readme ...pending
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