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Last active July 22, 2020 05:41
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Tamil Nadu police department CCTV recordings distributed storage
Hello Sir,
In verge of twin murder by police in Sathankulam, I would like
to bring to your notice that the need of the hour is to establish
live streaming of every police station CCTV to a centralized
monitoring facility most propably SP Office
The thought of superior officers monitoring them will deter the
subordinates from getting involved in illegal activities like the
one that happened in Sathankulam
In addition to live streaming we may have to make arrangements to
store all the CCTV recording in cetralized location most propably
SP Office. By doing this in future we will never ever lose any CCTV
recording neither unintentionally nor intentionally as we lost in
Sathankulam case
Regards the cost estimate I have done a market analysis and arrived
at rought figure of 10 Crore for implementing all the infrastucture
discussed in this letter. Total fund allocated to Police Department
in 2020 budget 8876.57 Crore. Hence the estimate for these
imrpovement account only for just a mere fraction of 0.1 percent
I have also analysed the technical feasiblity to implement a
failure detection system. This is also very much posible at
affordable cost. With this failure detection system (FDS) in place
any single camera which stops sending recording will be imedietly
notified. This failute detection sytem can be implemented in 50L
to 1Crore INR
We can also introduce image processing mecahnism (IPM) which will
generate text based timeline of events happening. You can imagine
this like as video-to-text conversion mecahnism. Say for example if
any person enters the camera frame at 11:00 AM on 01/Jan/2021 then
the IPM will generate a message line "11:00:53 01/Jan/2021 CAM01
new person identified"
With IPM we don't have to sit and watch hours and hours of video
to find any particular event. Just you can do a text seach. We can
even go to extent of implementing facial recognition (China is
already doing this) and verify against Aadhar. This can also be
done at a affordable cost of 50L to 1Crore INR
------------------------- Cost Estimate ---------------------------------
(A) Cost of 1TB memory - 3000 INR
(B) Number of camera in each police station - 10 (average)
(C) Memory for 1 hour HD recording for each camera - 1GB (approximate)
(D) Total number of police stations - 1000 (approximate)
(E) Police budget 2020 - 8876.57 Crore INR (Refer:S01)
(E) Total memory for each station per hour (B*C) - 10GB
(F) Total memory for each station per day (E*24) - 240GB
(G) Total memory for each station for 3 month (F*90) - 21.6TB
(H) Total memory for all stations for 3 month (G*D) - 21600TB
(I) Total cost involved (H*A) - 6.5 Crore INR
(J) Percentage of police budget (I/E*100) - 0.073 percent
S01 : TN Budget 2020 to 2021 Page 16
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