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Created December 30, 2017 12:59
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# perl
use strict;
use warnings;
sub split_comment
my $line = shift @_;
my $fhandle = shift @_;
my @line = split //, $line;
my$llen = scalar @line;
for(my $I=0; $I < $llen; $I++)
my $c = $line[$I];
if('"' eq $c) { $I = gotoend(\@line, $I+1, $fhandle, '"') }
elsif("'" eq $c) { $I = gotoend(\@line, $I+1, $fhandle, "'") }
elsif('#' eq $c) { return crop_comment($line, $I) }
else { } # do nothing
return () if -1 == $I;
return ($line, undef);
sub crop_comment
my $line;
my $curr;
my $comment;
$line = shift @_;
$curr = shift @_;
($line, $comment) =
$line =~ /^(.{$curr})(.*)$/;
return ($line, $comment);
sub gotoend
my $c = '';
my $line = '';
my @line = @{shift @_};
my $curr = shift @_;
my $fhandle = shift @_;
my $delim = shift @_;
my $llen = scalar @line;
my $I = $curr;
for( ; ; )
for( ; $I < $llen; $I++)
$c = $line[$I];
if('\\' eq $c)
elsif($c eq $delim)
return $I;
$line = readline($fhandle);
return -1 if not $line;
@line = split //, $line;
$llen = scalar @line;
sub main
my $fhInp;
my $fhOut;
my $level = 0;
my $args = '';
my $line = '';
my $ncst = ''; # statement that is not an code
my $lcurr = ''; # current level
my $lprev = ''; # previous level
my $comment = '';
my @levelStack = ();
if(scalar @ARGV < 1)
print("usage> perl $0 <input_filename>\n");
my $ext; # file extension
my $filename = $ARGV[0];
($ext) = $filename =~ /\.(.*)$/;
# remove file extenstion
$filename =~ s/\.(.*)$//;
open $fhInp, "$filename.$ext" or die $!;
open $fhOut, " > $filename.wcb.$ext" or die $!;
while($line = readline($fhInp))
if($line =~ /^\s*$/ or
$line =~ /^\s*#.*$/) # skip empty lines and comments
$ncst .= $line;
elsif($line =~ /"""/) # skip multi-line comment block
print $fhOut $line;
$line =~ s/"""//;
while($line !~ /"""/)
$line = readline($fhInp);
print $fhOut $line;
if($line =~ /^\s*def /)
($args) = $line =~ /(\([^\)]*\))/;
$line =~ s/\([^\)]*\)//;
($line, $comment) = split_comment($line, $fhInp);
if($line =~ /\{/) # skip dictionary initialization
my $ncb = 1; # number of curly braces
print $fhOut $line;
$ncb-=1 if $line =~ /\}/;
$line = readline($fhInp);
if($line =~ /\{/) { $ncb+=1 }
if($line =~ /\}/) { $ncb-=1 }
print $fhOut $line;
($lcurr) = $line =~ /^([ \t]*)/; # copy the indentation
if($lcurr gt $lprev)
push(@levelStack, $lprev);
print $fhOut $ncst;
$ncst = '';
elsif($lcurr lt $lprev)
$level = length($lprev)
- length($lcurr);
for(my $I=0; $I<$level; $I++)
$lcurr = pop(@levelStack);
print $fhOut "$lcurr# }\n";
print $fhOut $ncst;
$ncst = '';
print $fhOut $ncst;
$ncst = '';
if($line =~ /^\s*(for|while)[ \(\:]/ or
$line =~ /^\s*(with|def|class)[ \(\:]/ or
$line =~ /^\s*(if|elif|else)[ \(\:]/ or
$line =~ /^\s*(try|except)[ \(\:]/ )
while($line !~ /:\s*$/)
print $fhOut $line;
($comment) = $line =~ /#(.*)$/; # copy the comment
($line) =~ s/#.*$//; # remove the comment
$args = $args?$args:'';
$line =~ s/:\s*$/$args : # {/; # add curly braces
print $fhOut $line, $comment?$comment:'';
print $fhOut "\n";
$args = '';
print $fhOut $line;
print $fhOut $ncst;
$ncst = '';
$lprev = $lcurr;
# end of input file reached hence print
# rest of the indentation from levelStack
foreach (@levelStack) { print $fhOut "$_# }\n" }
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