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C# REPL scripts to Communitcate with Firebase
Action<string,string,string,string> sendData_Raw =
(app,token, area, data)=>
var url = "https://{0}{1}.json?auth={2}".format(app, area, token);
var now = DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(); // DateTime.Now. TimeOfDay;
var postData = "\"{0}: {1}\"".format(now, data.replace("\"", "'"));
Action<string,string> sendData =
(area, data) => {
var app = "tm-admin-test";
var authToken = "11uXXuQHpzhrG2LzV1DNu17tOBu0psTqR6bNhFZm";
sendData_Raw(app, authToken, area, data);
Action<string> logDebugMsg =
sendData("debugMsg", message);
Action<string> logRequestURL =
sendData("requestUrl", url);
if (TMEvents.OnApplication_BeginRequest.size() > 1)
logDebugMsg("mapping TMEvents.OnApplication_BeginRequest to send url to Firebase");
return TMEvents.OnApplication_BeginRequest.size();
//using System.Threading;
//using TeamMentor.CoreLib;
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