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Created May 19, 2016 17:10
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Testing wallbyjs electron integration, see
chai = require 'chai'
expect = chai.expect
$ = require 'jquery'
#require 'electron-prebuilt'
describe 'testing in coffee', ->
# it 'Check nodeIntegration value', ()->
# # this works
# code = "BrowserWindow = require('electron').remote;
# eval(code)
# # but this doesn't
# require('electron').remote
it 'open test', (done)->
new_Window = open('')
checkResponse = ->
expect(new_Window.location).to.contain ''
setTimeout checkResponse, 500
#@.timeout 900000
# code = "mainWindow = require('remote').getCurrentWindow();
# mainWindow.toggleDevTools();
# //mainWindow.setPosition(12,12);"
# eval(code)
# this only runs ok once
xit 'X-Frame-Options bypass changes', (done)->
# set the headers hook
code = "
mainWindow = require('remote').getCurrentWindow();
var onHeadersReceived = function(d, c)
d.responseHeaders['x-frame-options'] = null;
c({cancel: false, responseHeaders: d.responseHeaders});
mainWindow.webContents.session.webRequest.onHeadersReceived({}, onHeadersReceived);
/*mainWindow.on('closed', function() {
mainWindow = null;
# add the iframe which would fail without the header's change
iframe = $("<iframe id='my_iframe' src=''>abc</iframe>")
checkResponse = ->
console.log url = document.querySelector('#my_iframe').contentDocument.location.href
expect(url).to.equal ''
setTimeout checkResponse, 600
it 'global object', ()->
keys = (key for key of global).sort()
expect(keys.length).to.equal 223
interresting_Ones = (list)->
for item in list
expect(keys).to.contain item
list = ['WebView', 'caches', 'clientInformation', 'console', 'alert',
'run','screen','screenX','self','status','window' ]
interresting_Ones list
it 'document.location.href ', ->
expect(document.location.href).to.contain 'wallaby_sandbox0.html' # this is usually at http://localhost:49957/wallaby_sandbox0.html
# console.log document.location.href
it 'document.body.innerHtml', ->
body = $(document.body)
expect(document.body.innerHTML).to.equal body.html() # confirm that jQuery is working ok
it 'window', () ->
window.localStorage.setItem('test', '123')
expect(window.localStorage.getItem('test')).to.equal '123'
xit 'document load', (done)->
document.onload = ->
console.log 'here'
document.url = 'http:/'
it 'jQuery get file from cdn', (done)->
$.get "", (data)->
expect(data).to.contain('jQuery JavaScript Library v2.2.3');
expect(data.length).to.equal 258648
.done -> done()
# now works (due to webSecurity: false )
# it 'jQuery failed to get file', (done)->
# $.get "", ()-> {}
# .fail (data)->
# expect(data.statusText).to.equal('error')
# expect(this.url ).to.equal ''
# expect(this.type ).to.equal 'GET'
# expect(this.contentType).to.equal 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'
# done()
it 'Adding h1 element to dom using jQuery',->
h1 = $("<h1 id='my-h1'>inside h1</h1>")
expect(h1.html() ).to.equal 'inside h1'
expect($('h1').length ).to.equal 0
expect($('h1' ).length).to.equal 1
expect($('h1' ).html()).to.equal 'inside h1'
expect($('#my-h1').html()).to.equal 'inside h1'
h1.html('value dynamically changed')
expect($('#my-h1').html()).to.equal 'value dynamically changed'
it 'Adding webview element to dom using jQuery (doesnt work)', (done)->
web_View = $("<webview id='my-webview' src=''>abc</webview>")
checkResponse = ->
expect($('#my-webview').html()).to.equal 'abc' # I wanted this to be
#console.log document.body.innerHTML
setTimeout checkResponse , 1000
it 'Adding iframe element to dom using jQuery (works due to webSecurity: false)', (done)->
iframe = $("<iframe id='my-iframe' src=''>abc</iframe>")
checkResponse = ->
html = iframe.contents().find('body').html()
setTimeout checkResponse , 201
# this now doesn't work
# it.only 'Adding iframe element to dom using jQuery (work, but throws security error)', (done)->
# iframe = $("<iframe id='my-iframe' src=''>abc</iframe>")
# $(document.body).append(iframe)
# checkResponse = ->
# expect($('#my-iframe').html()).to.equal 'abc' # I wanted this to be google
# #console.log document.body.innerHTML
# try
# console.log iframe.contents().find('body').html()
# catch ex
# expect(ex.message).to.contain "Failed to read the 'contentDocument' property from 'HTMLIFrameElement': Blocked a frame with origin"
# done()
# setTimeout checkResponse , 201
# these don't work
# require 'child_process'
# require 'app'
# require 'browser-window'
# require 'electron'
# alert(42) will open an electron popup
'use strict';
var wallabyWebpack = require('wallaby-webpack');
var webpackPostprocessor = wallabyWebpack({});
module.exports = function (wallaby) {
//var preload_File = wallaby.localProjectDir + 'preload.js' // not working
return {
files: [
{ pattern: 'src/**/*.js', load: false }
tests: [
{ pattern: 'test/**/*Spec.js', load: false },
{ pattern: 'test/**/*.coffee', load: false }
env: {
kind: 'electron',
options: {
show: false,
skipTaskbar: false,
autoHideMenuBar: false,
webPreferences: {
nodeIntegration: true,
webSecurity: false,
compilers: {
'**/*.coffee': wallaby.compilers.coffeeScript({})
testFramework: 'mocha',
postprocessor: webpackPostprocessor,
bootstrap: function () {
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One thing that may make your life easier: you don't have to eval the code. In your case Webpack require is shadowing Electron node require, so doing require('electron') is an attempt to resolve the module via webpack (and it fails), The eval just prevents replacing the require by Webpack, so it works. An easier way to make webpack not touch the require would be:

screen shot 2016-05-20 at 1 47 45 pm

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