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Created May 24, 2016 13:43
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# Number of test I wrote while learning dockerode
require 'fluentnode'
Docker = require('dockerode')
MemoryStream = require 'memorystream'
fs = require 'fs'
create_Docker = ()=>
docker_Files = process.env.HOME.path_Combine('.docker/machine/machines/default')
if (docker_Files.folder_Not_Exists())
return new Docker()
ca_File = docker_Files.path_Combine('ca.pem' ).assert_File_Exists()
cert_File = docker_Files.path_Combine('cert.pem').assert_File_Exists()
key_File = docker_Files.path_Combine('key.pem' ).assert_File_Exists()
options =
host : ''
port : 2376
ca : ca_File .file_Contents()
cert : cert_File.file_Contents()
key : key_File .file_Contents()
return new Docker(options)
describe.only 'dockerode tests', ()->
it 'constructor', ()->
using new Docker(), ->
if @.modem.socketPath is undefined
#console.log @
@.modem.socketPath.assert_Is '/var/run/docker.sock'
@.modem.protocol .assert_Is 'http'
#@.listContainers (err, containers)->
# #console.log err
# #console.log containers
# done()
describe 'api tests', ->
xit 'Issue 244 - Cannot authenticate when docker env variables are not set', (done)->
docker = new Docker()
docker.listImages (err, data)->
assert_Is_Null data
err.assert_Is {
code: 'ENOENT',
errno: 'ENOENT',
syscall: 'connect',
address: '/var/run/docker.sock' }
it 'Issue 244 - Authenticating using docker-machine', (done)->
docker_Files = process.env.HOME.path_Combine('.docker/machine/machines/default')
if (docker_Files.folder_Not_Exists())
console.log 'skiping since docker-machine does not exist';
return done()
ca_File = docker_Files.path_Combine('ca.pem' ).assert_File_Exists()
cert_File = docker_Files.path_Combine('cert.pem').assert_File_Exists()
key_File = docker_Files.path_Combine('key.pem' ).assert_File_Exists()
options =
host : ''
port : 2376
ca : ca_File .file_Contents()
cert : cert_File.file_Contents()
key : key_File .file_Contents()
docker = new Docker(options)
docker.listImages (err, images)->
assert_Is_Null err
images.assert_Size_Is_Bigger_Than 10
xit 'check environment variables', ->
console.log 'DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY ' + process.env.DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY
console.log 'DOCKER_HOST ' + process.env.DOCKER_HOST
console.log 'DOCKER_CERT_PATH ' + process.env.DOCKER_CERT_PATH
console.log 'DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY ' + process.env.DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY
using new Docker(), ->
console.log '---------'
console.log @
console.log '---------'
xit 'list images', (done)->
using new Docker(), ->
@.listImages (err, images)->
assert_Is_Null err
console.log images.json_Str()
it 'pull repo', (done)->
@.timeout 60000
repoTag = 'ubuntu:latest' #'ubuntu:14.04'
docker = create_Docker()
onFinished = (err, output) ->
assert_Is_Null err
console.log output.last()
output.last().status.assert_Contains repoTag
onProgress = (event) ->
#console.log event
docker.pull repoTag, (err, stream) ->
if (err)
return done(err)
docker.modem.followProgress(stream, onFinished, onProgress)
it 'run ubunto commands ', (done)->
docker = create_Docker()
memStream = new MemoryStream();
output = '';
memStream.on 'data', (data)->
output += data.toString() 'ubuntu', ['bash', '-c', 'uname -a'], memStream, (err, data, container)->
console.log output
data.StatusCode.assert_Is 0
container.stop (err)->
err.message.assert_Is 'HTTP code is 304 which indicates error: container already stopped - '
container.remove (err)->
assert_Is_Null err
container.remove (err)->
console.log err.message.contains 'HTTP code is 404 which indicates error: no such container - No such container'
describe 'test ubuntu bash executions', ->
docker = null
container = null
output = null
memStream = null
beforeEach ->
docker = create_Docker()
memStream = new MemoryStream();
output = '';
afterEach (done)->
return done() if not container
container.remove (err)->
assert_Is_Null err
run_Command = (args, next)->
memStream.on 'data', (data)->
output += data.toString() 'ubuntu', args, memStream, (err, data, _container)->
console.log 'output: ' + output
container = _container
it 'run: aaaa' , (done)-> run_Command [ 'aaaa' ], done
it 'run: ps' , (done)-> run_Command ['ps', '-ax' ], done
it 'run: bash -c uname -a' , (done)-> run_Command ['bash', '-c', 'uname -a' ], done
it 'run: bash -c bash' , (done)-> run_Command ['bash', '-c', 'ps' ], done
it 'run: bash -c docker ps' , (done)-> run_Command ['bash', '-c', 'docker', 'ps' ], done
it 'run: bash -c docker ps -a' , (done)-> run_Command ['bash', '-c', 'docker', 'ps' ,'-a'], done
describe 'bsimm-graphs tests', ->
it 'pull diniscruz/bsimm-graphs', (done)->
@.timeout 60000
repoTag = 'diniscruz/bsimm-graphs:latest'
docker = create_Docker()
onFinished = (err, output) ->
assert_Is_Null err
console.log output.last()
output.last().status.assert_Contains repoTag
onProgress = (event) ->
if ['Already exists', 'Waiting', 'Extracting', 'Pull complete', 'Downloading', 'Download complete'].not_Contains event.status
console.log "#{event.status} - #{}"
console.log #{event.status}
docker.pull repoTag, (err, stream) ->
docker.modem.followProgress(stream, onFinished, onProgress)
it 'run and remove BSIMM Graph', (done)->
@.timeout 5000
docker = create_Docker()
repoTag = 'diniscruz/bsimm-graphs:latest'
port = 30000 + 5000.random()
options =
Image : repoTag
AttachStdin : false,
AttachStdout: true,
AttachStderr: true,
Tty : true,
Cmd : null
OpenStdin : false,
StdinOnce : false
ExposedPorts: {'3000/tcp': {} }
PortBindings: {'3000/tcp': [{ 'HostPort': port.str() }] },
docker.createContainer options, (err, container)->
if err
console.log err
return done(err)
container.start (err, abc)->
console.log '>>>> here'
2000.wait ->
url = "{port}"
url.GET (data)=>
console.log '>>>> got data'
console.log data
if data
data.assert_Is 'Found. Redirecting to d3-radar'
container.stop (err)->
assert_Is_Null err
container.remove (err)->
assert_Is_Null err
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the travis execution of these tests is at

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