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Last active December 31, 2015 17:39
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JUnit tests
def binFolder = GroovyExecution.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation();
def unitTests = new URL(binFolder, "../../TeamMentor.Eclipse.UxTests/bin/");
def groovyExecution = new GroovyExecution();
groovyExecution.addRefToGroovyShell(unitTests.getPath() + "/");
return groovyExecution
def binFolder = GroovyExecution.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation();
def unitTests = new URL(binFolder, "../../TeamMentor.Eclipse.UxTests/bin/");
def groovyExecution = new GroovyExecution();
groovyExecution.addRefToGroovyShell(unitTests.getPath() + "/");
import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore;
import org.junit.runner.Result;
import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure;
def jUnitClassName = "tm.eclipse.helpers.Images_Test";
def jUnitResult = JUnitCore.runClasses("+ jUnitClassName+".class);
def failures = jUnitResult.getFailures();
return (failures.collect { '\n - ' + it } + '\n' +
'\n runCount : ' + jUnitResult.runCount +
'\n failureCount: ' + jUnitResult.failureCount +
'\n runTime : ' + jUnitResult.runTime
package tm.eclipse.helpers;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.util.List;
import org.junit.Test;
public class Images_Test
public String expected_FirstName = "IMG_DEC_FIELD_ERROR";
public String expected_LastName = "IMG_OBJS_DND_TOFASTVIEW_SOURCE";
public int expected_Size = 79;
public void Images_Ctor()
public void names()
List<String> names = images.names();
assertTrue (names.size() > 0);
assertEquals (names.size() , expected_Size);
assertEquals (names.get(0) , expected_FirstName);
assertEquals (names.get(expected_Size-1) , expected_LastName);
public void get()
Image image_Via_Index = images.get(0);
Image image_Via_Name = images.get(expected_FirstName);
assertEquals (image_Via_Name.getImageData().height, image_Via_Index.getImageData().height);
assertEquals (image_Via_Name.getImageData().width , image_Via_Index.getImageData().width);
assertEquals (image_Via_Name, image_Via_Index);
assertEquals (images.get(expected_Size-1), images.get(expected_LastName));
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