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Last active November 23, 2015 19:31
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Coderpad code samples
Mocha = require 'mocha'
expect = require('chai').expect
mocha = new Mocha {ui: 'bdd'}
mocha.suite.emit 'pre-require', this, 'solution', mocha
describe 'test', ->
it 'acb', ->
expect(12).to.equal(12) ()->
Mocha = require 'mocha'
expect = require('chai').expect
mocha = new Mocha {ui: 'bdd'}
mocha.suite.emit 'pre-require', this, 'solution', mocha
child_process = require 'child_process'
fs = require 'fs'
String::start_Process = (args...)->
args ?= []
#if args.first() instanceof Array
# args = args.first()
return child_process.spawn(@.toString(),args)
String::start_Process_Redirect_Console = (args...)->
args ?= []
childProcess = @.start_Process(args)
childProcess.stdout.on 'data', (data)->console.log(data.toString().trim())
childProcess.stderr.on 'data', (data)->console.log(data.toString().trim())
return childProcess
String::file_Contents = ->
file = @.valueOf()
return fs.readFileSync(file,"utf8")
# null
num = 42
str = '42'
class Abc
constructor: ()->
@test = 42
request = require 'request'
describe 'Mocha setup', ->
it 'should work', ->
expect(Abc) 'function'
expect(num) 'number'
expect(str) 'string'
expect(num).to.equal 42
expect(new Abc()) 'object'
expect(new Abc().test).to.equal 42
it 'should execute process', ()->
'ls'.start_Process_Redirect_Console( '.')
file = '/home/coderpad/README_IF_YOU_ARE_HACKING_ME'
console.log file.file_Contents() ()->
Mocha = require 'mocha'
expect = require('chai').expect
mocha = new Mocha {ui: 'bdd'}
mocha.suite.emit 'pre-require', this, 'solution', mocha
# This is what the current tree looks like (with B unbalanced and C balanced)
# B
# C D
# E G
# F
# here is the isBalanced (with extra node to make it balanced) will add an extra
# node (I) to D (to make B balanced)
# B
# C D
# E G I
# F
D = id: 'D', left:null , right: null
G = id: 'G', left:null , right: null
F = id: 'F', left:null , right: null
E = id: 'E', left: F , right: null
C = id: 'C', left: E , right: G
B = id: 'B', left: C , right: D
depth = 0;
isBalanced = (root)->
# if root is null means that we reached an empty node
if root is null
return true
# calculate the left and right heights
left_height = height(root.left)
right_height = height(root.right)
# if the difference between left and right is more than one, it means that it
# is not balanced
if Math.abs(left_height - right_height) > 1
return false
# recursive check to see if both left and right child nodes are balanced
return isBalanced(root.left) and isBalanced(root.right)
# note: i still don't think this is correct (i.e. there could be a couple cases where height is wrongly calculated)
height = (root,current=0)->
if not root
return current
left_Height = height(root.left, current)
right_Height = height(root.right, current)
if left_Height > right_Height
return left_Height
return right_Height
describe 'Check tree balance', ->
it 'isBalanced (with original tree)', ->
expect(isBalanced(B)).to.equal(false , 'B should be false')
expect(isBalanced(C)).to.equal(true , 'C should be true')
expect(isBalanced(E)).to.equal(true , 'E should be true')
it 'isBalanced (with extra node to make it balanced)', ->
D.left = { id: 'I', left: null, right: null}
expect(isBalanced(B)).to.equal(true , 'now B should be true')
it 'height()', ->
expect(height(F)).to.equal(1) ()->
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