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Created June 6, 2014 15:43
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<map proto="1.3.0">
<include src="tutorial.xml"/>
<objective>Destroy the three enemy flags to win the match.</objective>
<contributor contribution="XML Fixing">IM_A_H0B0</contributor>
<team color="blue" max="25">Blue Team</team>
<team color="dark red" max="25">Red Team</team>
<filter name="only-blue" parents="deny-all">
<filter name="only-red" parents="deny-all">
<apply block="deny-all" message="You may not build outside of the map!">
<rectangle min="-100,0" max="102,-100"/>
<apply block="deny-world">
<cuboid min="101,8,-99" max="-99,-8,-99"/>
<apply block="deny-all" message="Don't modify the spawn!">
<cuboid name="red-spawn" min="91,37,-25" max="100,oo,-3"/>
<cuboid name="blue-spawn" min="-89,37,-75" max="-98,oo,-97"/>
<apply enter="only-red" message="Don't enter the enemy spawn!">
<region name="red-spawn"/>
<apply enter="only-blue" message="Don't enter the enemy spawn!">
<region name="blue-spawn"/>
<kit name="spawn">
<item slot="0" enchantment="durability:1;dig speed:1">iron axe</item>
<item slot="1">bow</item>
<item slot="2">stone pickaxe</item>
<item slot="4" amount="32" damage="2">log</item>
<item slot="5">golden apple</item>
<item slot="3" amount="32">cooked beef</item>
<item slot="6" name="`6TNT Defuser" lore="`7Right click to defuse teammate's TNT|`7Does not work in `9water`7!">shears</item>
<item slot="28" amount="64">arrow</item>
<potion duration="5" amplifier="1">heal</potion>
<potion duration="5" amplifier="2">damage resistance</potion>
<kit name="red" parents="spawn">
<helmet color="FF3300">leather helmet</helmet>
<chestplate color="FFFFFF">leather chestplate</chestplate>
<leggings color="000000">leather leggings</leggings>
<boots color="FF3300">leather boots</boots>
<kit name="blue" parents="spawn">
<helmet color="0000CC">leather helmet</helmet>
<chestplate color="FFFFFF">leather chestplate</chestplate>
<leggings color="000000">leather leggings</leggings>
<boots color="0000CC">leather boots</boots>
<spawn team="blue" kit="blue" yaw="270">
<cuboid min="-94,39,-83" max="-92,39,-88"/>
<spawn team="red" kit="red" yaw="90">
<cuboid min="96,39,-11" max="94,39,-16"/>
<cuboid min="-0,57,-122" max="2,57,-120"/>
<tool>iron axe</tool>
<tool>stone pickaxe</tool>
<item>spruce wood stairs</item>
<item>wood step:1</item>
<item>leather helmet</item>
<item>leather chestplate</item>
<item>leather leggings</item>
<item>leather boots</item>
<item>cooked beef</item>
<destroyables completion="75%" materials="wool:11;wool:15;wool:14;wool:7;wool">
<destroyable name="Right Flag" owner="red">
<cuboid min="74,35,-91" max="76,48,-99"/>
<destroyable name="Center Flag" owner="red">
<cuboid min="34,47,-63" max="36,34,-71"/>
<destroyable name="Left Flag" owner="red">
<cuboid min="73,76,-46" max="71,33,-38"/>
<destroyable name="Left Flag" owner="blue">
<cuboid min="-69,33,-61" max="-71,46,-53"/>
<destroyable name="Center Flag" owner="blue">
<cuboid min="-34,47,-36" max="-32,34,-28"/>
<destroyable name="Right Flag" owner="blue">
<cuboid min="-74,48,-8" max="-72,35,-0"/>
<stage title="Destroy the Flag">
<line>`rThis map is a `a`lDestroy the Flag `r(DTF) map</line>
<line>The objective is to destroy the other team's monuments on their side.</line>
<point yaw="0" pitch="45">-10,109,-106</point>
<stage title="The Monuments">
<line>`rThis flag is a `bmonument`r. You must destroy all of the enemy flags to win.</line>
<line>`cFire `rand `cTNT `rwill not work. Shears are a good way to quickly destroy them.</line>
<point yaw="-90" pitch="0">26,42,-67.5</point>
<stage title="Iron">
<line>`bIron blocks `rcan be found by digging underneath the rocks.</line>
<line>You can use the `biron blocks `rto craft `aarmor`r.</line>
<point yaw="145" pitch="45">67,42,-42</point>
<stage title="Extra Supplies">
<line>There are `bchests `rscattered around the map that contain `bextra supplies`r.</line>
<line>The ships contain chests filled with `cTNT`r.</line>
<point yaw="135" pitch="25">79,46,-6.5</point>
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