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Last active December 22, 2015 03:19
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  • Save Dinner1111/6409323 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Dinner1111/6409323 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
<stage title="Capture the Wool">
<line>`7This map is a `b`lCapture the Wool `r`8(`bCTW`8) `7map.</line>
<line>`7The objective is to grab the wool on the other team's side and return it to your base.</line>
<point yaw="180" pitch="45">85,45,103</point>
<stage title="Spawn">
<line>`7This is one of two of `aGreen Team`7's bases. `5Purple Team `7has identical bases.</line>
<line>`7The bases look like large chests.</line>
<point yaw="90" pitch="45">68,25,10</point>
<stage title="The Supplies">
<line>`7Supply `bchests `7are behind the team `bbases`7, where you spawn.</line>
<line>`7The chests contain all the gear you need to get ready for battle.</line>
<point yaw="-90" pitch="50">24,25,10</point>
<stage title="Iron">
<line>`7The team `biron supplies `7are in the form of a `bbeacon `7directly in front of the team bases.</line>
<line>`7You can use the `biron blocks `7to craft `barmor`7.</line>
<point yaw="-153" pitch="45">73,25,30</point>
<stage title="Wools">
<line>`7The wool rooms that house the wool look like giant sheep. Kill a sheep that spawns at the top to get wool.</line>
<line>`aGreen Team `7has `6orange `rand `eyellow `rwools while `5Purple Team `7has `3green `rand `1blue`7.</line>
<line>`7Defend your wool rooms against invaders who are trying to steal the wool and make it back alive.</line>
<line>`7There are `bspecial goodies `7inside that will help you fight your way out.</line>
<point yaw="135" pitch="45">52,30,90</point>
<stage title="Victory Monuments">
<line>`7Here is one of `aGreen Team`7's victory monuments and spawn where the captured wool must be placed. The other monument is in the other base.</line>
<line>`5Purple Team `7has identical victory monuments.</line>
<point yaw="180">46,7,8.5</point>
<stage title="Useful Supplies">
<line>`7Extra and useful `bsupplies `7can be found inside the `bEnchanting Table `7buildings.</line>
<point yaw="140" pitch="45">50,25,150</point>
<stage title="Destroy the Core">
<line>`7This map is a `b`lDestroy the Core `r`8(`bDTC`8) `7map.</line>
<line>`7The objective is to leak lava from the enemy's `5obsidian `7core.</line>
<point yaw="0" pitch="50">16.5,102,18</point>
<stage title="Spawn">
<line>`7You spawn inside your base which looks like a double chest.</line>
<line>`7The chests in the base contain all the necessary gear to get ready for battle!</line>
<point yaw="-90" pitch="15">83,31,72</point>
<stage title="Armor">
<line>`bDiamond blocks `7can be found in both of the furnaces on either side of the base.</line>
<line>`7You can use `bdiamond blocks `7to craft armor.</line>
<point yaw="0" pitch="25">107,33,42</point>
<stage title="The Core">
<line>`7This is `5obsidian `7core, break your enemy's `5obsidian `7core and leak the `clava `7from inside the core to win.</line>
<point yaw="-150" pitch="35">83,45,80</point>
<stage title="Extra Supplies">
<line>`7Useful extra supplies can be found `babove `7the base.</line>
<line>`7Stairs from the `bleft `7and `bright `7of spawn allow direct access.</line>
<point yaw="-50" pitch="-10">90,42,60</point>
<stage title="Destroy the Flag">
<line>`7This map is a `a`lDestroy the Flag `r`8(`aDTF`8) `7map</line>
<line>`7The objective is to destroy the other team's `aflags `7on their side.</line>
<point yaw="0" pitch="45">-10,109,-106</point>
<stage title="The Flags">
<line>`7This is a `aflag`7. You must destroy all of the `aenemy flags `7to win.</line>
<line>`cFire `7and `cTNT `7will not destroy the flags. Shears are a good way to quickly destroy them.</line>
<point yaw="-90" pitch="0">26,42,-67.5</point>
<stage title="Iron">
<line>`aIron blocks `7can be found by digging underneath the rocks.</line>
<line>`7You can use the `airon blocks `7to craft `aarmor`7.</line>
<point yaw="145" pitch="45">67,42,-42</point>
<stage title="Extra Supplies">
<line>`7There are `bchests `7scattered around the map that contain `bextra supplies`7.</line>
<line>`7The ships contain chests filled with `cTNT`7.</line>
<point yaw="135" pitch="25">79,46,-6.5</point>
<stage title="Destroy the Monument">
<line>`7This map is a `b`lDestroy the Monument `r`8(`bDTM`8) `7map.</line>
<line>`7The objective is to destroy the other team's `5obsidian `bmonuments `7on their side.</line>
<point yaw="-90" pitch="30">-32,108,36.5</point>
<stage title="The Monument">
<line>`7This is a `bmonument`7. There is one on either team's side.</line>
<line>`7You must destroy the `5obsidian blocks `7in both enemy's monuments to win.</line>
<point yaw="-45" pitch="0">100,27,102</point>
<stage title="Spawn">
<line>`7Teams spawn inside a base that looks like a minecart. You spawn with gear ready for battle!</line>
<line>`7Note that the enemy team cannot enter your team spawn.</line>
<point yaw="0" pitch="0">56,29,112</point>
<stage title="Iron">
<line>`7There are `biron blocks `7in the piston building. You can use iron blocks to craft `barmor`7.</line>
<line>`7There are also underground mines that contain `biron blocks`7.</line>
<point yaw="45" pitch="50">95,25,70</point>
<stage title="Extra Supplies">
<line>`7Extra supplies can be found in a building that looks like a dispenser.</line>
<line>`7Useful items can also be found the piston buildings.</line>
<point yaw="0" pitch="20">-5,25,108</point>
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