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Last active May 29, 2017 12:47
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  • Save Dinnerbone/3700d226481934f1eeffe5cd0c22b7d2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Dinnerbone/3700d226481934f1eeffe5cd0c22b7d2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
-gui.hold.moreRecipes=Click and hold for more
+gui.recipebook.moreRecipes=Right Click for more
-gui.toggleRecipes.all=Showing all
+gui.recipebook.toggleRecipes.all=Showing all
-gui.toggleRecipes.craftable=Showing craftable
+gui.recipebook.toggleRecipes.craftable=Showing craftable
-selectWorld.versionJoinButton=Use anyway
+selectWorld.versionJoinButton=Use Anyway %1$s, %2$s, %3$s, %4$s and the mouse to move around the %1$s, %2$s, %3$s, %4$s keys and the mouse to move around by pressing %1$s, %2$s, %3$s, %4$s by pressing the %1$s, %2$s, %3$s, %4$s keys by pressing %1$s by pressing the %1$s key %1$s to open your inventory the %1$s key to open your inventory
-disconnect.loginFailedInfo.invalidSession=Invalid session (Try restarting your game)
+disconnect.loginFailedInfo.invalidSession=Invalid session (Try restarting your game and the launcher)[S]
-commands.setidletimeout.usage=/setidletimeout <Minutes until kick>
+commands.setidletimeout.usage=/setidletimeout <minutes>
-commands.spreadplayers.spreading.teams=Spreading %s team(s) %s blocks around %s,%s (min %s blocks apart)
+commands.spreadplayers.spreading.teams=Spreading %s team(s) %s blocks around %s, %s (min %s blocks apart)
-commands.spreadplayers.spreading.players=Spreading %s player(s) %s blocks around %s,%s (min %s blocks apart)
+commands.spreadplayers.spreading.players=Spreading %s player(s) %s blocks around %s, %s (min %s blocks apart)
-commands.spreadplayers.success.teams=Successfully spread %s team(s) around %s,%s
+commands.spreadplayers.success.teams=Successfully spread %s team(s) around %s, %s
-commands.spreadplayers.success.players=Successfully spread %s player(s) around %s,%s
+commands.spreadplayers.success.players=Successfully spread %s player(s) around %s, %s
-commands.spreadplayers.failure.teams=Could not spread %s team(s) around %s,%s (too many players for space - try using spread of at most %s)
+commands.spreadplayers.failure.teams=Could not spread %s team(s) around %s, %s (too many players for space - try using spread of at most %s)
-commands.spreadplayers.failure.players=Could not spread %s player(s) around %s,%s (too many players for space - try using spread of at most %s)
+commands.spreadplayers.failure.players=Could not spread %s player(s) around %s, %s (too many players for space - try using spread of at most %s) world border center to %s,%s world border center to %s, %s
-advMode.self=Use "@s" to target a player in /execute
+advMode.self=Use "@s" to target the executing entity Base Fess Base Base Fess Base Base Fess Base
-item.banner.stripe_bottom.brown=Brown Base Fess
+item.banner.stripe_bottom.brown=Brown Base Base Fess Base
-item.banner.stripe_bottom.purple=Purple Base Fess
+item.banner.stripe_bottom.purple=Purple Base
-item.banner.stripe_bottom.cyan=Cyan Base Fess
+item.banner.stripe_bottom.cyan=Cyan Base
-item.banner.stripe_bottom.silver=Light Gray Base Fess
+item.banner.stripe_bottom.silver=Light Gray Base
-item.banner.stripe_bottom.gray=Gray Base Fess
+item.banner.stripe_bottom.gray=Gray Base Base Fess Base
-item.banner.stripe_bottom.lime=Lime Base Fess
+item.banner.stripe_bottom.lime=Lime Base
-item.banner.stripe_bottom.yellow=Yellow Base Fess
+item.banner.stripe_bottom.yellow=Yellow Base
-item.banner.stripe_bottom.lightBlue=Light Blue Base Fess
+item.banner.stripe_bottom.lightBlue=Light Blue Base
-item.banner.stripe_bottom.magenta=Magenta Base Fess
+item.banner.stripe_bottom.magenta=Magenta Base Base Fess Base
-item.banner.stripe_bottom.white=White Base Fess
+item.banner.stripe_bottom.white=White Base Chief Fess Chief Chief Fess Chief Chief Fess Chief
-item.banner.stripe_top.brown=Brown Chief Fess
+item.banner.stripe_top.brown=Brown Chief Chief Fess Chief
-item.banner.stripe_top.purple=Purple Chief Fess
+item.banner.stripe_top.purple=Purple Chief
-item.banner.stripe_top.cyan=Cyan Chief Fess
+item.banner.stripe_top.cyan=Cyan Chief
-item.banner.stripe_top.silver=Light Gray Chief Fess
+item.banner.stripe_top.silver=Light Gray Chief
-item.banner.stripe_top.gray=Gray Chief Fess
+item.banner.stripe_top.gray=Gray Chief Chief Fess Chief
-item.banner.stripe_top.lime=Lime Chief Fess
+item.banner.stripe_top.lime=Lime Chief
-item.banner.stripe_top.yellow=Yellow Chief Fess
+item.banner.stripe_top.yellow=Yellow Chief
-item.banner.stripe_top.lightBlue=Light Blue Chief Fess
+item.banner.stripe_top.lightBlue=Light Blue Chief
-item.banner.stripe_top.magenta=Magenta Chief Fess
+item.banner.stripe_top.magenta=Magenta Chief Chief Fess Chief
-item.banner.stripe_top.white=White Chief Fess
+item.banner.stripe_top.white=White Chief
+multiplayer.status.and_more=... and %s more ...
+multiplayer.status.cannot_connect=Can't connect to server
+multiplayer.status.cannot_resolve=Can't resolve hostname
+multiplayer.status.client_out_of_date=Client out of date!
+multiplayer.status.no_connection=(no connection)
+multiplayer.status.server_out_of_date=Server out of date!
+multiplayer.status.unrequested=Received unrequested status
+multiplayer.disconnect.authservers_down=Authentication servers are down. Please try again later, sorry!
+multiplayer.disconnect.banned=You are banned from this server.
+multiplayer.disconnect.duplicate_login=You logged in from another location
+multiplayer.disconnect.flying=Flying is not enabled on this server
+multiplayer.disconnect.idling=You have been idle for too long!
+multiplayer.disconnect.illegal_characters=Illegal characters in chat
+multiplayer.disconnect.invalid_entity_attacked=Attempting to attack an invalid entity
+multiplayer.disconnect.invalid_player_movement=Invalid move player packet received
+multiplayer.disconnect.invalid_vehicle_movement=Invalid move vehicle packet received
+multiplayer.disconnect.ip_banned=You have been IP banned.
+multiplayer.disconnect.kicked=Kicked by an operator.
+multiplayer.disconnect.outdated_client=Outdated client! Please use %s
+multiplayer.disconnect.outdated_server=Outdated server! I'm still on %s
+multiplayer.disconnect.server_shutdown=Server closed
+multiplayer.disconnect.slow_login=Took too long to log in
+multiplayer.disconnect.unverified_username=Failed to verify username!
+filled_map.unknown=Unknown Map
+filled_map.level=(Level %s/%s)
+filled_map.scale=Scaling at 1:%s
+commands.recipe.unsupported=%s is an unsupported recipe
-options.postProcessEnable=Enable Post-Processing
-options.postButton=Post-Processing Settings...
-options.postVideoTitle=Post-Processing Settings
-options.farWarning1=A 64 bit Java installation is recommended
-options.farWarning2=for 'Far' render distance (you have 32 bit)
-title.oldjava1=Old java detected; this will prevent you from playing
-title.oldjava2=in the future as Java 8 will be required.
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