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Created July 26, 2013 14:08
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content negotiation in JS for ASP-classic
// contentNego.js
// Simple content negotiation logic for ASP-classic modules.
// This module exposes one public function - figureDesiredContentType().
// It checks the HTTP_ACCEPT server variable (whose value is set to the
// value of the Accept request header), and sets a content-type
// mime-string accordingly.
// When there are multiple mime-types in the Accept header, or when the
// Accept header includes */*, this means that multiple response
// formats are acceptable. In that case, the order of preference used
// by this function priority is hard-coded to be roughly: html, XML, JSON.
// created: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 15:27
// last saved: <2012-April-20 08:43:45>
// -------------------------------------------------------
// Example usage:
// <script language="javascript" runat="server" src='contentNego.js'></script>
// ...
// function handleGet() {
// var cnego = CNego.figureDesiredContentType(),
// r = getResult();
// header('Content-Type: ' + cnego[0]);
// switch (cnego[1]) {
// case CNego.contentFlavor.HTML:
// Response.Write(formatAsHtml(r));
// break;
// case CNego.contentFlavor.XML:
// Response.Write(formatAsXml(r));
// break;
// case CNego.contentFlavor.JSON:
// Response.Write(JSON.stringify(r));
// break;
// case CNego.contentFlavor.Text:
// Response.Write(formatAsText(r));
// break;
// }
// }
// Bugs:
(function() {
// When CNego is declared as a symbol in the containing scope, as is
// done here, it gets "exported" to the global naming scope when
// used in an ASP-classic environment. An .asp module that includes
// this script will be able to "see" and use this symbol.
var flavor = {
Unknown: 0,
Text: 1,
XML: 2,
HTML: 3,
CNego = {
contentFlavor : flavor,
figureDesiredContentType : function() {
// Return a 2-element tuple; the first element is the mime-type
// string, the second is a number indicating the flavor. The
// mapping of mime-type to flavor is N:1. In other words, there
// are several distinct mime-type strings corresponding to the
// JSON "flavor", and several different mime-type strings that
// fall under the XML "flavor".
var accept = (Request.ServerVariables('HTTP_ACCEPT') + '').toLowerCase();
if (accept == 'undefined') {
return ["text/plain", flavor.Text];
if (accept.indexOf('*/*') != -1) {
return ["text/html", flavor.HTML];
if (accept.indexOf('application/html') != -1) {
return ["application/html", flavor.HTML];
if (accept.indexOf('text/html') != -1) {
return ["text/html", flavor.HTML];
if (accept.indexOf("application/xml") != -1) {
return ["application/xml", flavor.XML];
if (accept.indexOf("text/xml") != -1) {
return ["text/xml", flavor.XML];
if (accept.indexOf("application/x-xml") != -1) {
return ["application/x-xml", flavor.XML];
if (accept.indexOf("application/json") != -1) {
return ["application/json", flavor.JSON];
if (accept.indexOf("text/x-json") != -1) {
return ["text/x-json", flavor.JSON];
if (accept.indexOf("text/javascript") != -1) {
return ["text/javascript", flavor.JSON];
if (accept.indexOf("application/javascript") != -1) {
return ["application/javascript", flavor.JSON];
if (accept.indexOf("application/x-javascript") != -1) {
return ["application/x-javascript", flavor.JSON];
return ["text/plain", flavor.Text];
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