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# Create-App-With-Imported-App-Credentials.ps1
function Create-App-With-Imported-App-Credentials {
Imports a key+secret (a credential) into Apigee Edge.
Imports a key+secret (a credential) into Apigee Edge. This will be stored in
a newly-created developer app, which will be associated to an existing developer.
Required. The key to import. It must be unique across the Edge Organization.
Required. The secret to import.
.PARAMETER Developer
Required. The email of the existing developer.
Required. The name of the to-be-created app for that developer.
Required. The name of the existing API Product to add to the credential.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Key,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Secret,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Developer,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $NewAppName,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $ApiProduct
$existingDev = @( Get-EdgeDeveloper -Name $Developer )
if ($existingDev -eq $null -or $existingDev.status -ne 'active') {
throw [System.InvalidOperationException] "Developer", "Developer does not exist or is inactive"
Write-Debug $( [string]::Format("dev:`n{0}", $(ConvertTo-Json $existingDev)))
$existingProduct = @( Get-EdgeApiProduct -Name $ApiProduct )
if ($existingProduct -eq $null -or $ -ne $ApiProduct ) {
throw [System.InvalidOperationException] "ApiProduct", "ApiProduct does not exist"
Write-Debug $( [string]::Format("product:`n{0}", $(ConvertTo-Json $existingProduct)))
$Params = @{
AppName = $NewAppName
Developer = $existingDev.Email
ApiProducts = @( $ApiProduct )
Attributes = @{
ImportedBy = "Create-App-With-Imported-App-Credentials.ps1"
ImportDateUtc = [System.DateTime]::UtcNow.ToString()
$newApp = Create-EdgeDevApp @Params
if ($newApp -eq $null) {
Write-Host "The app could not be created"
else {
Write-Host $( [string]::Format("newApp: {0}", $ ) )
$generatedCredential = $newApp.credentials[0]
# explicitly add the specific credential to the app
$newCredential = $(Put-EdgeAppCredential -AppName $NewAppName -Developer $existingDev.Email -Key $Key -Secret $Secret)
# add a product to the newly-added credential.
$newCredential = $( Update-EdgeAppCredential -AppName $NewAppName -Developer $existingDev.Email -Key $Key -Add -ApiProducts @( $ApiProduct ) )
# Remove the implicitly generated credential from the app
$oldCredential = $( Remove-EdgeAppCredential -AppName $NewAppName -Developer $existingDev.Email -Key $generatedCredential.consumerKey )
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