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Created June 4, 2019 10:40
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Bokeh App Visualisation for DrugNeuroAnalytics
import pandas as pd
import bokeh
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from import output_file, show, save
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource
reviews = pd.read_csv("/home/dipen/Downloads/All_Labelled_Reviews.csv")
reviews['category_id'] = reviews['Category'].factorize()[0]
reviews = reviews[reviews.category_id != 3]
reviews.reset_index(drop = True, inplace = True)
category_id_df = reviews[['Category', 'category_id']].drop_duplicates().sort_values('category_id')
counts_df = pd.concat([etho_df, pheno_df, diva_df, valp_df, carb_df, aceta_df, ph_df], ignore_index = True)
counts_df = counts_df.reindex(['Drug', 'Adverse', 'Effective', 'Ineffective'], axis = 1)
bars = ['Adverse', 'Effective', 'Ineffective']
data = {'Drug' : counts_df.Drug,
'Adverse' : counts_df.Adverse,
'Effective' : counts_df.Effective,
'Ineffective' : counts_df.Ineffective}
x = [ (drug, bar) for drug in counts_df.Drug for bar in bars ]
counts = sum(zip(data['Adverse'], data['Effective'], data['Ineffective']), ()) # like an hstack
# Import the ColumnDataSource class and create static figure using data
from bokeh.models import FactorRange
# Convert dataframe to column data source
src = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, counts = counts))
from bokeh.transform import factor_cmap
from bokeh.palettes import Spectral6
p = figure(plot_height = 600, plot_width = 800,
title = 'Drug Classification',
x_axis_label = 'Drug Name',
y_axis_label = 'Number of Reviews',
x_range=FactorRange(factors=list(x)),toolbar_location=None, tools="hover"
p.vbar(source = src, bottom=0, top='counts', x='x', width=0.9, line_color="white",
# use the palette to colormap based on the the x[1:2] values
fill_color=factor_cmap('x', palette=Spectral6, factors=bars, start=1, end=2), fill_alpha = 0.75,
hover_fill_alpha = 1.0, hover_fill_color = 'navy')
p.y_range.start = 0
p.x_range.range_padding = 0.1
p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = 1
p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None
#Code for adding interactivity with checkboxes
from bokeh.layouts import widgetbox
from bokeh.models.widgets import CheckboxGroup
liste = ['Ethosuximide','Phenytoin','Divalproex','Valporic Acid','Carbamazepine','Acetazolamide','Phenobarbital']
drug_selection = CheckboxGroup(labels=liste, active = [0, 1])
def make_dataset(drug_list,bin_width = 5):
by_drug = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Adverse', 'Effective', 'Ineffective','drug_name'])
# Iterate through all the drugs
for i, drug_name in enumerate(drug_list):
m = counts_df.loc[counts_df['Drug'] == drug_name]
arr_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Adverse', 'Effective', 'Ineffective','drug_name'])
arr_df['Adverse'] = m['Adverse']
arr_df['Effective'] = m['Effective']
arr_df['Ineffective'] = m['Ineffective']
arr_df['name'] = drug_name
by_drug = by_drug.append(arr_df)
# Overall dataframe
bars = ['Adverse', 'Effective', 'Ineffective']
x = [ (drug, bar) for drug in for bar in bars ]
#by_drug = by_drug.sort_values(['name'])
counts = sum(zip(by_drug['Adverse'], by_drug['Effective'], by_drug['Ineffective']), ()) # like an hstack
# Convert dataframe to column data source
return ColumnDataSource(data = dict(x = x, counts = counts))
def make_plot(src):
# Blank plot with correct labels
p = figure(plot_width = 700, plot_height = 700,
title = 'Int Drug',
x_axis_label = 'Drug', y_axis_label = 'Reviews',x_range=FactorRange(factors=list(x)))
p.vbar(source = src, bottom=0, top='counts', x='x', width=0.9,
color =factor_cmap('x', palette=Spectral6, factors=bars, start=1, end=2), fill_alpha = 0.75, line_color = 'black')
p.y_range.start = 0
p.x_range.range_padding = 0.1
p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = 1
p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None
return p
# Update function takes three default parameters
def update(attr, old, new):
# Get the list of drugs for the graph
drugs_to_plot = [drug_selection.labels[i] for i in]
# Make a new dataset based on the selected drugs and the
# make_dataset function defined earlier
new_src = make_dataset(drugs_to_plot,bin_width = 5)
# Update the source used in the quad glpyhs
drug_selection.on_change('active', update)
init_drugs = [drug_selection.labels[i] for i in]
src = make_dataset(init_drugs,bin_width= 5)
p = make_plot(src)
from bokeh.layouts import column, row, WidgetBox
from bokeh.models import Panel
from import show, curdoc
from bokeh.models.widgets import Tabs
# Put controls in a single element
controls = WidgetBox(drug_selection)
# Create a row layout
layout = row(controls, p)
# Make a tab with the layout
tab = Panel(child=layout, title = 'Drug')
tabs = Tabs(tabs=[tab])
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