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Created February 8, 2016 20:20
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module MultiPart (multiplicativePartitions) where
import Data.List (sort)
import Math.NumberTheory.Factor (ppfactors)
import Control.Arrow (first)
multiplicativePartitions :: Integer -> [[Integer]]
multiplicativePartitions n
| n < 1 = []
| n == 1 = [[]]
| otherwise = map ((>>= uncurry (flip replicate)) . sort) . pfPartitions $ ppfactors n
additivePartitions :: Int -> [[(Int,Int)]]
additivePartitions 0 = [[]]
additivePartitions n
| n < 0 = []
| otherwise = aParts n n
aParts :: Int -> Int -> [[(Int,Int)]]
aParts 0 _ = [[]]
aParts 1 m = [[(1,m)]]
aParts k m = withK ++ aParts (k-1) m
withK = do
let q = m `quot` k
j <- [q,q-1 .. 1]
[(k,j):prt | let r = m - j*k, prt <- aParts (min (k-1) r) r]
countedPartitions :: Int -> Int -> [[(Int,Int)]]
countedPartitions 0 count = [[(0,count)]]
countedPartitions quant count = cbParts quant quant count
prep _ 0 = id
prep m j = ((m,j):)
cbParts :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [[(Int,Int)]]
cbParts q 0 c
| q == 0 = if c == 0 then [[]] else [[(0,c)]]
| otherwise = error "Oops"
cbParts q 1 c
| c < q = [] -- should never happen
| c == q = [[(1,c)]]
| otherwise = [[(1,q),(0,c-q)]]
cbParts q m c = do
let lo = max 0 $ q - c*(m-1)
hi = q `quot` m
j <- [lo .. hi]
let r = q - j*m
m' = min (m-1) r
map (prep m j) $ cbParts r m' (c-j)
primePowerPartitions :: Integer -> Int -> [[(Integer,Int)]]
primePowerPartitions p e = map (map (first (p^))) $ additivePartitions e
distOne :: Integer -> Int -> Integer -> Int -> [[(Integer,Int)]]
distOne _ 0 d k = [[(d,k)]]
distOne p e d k = do
cap <- countedPartitions e k
return $ [(p^i*d,m) | (i,m) <- cap]
distribute :: Integer -> Int -> [(Integer,Int)] -> [[(Integer,Int)]]
distribute _ 0 xs = [xs]
distribute p e [(d,k)] = distOne p e d k
distribute p e ((d,k):dks) = do
j <- [0 .. e]
dps <- distOne p j d k
ys <- distribute p (e-j) dks
return $ dps ++ ys
distribute _ _ [] = []
pfPartitions :: [(Integer,Int)] -> [[(Integer,Int)]]
pfPartitions [] = [[]]
pfPartitions [(p,e)] = primePowerPartitions p e
pfPartitions ((p,e):pps) = do
cop <- pfPartitions pps
k <- [0 .. e]
ppp <- primePowerPartitions p k
mix <- distribute p (e-k) cop
return (ppp ++ mix)
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