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Created December 18, 2018 09:54
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- block:
- name: "install default packages after minimal install"
name: "{{ item }}"
state: present
- "at"
- "attr"
- "auditd"
- "bc"
- "binutils"
- "cal"
- "cpio"
- "curl"
- "dnsutils"
- "fail2ban"
- "file"
- "gzip"
- "ipset"
- "ltrace"
- "mosh"
- "netcat"
- "ntp"
- "ntpdate"
- "ntpstat"
- "pdns-recursor"
- "portsentry"
- "pwgen"
- "reportbug"
- "rsync"
- "screen"
- "strace"
- "sudo"
- "sysstat"
- "tcpdump"
- "ufw"
- "unzip"
- "vim"
- "wget"
- "wput"
- "xauth"
- "xz-utils"
- "zip"
when: ( ansible_distribution == "Debian" ) and ( ansible_distribution_major_version == "9" )
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