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Last active August 3, 2016 17:26
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one proposed solution to the greed.rb problem, proposed in [Ian Whitney's Ruby Brown Bag](}, for comment — please, please comment: I'm a Ruby tyro, and could use the help. (And many thanks to Ian for his great session, and Chris Crosby-Schmidt for inspiring the approach!)
class Greed
def self.score(dice)
# initialize a score
score = 0
# create a hash of the roll (face values) and the number of times rolled
rolls = dice.inject( {|hash, roll| hash[roll] += 1; hash }
# for each set of 1s, add 1000 points to the score
if rolls[1]/3 > 0
score += ( rolls[1]/3 ) * 1000 # award 1000 points per set of 1s
rolls[1] -= ( rolls[1]/3 ) * 3 # remove each set from the roll count
# for each other set, add 100 points per set face value
(2..6).each { |roll|
if rolls[roll]/3 > 0
score += ( rolls[roll]/3 ) * ( 100 * roll) # award 100 * roll per set
rolls[roll] -= ( rolls[roll]/3 ) * 3 # remove sets from count
# TODO: FIX dry violation for above two methods
# for each (single) roll that has a pont value, award points to the score
{ 1 => 100, 5 => 50 }.each { |roll, points_per_roll|
score += points_per_roll * rolls[roll]
# yield the score
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enebo commented Apr 11, 2016

I just saw your irb/completion thing on G+ and noticed this brown bag problem. Here is my soln. I feel it has some good aspects but it is somewhat golfed (although I could have killed it if I used enumerator and mixed scrore in):

class Greed
  SET_POINTS = [1000, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600]
  SINGLE_POINTS = [100, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0] 

  def self.score(rolls)
    counts = rolls.each_with_object({0}) {|die, sum| sum[die-1] += 1 }
    sets_and_singles = { |die| die.divmod 3 }
    score = 0
    sets_and_singles.each_with_index do |(sets, singles), i|
      score += sets * SET_POINTS[i] + singles * SINGLE_POINTS[i]

p Greed.score([1,1,1,5,1])
p Greed.score([3,4,5,3,3])

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enebo commented Apr 11, 2016

@Dispader Holy crap am I getting old:

I really did not remember this and this solution is not like the one I just wrote...How many times have I written greed in my life? I have no idea :)

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@enebo Har— and I like all your approaches better than my first whack at it. I'm going through this weird re-transition, going back to getting my (client/caller) code functional.

Have you had a look at yet? Pretty cool for the morning pushups.

(Hrm— and GitHub doesn't seem to notify me when I'm mentioned in Gists. Just happened to see your comment, there.)

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enebo commented Aug 3, 2016

@Dispader ... nor me :) I have not checked exercism but I have a tab open and will check it out.

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