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Last active April 13, 2016 04:10
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Running notes on configuring OSX.

How to OSX

"Buy this vaccuum." —The Kids in the Hall

System Preferences: input

  1. open Keyboard preferences: command-space, keyb, enter
  2. Keyboard tab 1. slide Key Repeat to Fast 1. slide Delay Until Repeat to Short 1. select Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys
  3. Text tab
    1. deselect Correct spelling automatically 1. deselect Use smart quotes and dashes
  4. open Trackpad preferences: command-space, tr, enter
  5. Point & Click tab 1. deselect Look up & data detectors 1. select Silent clicking 1. drag Tracking speed to Fast 1. deselect Force Click and haptic feedback
  6. More Gestures tab 1. select App Exposé
  7. open Dock preferences: command-space, do, enter
  8. Position on screen: Left
  9. select Automatically hide and show the dock


  1. open Terminal: command-space, te, enter
  2. open preferences: command-,
  3. Text tab 1. Profiles -> select Pro -> click Default (below profile list) 1. click the black square to the left of Color & Effects, change Opacity to 94% 1. click the Font Change... button -> select size 18
  4. Window tab 1. Window Size, set Columns: to 114, Rows: to 27
  5. Shell tab 1. When the shell exits: :: Close the window
  6. (leave terminal open for following)


  1. /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

GNU/core tools

Many thanks to Hong Xu's excellent Install and Use GNU Command Line Tools on Mac OS X post for using tap homebrew/dupes and overloading PATH in order to overload outdated OSX-shipped packages.

  1. brew update && brew upgrade && brew install coreutils wget ssh-copy-id bash-completion
  2. brew tap homebrew/dupes && brew update && brew upgrade && brew install screen


  1. wget
  2. wget
  4. wget
  5. wget

TODO: UPDATE with this screen window titling hack


  1. brew update && brew upgrade && brew cask install karabiner
  2. open Karabiner: command-space, k, enter 1. Fn to Control_L 1. Control_L to Fn 1. Option_R to Control_L


  1. brew update && brew upgrade && brew cask install google-chrome

development tools

  1. java
  2. brew install jenv
  3. brew cask install java
  4. groovy/gradle (and scala, closure, JVM-based frameworks)
  5. curl -s | bash
  6. sdk install groovy
  7. sdk install gradle
  8. ruby
  9. brew install rbenv
  10. rbenv install 2.3.0
  11. rbenv install jruby-
  12. R
  13. brew tap homebrew/science
  14. brew install R
  15. brew cask install rstudio
  16. go
  17. brew install go --cross-compile-common
  18. mkdir ~/.go
  19. brew install hg bzr
  20. go get
  21. general
  22. brew install ack tree htop cloc tig
  23. brew cask install atom hipchat eclipse-jee keepassx gitx gitk tcl


  1. installation
  2. brew cask install eclipse-jee
  3. Buildship (Gradle)
  4. start Eclipse 1. open Marketplace: Help, Eclipse Marketplace 1. search for "Buildship", Install
  5. user interface
  6. Dark Theme 1. open preferences: command-,
    1. General, Appearance
    2. set Theme: to Dark
    3. set Color and Font Theme: to Classic Theme (current)
    4. restart Eclipse
    5. note: UI hyperlinks are awful with Dark, there is a committed fix for the Neon release in June
  7. Eclipse Color Themes 1. open Marketplace: Help, Eclipse Marketplace 1. search for "Eclipse Color Themes", Install 1. open preferences: command-,
    1. General, Appearance, Color Theme
    2. select Sunburst, Apply, OK
    3. restart Eclipse
  8. perspective clutter 1. Window, Perspective, Customize Perspecive...
    1. Tool Bar Visibility tab
    2. deselect Java EE
    3. deselect Web Browser
    4. deselect Launch the Web Services Explorer
  9. Ruby, shell
  10. open Install: Help, Install New Software... 1. Work with: --All Available Sites-- 1. search for "Dynamic Languages Toolkit" (and wait) 1. select Ruby Development Tools and ShellEd IDE 1. Next (and continue) 1. open preferences: command-,
    1. Ruby, `Interpreters``
    2. Add
    3. Intepreter type: as Generic Ruby
    4. Browse...
    5. select .rbenv/versions/2.3.0/bin/ruby
    6. OK
    7. Add
    8. Intepreter type: as JRuby
    9. Browse...
    10. select .rbenv/versions/jruby-
    11. OK
    12. check box to the left of JRuby environment
  11. Groovy
  12. open Install: Help, Install New Software... 1. Work with: Add...
    1. Name: Groovy Eclipse
    2. Location:
    3. OK 1. select Groovy-Eclipse Feature and Groovy Compiler 2.4 Feature 2. Next

System Preferences: user interface

  1. open System Preferences, General: command-space, ge, enter
  2. select Use dark menu bar and dock
  3. Default web browser: :: Google Chrome
  4. open System Preferences, Spotlight: command-space, sp, enter
  5. Search & Results tab 1. deselect Bing Web Searches 1. deselect Fonts 1. deselect Mail & Messages 1. deselect Movies 1. deselect Music 1. deselect Allow Spotlight Suggestions in Spotlight and Look up (bottom)

compose key

Many thanks to Sam Hocevar.

  1. mkdir -p ~/Library/KeyBindings/
  2. cd ~/Library/KeyBindings/
  3. wget
  4. ${EDITOR} ./DefaultKeyBinding.dict
  5. change "^$\UF710" to "\UF710" in line 2
  6. brew update && brew upgrade && brew cask install seil
  7. System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Keyboard (tab) -> Modifier Keys... -> Caps Lock to No Action
  8. open Seil: command-space, se, enter
  9. select Change the capslock key, change the keycode to 105
  10. restart applications to reload bindings, or just reboot and restart them all


  1. open App Store: command-space, a, enter
  2. search for bettersnaptool, enter
  3. click BUY 1. do the Apple ID thing, credit card, pay the man $3
  4. click INSTALL


  1. brew cask install virtualbox virtualbox-extension-pack
  2. Windows 10 1.


  1. open App Store: command-space, a, enter
  2. search for todoist, enter
  3. (under Todoist) click INSTALL


  • Growl
  • Notification Center
  • Preferences, Extensions
  • Eclipse increase/decrese font size
  • Idea
    • apologies to Idea fans, but I just tried to configure a Ruby compiler, and it still doesn't work
      • even with an Ultimate license
    • Idea is a preference, and I appreciate the appeal, but it
      • still doesn't compile simple dynamic language (Groovy, Ruby) without a wrapping build
      • can't create new dynamic classes outside a context (edit dynamic Classes for scripts)
      • can't create classes when given test method declaration errors
      • can't import Ruby dependencies from Gem spec files
      • even for static languages, the "lightbulb" suggests things that are often wrong, or plain dangerous
    • all judgements aside, I really can't recommend that Idea be part of a "Buy-this-vaccuum" recommendation
      • if you like it, God speed, the install is per the site download, with great instructions
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